Tony (moosemoose)
- Location:
United States - Oklahoma - Weatherford
- Score:
14 (100%) -
14 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 01-May-2019 22:19
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Something Awful Traders
User Bio
Check trade values at tcgplayer. Sometimes deckbox is weird.
I don't care about condition unless it's ripped in half.
I will not trade to give 20% margins. We will make it as even as possible. I don't mind being down 5% or 10% if it's something I really need, but I'm here to trade cards I need for other ppl's needs, not feed mtg financers.
I don't care about condition unless it's ripped in half.
I will not trade to give 20% margins. We will make it as even as possible. I don't mind being down 5% or 10% if it's something I really need, but I'm here to trade cards I need for other ppl's needs, not feed mtg financers.