- Location:
- Score:
9 (100%) -
9 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 26-Oct-2021 13:55
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- European Traders, Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I'm in the process of uploading my whole collection to Deckbox. Since this is mostly just so I don't have to keep running back to my storage boxes to see if I have a Dakmor Lancer while brewing up a janky EDH deck, the edition is sometimes blank and the quantity is best understood as "at least one" (though the language is accurate). Still, if you're looking for a specific, seemingly random common from an older set, feel free to peek through my inventory and I'll let you know the details and whether or not it's for trade.
Hier wirds auch Deutsch gesprochen, aber meine Grammatik ist richtig schlecht :D
Hier wirds auch Deutsch gesprochen, aber meine Grammatik ist richtig schlecht :D