Michael Fengler (fengler21)
- Location:
Canada - Ontario
- Score:
46 (100%) -
46 0 0
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 08-Dec-2022 23:10
- Will trade cards:
- My Continent
- Ships sold cards to:
- Canada, United States
- Member of:
- Canadian Traders, MTG Market

User Bio
Trades done by TCG mid pricing
Anything on my list can be sold just ask me for a price
Always looking to trade if you have stuff I want feel free to start a trade up!
Looking for original shocklands and have new shocklands to trade towards them. Start up a trade if this interests you
I collect Treasure Cruises let me know if you have any you could throw in
Have blank foils for trade too
Just started on puca trade click this link if you are interested and we both get free points (free cards :) ) https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/35703
Anything on my list can be sold just ask me for a price
Always looking to trade if you have stuff I want feel free to start a trade up!
Looking for original shocklands and have new shocklands to trade towards them. Start up a trade if this interests you
I collect Treasure Cruises let me know if you have any you could throw in
Have blank foils for trade too
Just started on puca trade click this link if you are interested and we both get free points (free cards :) ) https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/35703