Ryan Hall (ryanghall)
- Location:
- Canada - Ontario - Hamilton
- Score:
136 (100%)
134 1 0 2 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 22-Dec-2024 04:48
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- Canada, United States
- Member of:
- Canadian Traders, Toronto Traders, Legacy Traders, Foil Traders, Reddit MTG Trades, MTG Market
User Bio
High School Teacher/Poker player/Sports Bettor
Hey guys, I have 240 references on magictraders and 65 on Ebay, both under the same name (ryanghall), so I'm an experienced online trader.
Hey guys, I have 240 references on magictraders and 65 on Ebay, both under the same name (ryanghall), so I'm an experienced online trader.
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