MATTHEW 's profile
- MTG DECKS (184)
Cube Stuff
Cube Draft Decks
Cube Decks Round 1 3 Players
Cube Draft 2
Abes Cube
List of Legends Through OGW
Peasant Cube Needed Cards
Peasant Cube Potential
Decks for me
Duel Decks
Clash Packs
Ajani vs Nicol Bolas
Blessed Vs Cursed
Divine Vs Demonic
Eldrazi vs Zendikar
Elspeth vs Kiora
Elspeth vs Tezzeret
Elves vs Goblins
Garruk Vs Liliana
Heros vs Monsters
Izzet vs Golgari
Jace vs Chandra
Jace vs Vraska
Knights vs Dragons
Mind vs Might
Ob Nixilis vs Nissa
Phyrexia vs the Coalition
Sorin vs Tibalt
Speed vs Cunning
Venser vs Koth
EDH Built Decks
EDH Deck Ideas
EDH Deck Resources
EDH Old Decks
EDH Precons
2011 Counter Punch
2011 Devour for Power
2011 Heavenly Inferno
2011 Mirror Mastery
2011 Political Puppets
2013 Eternal Bargain
2013 Evasive Manuvers
2013 Mind Sieze
2013 Nature of the Beast
2013 Power Hungry
2014 Built From Scratch
2014 Forged in Stone
2014 Guided by Nature
2014 Peer Through Time
2014 Sworn to Darkness
2015 Call the Spirits
2015 Plunder the Graves
2015 Seize Control
2015 Swell the Host
2015 Wade into Battle
2016 Breed Lethality
2016 Entropic Uprising
2016 Invent Superiority
2016 Open Hostility
2016 Salwart Unity
2017 Arcane Wizardry
2017 Draconic Domination
2017 Feline Ferocity
2017 Vampiric Bloodlust
2018 Adaptive Enchantment
2018 Exquisite Inventions
2018 Natures Vengeance
2018 Subjective Reality
2019 Faceless Menace
2019 Merciless Rage
2019 Mystic Intellect
2019 Primal Genesis
2020 Arcane Maelstrom
2020 Enhanced Evolution
2020 Ruthless Regiment
2020 Symbiotic Swarm
2020 Timeless Wisdom
Zen Rising Lands Wrath
Zen Rising Sneak Attack
Event Deck
BFZ Ultimate Sacrifice
DTK Landslide Charge
Gate Crash Thrive and Thrash
Gatecrash Rally and Rout
Gods Underworld Hearld
KTK Conquering Hordes
M13 Repeat Performance
M13 Sweet Vengence
M14 Rush of the Wild
Maze Strength of Selesnya
Modern March of the Multitudes
Nyx Wrath of the Mortals
Theros Inspiring Heroics
Theme Decks
Duels of the Planeswalkers
Intro Packs
Planeswalker Decks
Ajani Valiant Protector
ANgrath Minotaur Pirate
Chandra Bold Pyromancer
Chandra Pyrogenisis
Gideon Martial Parage
Huralti DInosaur KNight
Jace INgenious Mind Mage
Liliana Death Wielder
Nicol Bolas the Deciever
Nissa Genesis Mage
Nissa Natures Artisan
Teferi, Timebender
Tezzeret Master of Metal
Vraska Scheming Gorgon
Matthew (stonewalljackman)
Premium User
- Location:
United States - Wyoming - Rock Springs
- Score:
212 (100%) -
212 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 19-Feb-2025 18:56
- Will trade cards:
- My Country

User Bio
Hey thanks for looking. Currently I am working on the gargantuan task of completing playsets of modern legal cards. I started collecting around first Zendikar, and I underestimated how many cards I don't have.
I am willing to trade down, I would prefer the trade to be slightly in my favor if I am trading a top tier modern Mythic for a bunch of $0.50 rares. Very willing to trade commons and uncommons by the set.
No trade to big or small. If you have questions feel free to send it over and we can discuss.
Generally I work really hard to get things out right away, but Friday is my usual ship date. If I have 4 or 5 trades going your stuff will go out most likely on Friday.
As far as condition is concerned, I am a player not collector. (my wife would disagree) sleeve playable is whats important to me, LP/SP/NM whatever is all the same, do check with HP.
I am not picky about edition, especially if they all have the same art. Foreign language cards are a no go.
I am willing to trade down, I would prefer the trade to be slightly in my favor if I am trading a top tier modern Mythic for a bunch of $0.50 rares. Very willing to trade commons and uncommons by the set.
No trade to big or small. If you have questions feel free to send it over and we can discuss.
Generally I work really hard to get things out right away, but Friday is my usual ship date. If I have 4 or 5 trades going your stuff will go out most likely on Friday.
As far as condition is concerned, I am a player not collector. (my wife would disagree) sleeve playable is whats important to me, LP/SP/NM whatever is all the same, do check with HP.
I am not picky about edition, especially if they all have the same art. Foreign language cards are a no go.