- KYLE ROGERS's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (41)
- leg -1/-1 Counter EDH
- leg +1/+1 Counter EDH
- leg Artifact Counter EDH
- leg Bird EDH
- vin Black Mana Ramp EDH
- leg Creature Gain Life EDH
- leg Dragon EDH
- vin Enchantment EDH
- vin Gain Life/Loss Life EDH
- vin Green Hammers 2
- leg Mill EDH
- leg Minion EDH
- leg Odric EDH
- leg Red Dragon EDH
- leg Saproling EDH
- leg Tron EDH
- leg Wall EDH
- leg You Cant Tap This EDH
- vin You Draw EDH
- leg Zombie Token EDH
- sta Artifact discard
- leg Populate Poper EDH
- leg Red White Poper EDH
- leg Kicker Standers
- sta Merfolk Standerd
- sta +1 life
- sta Dwarf EDH
- sta Gate EDH
- com Goblin EDH
- com Golem EDH
- leg Green Hammers
- sta Kalamax EDH
- sta Land Discard EDH
- sta Landfall EDH
- leg Legendary Green White EDH
- sta Meloku EDH
- sta New Gate
- vin Rising Water
- sta Spider EDH
- sta Zaffai EDH
Kyle Rogers (kylepoop)
User Bio
Things have been busy as of late and not interested in setting up any trades. Thanks
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