- MTG DECKS (96)
com Aminatou blink
com Arahbo equipment
com Arcades wall tribal
com Balan equipment edh
com Edgar Lifegain
com Elesh norn Stax
com Hapatra EDH
com Hapatra new
com Korvald treasure
com Krenko goblins
com Kykar Anthems
com Lynde curses
com Magda TREASURE
com Meren/tergrid
com Obeka end turn
com Orah clerics
com Osgir Artifacts
com Piru lifegain
com Rielle draw cards
com Ruric Thar
com Samut extra combats
com Scorpion God edh
com Syr Konrad edh
com Tasigur villianous wealth
com Tergrid
com Teysa Karlov edh
com Tim Godzilla
com Torbran pingers
com Winota not budget
com Xantcha edh
com Xenagos big attacks
com Yawgmoth edh
Commander Finished
com Atraxa +1 counters
com Carth super friends
com feather upgraded
com Feather w/creatures
com Feather,the redeemed
com Gargos Hydra edh
com Giada Angels
com Heliod, sun crowned
com Hofri steal creatures
com Inniaz flying edh
com Kelsien pinger
com Kenrith, the Returned King budget
com Kozilek Eldrazi
com Lathril Voltron
com Meren of clan nel toth edh
com Miirym dragons
com Muldrotha villianous wealth
com Orvar ehd
com Sliver Hivelord Commander
com Svyelun merfolk
com Talrand, Sky Summoner
com Uril enchantments
com Wulfgar ATTACK
vin Yarok commander
com Yuriko ninjas
Competitive Decks
mod 0 Anti life gain
sta 0 Cavalcade Destruction Standard
leg 0 Gideon Jura 2
leg 0 Green Blue Proliferate
mod 0 Green stompy
mod 0 Indestructible
leg 0 Merfolk
mod 0 Multiplayer black
leg 0 New killer bees
mod 0 Threader
mod 0 Wither deck
Make Next
com Eriette Auras
com Kaalia the vast
com Kelsien pinger UPDATED
com Nekusar
com Prismatic Bridge Gods
com Sauron, the dark lord
com Wayta Fight
mod Deathtouch Lure BG
vin Green/Black
mod Infect
sta Infinate raptors
mod Life gain
mod Life gain 2
leg Liliana of the dark realms 1
leg Liliana of the dark realms 2
mod Orzhov Aristocrats
mod Predator Ooze +1 +1 deck
mod soldier token
mod Spider
mod Tap for damage
sta White/red krenko
pio Mono white aggro