releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer
Wai Hung Wong (wizard136)
United States - New York - New York
415 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
18-Dec-2024 23:46
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Leaving the country till end of the month Will have limited wifi 06-30-24
You can use the following above website for shipping which provides tracking for first class under 4oz is same price under $3. (If you don't have printer save to a usb and print adobe at your local staples which is .10cents)

Also, have sealed products less than what you can purchase from amazon available.

Frequent trader of pucatrade and facebook.

Sell all products magic. PM for prices

Primarily a EDH player.  Please note during the following months Feb, March, April, August, September, Mid-October I have extremely long work days for tax season. Please be patient.

Any trades above $15 I will provide tracking. is a great option. $3.00 tracking for items 1-4 oz. No printer. Save the file to a usb and print at staples for .15 cents. Please do the same.  If your feedback is lower than mine. I would prefer you to send your package first.

Great in helping people finish whatever deck their working on. Lets make it happen and play magic!
Latest send:
Entire Modern deck-
Jack Lutzow (Florida) - Affinity
Carl B Gates IV(Alabama)-Bant Spirirts

If your search is of the foils. Please leave your side blank. I would like to look over your inventory.

Currently have the following seal products and sets for trade:
modern horizon 2 set booster 200 + shipping
Commander Ikoria x5 set case $195 + shipping
modern hoirzon booster box $230 + shipping

Tim Conger

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