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WH:I w wersji PL / podstawka i dodatki/.
Brakuje kart: Bathe in Blood, Take Captive!, Battle Standard, Twin-Tailed Comet, Followers of Skarsnik, Durgnar the Bold, Dwarf Masons, Organ Gun, Burying the Grudge, Grudge Thrower Assault, Wake the Mountain, Master Rune of Valaya, Horrific Mutation, Maledictor of Tzeentch, Blood Frenzy, Tzeentch's Firestorm
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Brakuje kart: Bathe in Blood, Take Captive!, Battle Standard, Twin-Tailed Comet, Followers of Skarsnik, Durgnar the Bold, Dwarf Masons, Organ Gun, Burying the Grudge, Grudge Thrower Assault, Wake the Mountain, Master Rune of Valaya, Horrific Mutation, Maledictor of Tzeentch, Blood Frenzy, Tzeentch's Firestorm
Sprzedam całość w koszulkach za 200zł lub poszczególne rasy po 40zł.
+ przesyłka
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