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United States - Arizona - Chandler
25 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
10-Apr-2016 20:53
Will trade cards:
User Bio
How's it going guys! Few things about myself: I am a college student full-time so I apologize if it takes a day or two to get back to you. That being said I will always respond when I see the trade. I offer a lot of people trades. Often times I offer the same card to many people in order to find the perfect trade. If two people are interested in the same card I will always take the person who replied and accepted the trade first and cancel the other. I am mainly a Standard player. I would love to get into Modern but it probably won't happen at least until MM2 so I am not really interested in non-standard cards right now.

Feel free to propose any trade we both would benefit from and communicate with me. I'm always checking for trade offers so I will usually respond with a counter or a message back!

I also do a lot of trading at my lgs randomly so if I no longer have certain cards or require certain cards I will try to remember to remove them from my tradelist and wishlist but just keep that in mind. I am usually pretty good about updating it.

Generally if the cards are high-value ($20+) I will use a bubble-mailer and tracking. I do not require my partners to use tracking, however it does protect them in the case of lost cards so I do recommend it highly.

I prefer to aggregate the TCG-Mid prices for most cards, as some are incredibly different on Deckbox and I like to stay consistent with the tcg prices.

One last thing is while most the cards on my tradelist are always for trade, I prefer to only trade the fetches for either other fetches or for cards that see eternal play and will retain their value.
Happy Trading!! :)
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