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United States - New York
96 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
23-Oct-2024 21:04
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United States
Member of:
MTG Market
User Bio
I'm just getting back into MTG and I'm mostly interested in Pioneer. I'm looking to turn some of my old, pre-Modern cards into cards I need for my Pioneer decks. I'm also happy to sell them for cash, since I can turn around and spend that on cards. Feel free to reach out if you're interested in anything, I'm happy to provide pictures (when my schedule allows).

I'll send low value trades in PWEs and higher value trades in bubble mailers (probably recycled Amazon ones).

I also sell/trade on Cardsphere, here's my page there:

PLEASE NOTE: My wishlist is currently somewhat outdated. Feel free to propose a trade anyway if you don't mind the risk that I may tell you "sorry, I don't need that anymore." I'll update it when my schedule allows.

Thanks for reading!
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