LORD OF THE PIT 's profile
- MTG DECKS (28)
Preconstructed Decks
Commander Set
vin Counterpunch
vin Devour for Power
vin Heavenly Inferno
vin Mirror Mastery
vin Political Puppets
Event Decks
Intro Decks
leg Armada
mod Bant Exalted Shards Of Alara
mod Blood and Fire
mod Boggart Feast Lorwyn
mod Dead Again Preconfigured
mod Death March Eventide
mod Entangling Webs M12
mod Evincar's Tyranny
leg Heavy Duty - Invasion
mod Life for Death New Phyrexia
mod Reign of Vampirism
mod Sidestep - Eventide
mod Soratami's Wisdom Saviors
mod Swarm And Slam DarkSteel
Phyrexia vs. The Coalition
vin Elf Deck for People with Emotional ProblemsCOPY
mod GunslingingVamps
Lord of the Pit (elon9669)
User Bio
I've been gone since 4th, but am anxious to learn the new dynamics.
I feel like a newbe again.
Send me a line if we share the same zip code.
I feel like a newbe again.
Send me a line if we share the same zip code.