releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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enraho (enraho)
United States - Texas - El Paso
12 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
16-Jan-2016 06:49
Will trade cards:
My Country
Ships sold cards to:
United States
Member of:
MTG Market
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
Hi, I usually respond within a day to a trade request. I try to check condition of my cards before hand. Please be patient.

Prefer to keep trades within formats (Standard for Standard, Modern for Modern, etc) but if it's for a card I really want/need or the trade is good I may consider something. So just send me a message, the worst I can say is no.

I usually mark my valuable (>$3) Standard cards as Mint when I pull them straight from the pack to a sleeve and stay in my trades.

Happy trading!
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