releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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United States - New Hampshire - Concord
120 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
24-Dec-2016 20:22
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
***Please read to save us both time and effort***

I am also active on Pucatrade if that makes things easier for you:
I am happy to buy cards for PucaPoints :)

The only trading goals I am actively pursuing at this time are:

1)  To foil out a couple EDH decks (Daretti, Scrap Savant, Aurelia, the Warleader, Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind)
2) To collect some lands for my long-term collection

If you propose trades that don't include any of these cards, I will probably reject them unless they involve me trading up into lands or other staples. In case of multiple concurrent offers for the same card, I will give priority to traders who are offering my highly-wanted cards. Please take note that my Tradelist is actually my on-deck binder for building EDH decks. I am not necessarily in a hurry to trade everything away because I may use it some day in a deck. At the same time, I am not a hoarder; if you offer me something from my wishlist (especially 99/88 cards), I am very likely to accept if the offer is reasonable.

Magic: The Gathering is not a long-term investment for me- I am trying to get cards to play with. When I know I am going to be playing a deck for a while, I like to foil it out. When I'm just building, I prioritize non-foil printings. Unless otherwise noted, I am not trying to trade "for value" or to trade down valuable foils and eternal staples. I prefer to trade with other players because it generally leads to smoother transactions between motivated parties. If you are trying to build a deck, let me know; I enjoy helping people complete their decks.

My current wants, in order of descending importance:

1) Cards I need to complete new EDH decks (marked 99 wanted)
2) Foils for completed EDH Decks (marked 88 wanted)
3) Original RAV Shocks, ABUR Duals (marked 77 wanted)
4) Basic lands for my EDH reserve (marked 66 wanted)
5) RTR shocks, KTK/ONS fetches (Not on my wishlist, can be used to balance out trades)

Largest trade to date $230.00+

I use TCG Mid value generally, as this is what the majority of traders on Deckbox use. If a card has a very wide range (true for many foils), I may also look at the actual sale prices on TCG or use Pucatrade to determine a fair valuation based on condition. If you have another preferred method please let me know and we can come to some sort of agreement.

I try use the grading system here for all of my cards:

Pictures are available upon request if condition is important to you.

Under $20 will be shipped in a plain white envelope in a top-loader with a sleeve. Over $20 will be shipped with tracking if agreed by both parties beforehand. If your feedback score is less than 20 or if you have any neutral/negative feedback, I will ask you to send first.

You can ship USPS First Class Mail w/ Tracking for $2.54 at the following link:
Sign up and log in to see what cards in your wishlist this user can trade with you.