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Sean Speaker (revan0420)
United States - Washington - Auburn
39 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
02-May-2018 20:21
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firstly ill agree to tcg or the prices on deckbox I don't mind either. second I'd like a responsive trader. so if you trade with me let's keep in contact. I'm fairly easy to trade with if you see something you want within reason and you have nothing from  my wish list chances are ill trade with you.

My most recent activities have gotten me into legacy and modern but ill still play a lot of commander. if there is any problem with the trade that you either forsee or when the cards get to you please let me know im pretty good at making it up to you. i always bubbler all mail never using a pwe.

I have a ton of cards i didnt put up on here don't be afraid to ask me if you need something i might just have it laying around.
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