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Kyle Zachritz (kylebzach)
United States - Illinois
208 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
25-Nov-2024 19:36
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--Active Trader--

Hello! Please message me for any and all trades! It doesn't mean I'll always accept, but I'm usually down for trying to make things happen!

No trades below $10. Not worth the shipping or my time.

Big fan of communication. It literally takes two seconds to tell someone if you're interested or not in a trade. Even if you only reply that you need time to consider it, that is 1000% better than silence. If you're not interested in trading, please let me know. Don't be an asshole and not say anything.

Deckbox shows EVERYONE the last time you logged on. If it's been several days with zero communication from you and you've been online multiple times, I'm cancelling the trade. Feel free to try again when you're a more reliable/considerate person.

I have zero interest in non-English cards.

I try to do all trades (online or in-person) as close to equal value for both parties as possible. I have no problem if a deal is tilted in your favor; I will NOT skew transactions 30% in your favor just because I have a lower rating than you.

If you're trading with ME and you keep changing what you want from ME because of OTHER trades with OTHER people, I'm going to cancel the trade. It's completely unprofessional and I wouldn't do the same to you.

If a card is listed on my trade list, there is an expectation that the card is available for trade; I expect the same from you. If you have cards on your trade list that are unavailable to trade (lost, part of a deck, etc.) then do not trade with me.

I ship everything, and I mean EVERYTHING with tracking. USPS is awful, and unfortunately I have been burned by them in the past too many times.
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