JUNSIK 's profile
- MTG DECKS (57)
02 Draft decks
sta 2018/02/15 2-1 (3rd/4th)
sta 2018/06/15 3-0 (1st)
sta 2018/06/29 2-1 (2nd)
sta 2018/07/15 3-0 (tied for 1st)
sta 2018/07/20 2-1 (3/4th)
sta 2018/07/27 3-0 (tied for 1st, lucky matchups)
sta 2018/08/10 3-1 (Las Vegas Little shop of magic! 3-0, then lost last round)
sta 2018/08/17 1-2 (bad draws, questionable keeps)
sta 2018/08/31 3-0 (tied for 1st)
sta 2018/09/14 2-1 (4th)
sta 2018/09/21 3-0 (bye 1st round then luck. Ben had great UW deck)
sta 2018/09/29 GRN prerelease 3-0-1 (opp. had to leave after 1-1 last round, had busted dimir deck)
sta 2018/09/30 GRN prerelease 4-0
sta 2018/10/05 2-1 (2nd place) (generic boros deck, forgot to add)
sta 2018/10/07 3-0
sta 2018/10/19 0-2 drop (drafted horribly)
sta 2018/11/02 1-1-1 (selesnya open, but didn't draft or play well)
sta 2018/11/09 2-1 (3rd/4th)
sta 2018/11/23 3-0 (pure luck)
sta 2018/12/28 2-0-1 (split finals, but actually went 2-1)
sta 2019/01/04 2-0-1 (bye, played against Nick the kid, then split finals but lost. so pure luck. generic boros deck)
sta 2019/01/06 2-1 (2nd)
sta 2019/01/11 2-1 (2nd)
sta 2019/01/19 RNA prerelease (2-2)
sta 2019/01/19 RNA prerelease (3-1)
sta 2019/01/25 2-1 (3rd~5th?)
sta 2019/02/01 2-0-1 (Split in finals)
sta 2019/02/08 2-1 (3rd/4th)
sta 2019/02/24 2-1 (3rd/4th)
sta 2019/03/17 2-1 (2nd place, pure luck)
sta 2019/03/22 2-1 (3rd/4th)
sta 2019/03/29 2-1 (2nd place)
sta 2019/03/31 3-0
sta 2019/04/05 2-1 (3rd/4th)
sta 2019/04/14 2-0-1 (split in finals)
sta 2019/04/19 1-2
sta 2019/04/27 WAR prerelease 3-1
sta 2019/05/05 2-1 (2/3/4th)
sta 2019/05/12 3-0 (1st)
sta 2020/01/18 THB Prerelease 4-0
sta 2022/09/03 DMU prerelease 1-2 deck #1 (at Montasy NYC!)
sta 2022/09/03 DMU prerelease 1-2 deck #2 (at Montasy NYC!)
sta 2022/09/04 DMU prerelease 2-0-1 (at Montasy NYC!)
leg Battlebox | Mine
mod Battlebox | Mine Korean
leg Copy of EDH | Edric
leg EDH | Edric
vin EDH | Glissa
vin EDH | Iroas
vin EDH | Kiki Jiki
sta EDH | Mina and Denn
vin EDH | Silumgar DD
sta EDH athreos draft
leg EDH obzedat draft
leg EDH samut draft
sta EDH vaevictis draft
sta Guys