User Bio
I'm NOT normally picky about language, edition, or played/damaged cards (as long as it is playable in a sleeve I'll accept it, though possibly at reduced rates) expect my older common/uncommon non-foils to be at least "slightly played" (I don't keep my whole collection in sleeves) but all rares are accurately graded. (I am REALLY harsh on grading outgoing cards, so ask for pics on anything you are interested in, it may just have some very slight whitening on one corner)
Been playing since 3rd, but most of my stuff was stolen last year so I'm trying to rebuild some of my collection.
I still have a bunch of the old stuff, mostly blue (I don't know why but that's the only color that wasn't touched) so if you want anything older (pre New Phyrexia) just let me know or link me a decklist.
Been playing since 3rd, but most of my stuff was stolen last year so I'm trying to rebuild some of my collection.
I still have a bunch of the old stuff, mostly blue (I don't know why but that's the only color that wasn't touched) so if you want anything older (pre New Phyrexia) just let me know or link me a decklist.
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