Virp13 (virp13)
- Location:
- United States
- Score:
29 (100%)
29 0 0 0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 01-Dec-2024 10:48
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- Russia
- Member of:
- MTG Market, PucaTrade Refugees, SaloonTraders
User Bio
EDH and Russian foil cards trader.
5 years of international trading.
References on FB and MTG Marketplace discord.
Foil cards available for trade and sell.
Collecting EDH and Pauper cards.
5 years of international trading.
References on FB and MTG Marketplace discord.
Foil cards available for trade and sell.
Collecting EDH and Pauper cards.
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