- Location:
United States - Ohio - Akron
- Score:
3 (100%) -
3 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 22-May-2018 12:34
- Will trade cards:
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- Member of:
- MTG Market, Reddit MTG Trades, Legacy Traders, Ohio the gathering
User Bio
Howdy. I am actually pretty new to trading as I've generally never had anything worth trading! However, I've been getting into Magic a lot more than I used to. I now go to FNM when I can and I've gone to the last two prereleases and have had a lot of fun. I'm not much of a collector--I want what I need for my decks and get rid of everything else! This means I usually try to trade in cards I get from these events for singles. Other than limited / prereleases, I really don't buy boosters because I can't afford them. This leaves me with scant cards to trade with people, and even less cards anyone would actually want at my LGS. So I've finally decided to try trading online!
I don't have many cards on my trade list because I try to get rid of anything worth less then a dollar or two. But I also have a small wishlist so perhaps it works out. Everything on my wishlist is needed for a current deck I have except for the tri-lands. I'm just trying to finish my collection of those because I really like lands. It would be foolish of me to think I would get Goblin Guides or Forces of Will and that's alright. I can work on those slowly while completing the rest of the decks. I usually just use subpar replacements in the interim like Goblin Glory Chasers. I'm not afraid of a lopsided trade if it ends in me getting the cards I need. And I know my trade list is rather tiny so you may have to pick more than one thing. To me, the only value cards on my trade list hold are their value to be traded for the cards I actually want.
I'm new to deckbox but, for those who use Reddit, my account is nine years old and I frequent the MtG forums so that ought to assuage some trading concerns. I also have completed about a hundred trades on Listia, mostly Magic cards, and I'd be happy to show you proof of that as well! I guess that's about it. I neeed Legion Loyalists! I have to finish my Goblin deck! Okay, thanks for reading all this!
PS/FYI - My username comes from my Reddit account which was created when I was, ah, less mature. :)
I don't have many cards on my trade list because I try to get rid of anything worth less then a dollar or two. But I also have a small wishlist so perhaps it works out. Everything on my wishlist is needed for a current deck I have except for the tri-lands. I'm just trying to finish my collection of those because I really like lands. It would be foolish of me to think I would get Goblin Guides or Forces of Will and that's alright. I can work on those slowly while completing the rest of the decks. I usually just use subpar replacements in the interim like Goblin Glory Chasers. I'm not afraid of a lopsided trade if it ends in me getting the cards I need. And I know my trade list is rather tiny so you may have to pick more than one thing. To me, the only value cards on my trade list hold are their value to be traded for the cards I actually want.
I'm new to deckbox but, for those who use Reddit, my account is nine years old and I frequent the MtG forums so that ought to assuage some trading concerns. I also have completed about a hundred trades on Listia, mostly Magic cards, and I'd be happy to show you proof of that as well! I guess that's about it. I neeed Legion Loyalists! I have to finish my Goblin deck! Okay, thanks for reading all this!
PS/FYI - My username comes from my Reddit account which was created when I was, ah, less mature. :)