releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Malachoza Gaming Supplies (malachoza)
Premium User
Canada - British Columbia - Victoria
75 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
03-Mar-2025 22:09
Will trade cards:
My Continent
Ships sold cards to:
Canada, United States
Member of:
MTG Market, Canadian Traders, Foil Traders, Legacy Traders, Set Collectors Set Completion Set Trading
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
ATTN: I am currently beginning to offload a large amount of my higher priced cards.  I will not be accepting trades for anything over $10.  Anything over $10 must be purchased with hard cash.  I am trying to build up a large cash account to allow me to better serve the community by purchasing collections... and finding good homes for cards via trading or purchase, but until I can get this account to a good amount this policy will have to remain in effect.

My guidelines for trading:

I will typically only be interested in cards on my trade list that are near mint or better in condition.  Having said that, my trade list is NOT complete (right now, it's only up to Lorwyn) so when trading please let me choose my side of the transaction.

Also, please allow me to pull your side of the cards to confirm condition first before committing to the trade.  While I do try to only put cards on my trade list that are NM, I want to double check first as I only do a cursory grading when inputting cards and I want to make sure you get what you desire.

I will obviously pay for my own shipping, but trades under $50 will typically be mailed without insurance or tracking unless it's free.

I am abslutely willing to trade commons for rares either way, and I am also willing to entertain bulk trades (100+ cards each way, my biggest trade so far is 418 cards for $93.55).

I am also willing to entertain smaller trades, even for single cards. I will ship and package very well (email BlueBlazes to see what he thought).

My guidelines for purchases:

All my tradelist cards are for sale as well, but I would ask that you purchase at least $5 worth of cards, to make your shipping costs worthwhile. I have set my shipping costs to what I believe is fair, but if you significantly overpay for shipping, I will refund that amount.

Please do not pay for your order until I have pulled your side of the cards to confirm condition.  I also reserve the right to cancel any order which I consider to be a snipe of cards that have gone considerably up in value.  This is another reason I prefer that you not pay until I have pulled all the cards.

I am a new trader/seller to DeckBox (my feedback is still under 100) so I would very much appreciate positive feedback where appropriate.  Also, any feedback is appreciated.  I am here to make your experience a pleasant one, and if you are unsatisfied, I want to correct that.

What I am not collecting:
I am generally not interested in foils.  Any I have are typically available for trade or sale.
I am also not interesed in non-english cards.
I am also generally not interested in any premium cards.
I am also not intestered in cards from sealed decks, or reprint sets.

What I am collecting:
A full playset of every card from every core and expansion set, including tokens.
A full set of spindown dice (I've not inventoried what I have as yet, that list is coming soon).
A full set of player guides from the fat packs (I'm currently looking for a Mirrodin Players Guide in NM/LP condition).
Cards to complete the series of Standard/Type 2 decks that are currently in my profile (long term project).

My first purchase was an Ice Age Starter Deck in university, but since none of my friends wanted to play, MTG died for that purchase for me until... I met my future wife in 2003 and she was a huge magic player but had a limited collection.  She was also very outgoing which was a perfect match for me, and we started playing fiercly... Darksteel was the set of the day, I fondly remember getting stomped by Affinity decks using Skullclamp and not understanding what was even going on.

New sets would inevitably involve purchase of 2-4 boxes, plus 2 fat packs, and then lots of drafts, constructed FNMs, and of course mandatory attendance at the pre-release.  Our collection grew, and she was a huge fan of foils.  We would even buy collections, and I helped organize it, but typically only the standard cards were truly organized.

I now regularly buy collections, flip cards, and play when I can, mostly commander using other people's decks as I have yet to start my commander collection.

Current High Priority Set: Mirrodin
(If you trade me Mirrodin cards from my want list, I will be VERY happy to make push the value in your favour)

PS: Please do not start trades with me with the intent of my buying your cards.  If I am looking for cards or collections to buy, I will find you, and currently I am more focused on inventorying what I already have.

If I'm on vacation I am likely buylisting cards and thus my inventory is in flux
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