Chris Lewis (tronspecial924)
User Bio
Casual Magic player looking to build EDH and Tiny Leaders especially, but also standard and modern. I'm especially interested in foreign cards.
I also have packs for trade or sale:
Lorwyn (Italian)
Shadowmoor (Italian)
Planar Chaos (Italian)
Oath of the Gatewatch
Battle for Zendikar
Dragons of Tarkir
Born of the Gods (foreign)
M15 (foreign)
M14 (foreign)
Dragon's Maze (foreign)
I also have packs for trade or sale:
Lorwyn (Italian)
Shadowmoor (Italian)
Planar Chaos (Italian)
Oath of the Gatewatch
Battle for Zendikar
Dragons of Tarkir
Born of the Gods (foreign)
M15 (foreign)
M14 (foreign)
Dragon's Maze (foreign)