WARBOT98's profile
- MTG DECKS (48)
sta Barnacle Boy
vin #thebudgetdream
vin #thedream
mod Ad Nauseum
leg Alex commander G/W
vin Animonster
mod b/w tokens
mod BUG control
mod chord of calling
vin Copy of #thedream
vin Copy of Pauper cube
vin Copy of rashmi
vin Ethan's Tasigur
vin ethans asylum
sta Ethans edh
mod G ramps zend
vin gaddock deez
vin Grenzo
leg hippo 2.0
leg It black yall
vin Izzet fun yet?
vin Jeskai Ascendancy
vin karametra
leg karlov
vin Keke
vin Kevin's edh
mod life sage of hours
mod Mono red burn
vin nivmaggus
mod Orzhov BFZ
vin Pauper cube
sta R/g Shift
vin rashmi
vin rashmi no proxy
vin rashmi v3
mod sage of hours
vin Scion of the Ur-Dragon
vin selvala
mod spirts
vin The square v4
leg Thomas
vin Trostani edh
mod U/r Surge
mod uw
mod w/u monument
vin yisan
vin zegana
vin zozu