FREMP's profile
- MTG DECKS (93)
vin _UC_Angels
vin _UC_Tap em all
leg -X/-X is a pest
vin (s)crew you!
vin Affinity for artifacts
vin And ... back again
sta Arty farty
vin Australian Highlander blue green draw
leg Battle cry
leg Black and green
vin CHARGE!!
leg Convoke
leg Creatures for benefit
sta De landmacht
sta De Markt
leg Destroy all
vin Destroy tapped
sta Die and draw
vin Discard alternative
sta Dissss-enchant
vin Do not hurt me, I will...
leg Double trample rample
vin Draw one more
leg Elf - Beast
leg Enchanting White
vin Enters the battlefield
leg Equip/enchantment black
leg Everybody hates me
leg Exilelent
leg Flash
leg Gain control
sta Gain control II
vin Gaining life is dead
sta Geen rare deckje
leg Give me the damage
leg Golem
vin Ground attack
leg Heroic blue/green
leg Heroic soldiers
leg I don't think so...
mod Infect
vin Instant pain
mod Instant power up
vin It's a handfull
leg It's enchanting
leg Keep me out of it
leg Keep on flying
leg Landfall
sta Leave me alone, bring it to the battlefield
vin Level up
leg Mana screw?
vin Mean beasts
vin Mèèè
vin Miraculous
vin Modular
vin Multi millen
sta Nine lives
vin One is enough
leg Oneindige mana
vin Parallax Tide Landfall
sta Pay first, battle later
leg Persistent
vin Saprolings getting strong
vin Simple discard
leg Snipe attack
sta Steeds maar weer!!!
leg Suicide is Painless
vin Sundial
sta Surveil
sta Switch off
leg The discounter
vin The empire strikes back
sta To tap or not to tap
leg Token by surprise
mod Unblockable
leg Vampires
leg Vigilance
mod Warrior/Goblin
leg Well equiped
leg With a little help from my friends
vin Wither
sta Wizards
vin You gain some, you lose some
sta You pay too much