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Henry Hollenbeck (hhollenb)
United States - South Dakota - Rapid City
27 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
06-Oct-2024 14:14
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Long time player and collector.  I started playing during Revised and I traded on Pucatrade way back when. I just started trading recently here on Deckbox, but have been very active and I am on the site daily.

Looking to trade for some modern staples and fill out a few EDH decks.  I'm going to be playing with the cards I'm trading for & I'm pretty easy-going so condition and version is negotiable.

I'm also not a professional card grader.  I'm not going to send you damaged cards and many of them haven't been played, but if they are older or pulled from draft, even though I play everything in sleeves, they might have some slight wear.  If this is a concern, ask ahead of time and I can inspect a little more thoroughly or send pics.

I'm going to be using TCG Market for card pricing.  Let's make a deal.
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