- IAN 's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (194)
Draft 1601 OGW
- mod 2016-02-10 BR Devoid
- mod 2016-02-11 UG Ramp
- mod 2016-02-15 RW Aggro
- mod 2016-02-17 RB Devoid
- mod 2016-02-18 UR Surge
- mod 2016-02-22 UW Control
- mod 2016-02-24 Wub
- mod 2016-02-29 GW Support
- mod 2016-03-07 WG Support
- mod 2016-03-08 BU Devoid
- mod 2016-03-14 RW Aggro
- mod 2016-03-15 GRb Beatdown
- mod 2016-03-21 WBg Allies
- mod 2016-03-22 BU Devoid
- mod 2016-03-29 RUb
Draft 1604 SOI
- mod 2016-04-11 UW
- mod 2016-04-12 BR Aggro
- mod 2016-04-14 BG Delerium
- mod 2016-04-18 RG Werewolves
- mod 2016-04-21 GB Delirium
- mod 2016-04-25 URg Spells
- mod 2016-04-26 Wgu Humans
- mod 2016-05-02 UR Spells
- mod 2016-05-09 WG
- mod 2016-05-10 RG Werewolves
- mod 2016-05-12 GB Delirium
- mod 2016-05-16 GR Werewolves
- mod 2016-05-17 WG Humans
- mod 2016-05-23 BR
- mod 2016-05-24 WG Humans
- mod 2016-05-30 RG Aggro
- mod 2016-05-31 RWB
- mod 2016-06-06 UB Flyers
- mod 2016-06-07 BW Aggro 2-1
- mod 2016-06-13 UB
- mod 2016-06-14 RB Vampires
- mod 2016-06-21 UG Clues
- mod 2016-06-27 GWb
- mod 2016-06-28 RB
- mod 2016-07-04 UR Spells
- mod 2016-07-06 RUw Spells
- mod 2016-07-12 GW Aggro
Draft 1606 EMA
Draft 1607 EMN
- mod 2016-07-16 WR Aggro
- mod 2016-07-17 WGu
- mod 2016-07-17 WR Nahiri
- mod 2016-07-19 UG
- mod 2016-07-25 BR Madness
- mod 2016-07-26 Gb Emrakul
- mod 2016-08-02 GW Humans
- mod 2016-08-08 RWu
- mod 2016-08-09 GBu
- mod 2016-08-12 RB
- mod 2016-08-16 GU
- mod 2016-08-16 RG
- mod 2016-08-21 UR
- mod 2016-08-30 RG
- mod 2016-09-06 RG
- mod 2016-09-09 UR
- mod 2016-09-12 BR
- mod 2016-09-13 UG
- mod 2016-09-19 WR
- mod 2016-09-20 UG
- mod 2016-09-26 RU
Draft 1608 CN2
- leg 2016-08-29 RB
- leg 2016-09-02 UBw
Draft 1609 KLD
- mod 2016-09-24 GUr
- mod 2016-09-24 RB
- mod 2016-09-24 RG
- mod 2016-09-24 UB
- mod 2016-09-25 WG
- mod 2016-09-27 BW
- mod 2016-09-30 RG
- mod 2016-10-03 RW
- mod 2016-10-04 UB
- mod 2016-10-11 BU
- mod 2016-10-14 RG
- mod 2016-10-18 BG
- mod 2016-10-25 RG
- mod 2016-10-29 BU
- mod 2016-10-31 WB
- mod 2016-11-01 UW
- mod 2016-11-08 Wbg
- mod 2016-11-14 WB
- mod 2016-11-15 BG
- mod 2016-11-21 Bu
- mod 2016-11-22 UGR
- mod 2016-11-25 GBwu
- mod 2016-12-06 GRu
- mod 2016-12-13 WR
- mod 2016-12-17 Gbw
- mod 2017-01-06 BU
Draft 1701 AER
- mod 2017-01-15 BG
- mod 2017-01-15 BR
- mod 2017-01-17 UB
- mod 2017-01-20 GR
- mod 2017-01-22 UW 3-2 Sealed
- mod 2017-01-23 UW 1-2
- mod 2017-01-24 GU 3-0
- mod 2017-01-30 GWr 1-2
- mod 2017-01-31 GUr 2-1
- mod 2017-02-06 GR 2-1
STD 1601 OGW
- mod BR Eldrazi
- mod BW Gain Drain
- mod Eldrazi Ramp
- mod MonoW Humans (Budget)
- mod Rdrazi
- mod RDW
- mod RG Land Destruction
- mod Stoneforge Elves
- mod Udrazi
- mod UR Aggro Wide
- mod UR Devoid Aggro
- vin UR Midrange
- vin UR Prowess
- vin UR Prowess A
- vin UR Prowess B
- vin UR Prowess/Midrange
- mod UW Control
STD 1604 SOI
- mod 4C Company
- mod Bant Company
- mod Bant Humans
- mod Bant Humans Current
- mod BG Midrange
- mod BG Season Control
- mod BR Vampire Madness
- mod Brain in the Shore
- mod Brain in the Shore (Current)
- mod Brain in the Shore (v. SaffronOlive)
- mod BU Control
- mod GB Ramp
- mod GB Sacrifice
- mod Goggles Ramp
- mod GR Ramp
- mod GR Ramp 2016-06
- mod GR Ramp Current
- mod GU Ramp
- mod GW Ramp
- mod GW Tokens
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod Jund Midrange
- mod Jund Midrange (Lukas Blohon)
- mod MonoW Humans
- mod MonoW Humans (Budget Core)
- mod Naya Midrange
- mod Naya Midrange In Progress
- mod RG Land Destruction
- mod RG Werewolves
- mod RG Werewolves (Budget)
- mod UR Burning Tides
- mod UR Control
- mod UR Dragons
- mod UR Flyers
- mod UR Midrange
- mod UR Thing
- mod UW Mill
- mod WG Humans
- mod WR Equipment
- mod Wr Humans
- mod WU Blink
- mod WU Flash
- mod WU Flyers Current
- mod WU Humans
- mod WU Midrange
- mod WU Spirits (LSV)
STD 1607 EMN
- mod GB Rite Emerge
- mod GW Humans and Angels
- mod R Aggro
- mod RG Land Destruction EMN
- mod RGb Landfall Reclamation
- mod Temurge (EFro)
- mod Temurge (Michael Majors)
- mod UR Thermo-Thing
STD 1609 KLD
- mod enRG Midrange Current
- mod Jeskai Flash
- mod UW Flash Hulk
- mod UW Flash KLD Game Day
STD 1701 AER
- mod 4c Copy Cat
- mod AER Jeskai Panharmonicon
- mod AER Spirit Saheeli
- mod 2016-01-09 WG
- mod 2016-11-07 BGu
- mod 2017-02-07 UB 1-2
- mod Bant Tempo
- mod BW Gain Drain
- mod EMN Jeskai Control
- mod EMN UG Crush
- mod Grixis Emerge
- mod Izzet Modules
- mod Temurge
- mod WR Aggro
Ian (iaya)
User Bio
Just having fun drafting and keeping up with Standard at my LGS.
Default shipping is penny sleeved in top loader in plain white envelope. Will discuss bubble mailers and tracking for more valuable trades.
Default shipping is penny sleeved in top loader in plain white envelope. Will discuss bubble mailers and tracking for more valuable trades.
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