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United States - Illinois
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Last seen online:
13-Nov-2024 01:28
Will trade cards:
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Make an offer, I'm friendly! Please, if you're thinking about it, just go for it! I would love to look through your tradelist to make a trade bigger!

I try to keep my number of active trades at one time as low as possible. Right now it's zero! Let's make it 1!

I'll do my best to communicate this, but you can just look at my trades page to see how many I have up at a given time. If it's more than three, feel free to shoot me a message, but I'll want to finish the current trades first.

Unfortunately I started adding things with "quick add". So if the card is pre-2010 let's be sure to verify that I have the correct set and condition that you want before trading!  I really don't mind sending pictures!

Let's keep trades at least >$5, and greater than like $12 to Canada.

What about big trades? Well, so long as we ship with tracking and insurance, all good to me!

I'm also open to your suggestions! Foils aren't something I value at all, but full art/showcase cards are something I love.

I almost always try to add a little extra something interesting whenever I send cards, especially older cards. Nothing valuable, but something *interesting*. If you get some extra old cards from me, they are meant for you!
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