releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Jefferson Zwers (jeffersonz)
United States - Florida
91 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
08-Feb-2025 05:35
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Top cards wanted: Swamp fetches and Thoughseizes

I started playing MTG again (have been playing on/off since Mirridon). Over the past year, I've spent a few thousands dollars on singles and now would like to try fair trading as a better cost alternative.

My favorite block is OG Kamigawa, then probably Lorwyn though, funny enough, I actually originally stopped playing when the set first came out as I didn't like the changes on the combat stack rule (now I'm definitely over it)

I love retro-art cards and exclusively play modern and EDH in a local group.

If you are interested in something, send me a request even if there isn't anything on my wishlist that you have. I love going through inventories and always find stuff I am interested in.
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