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Adam MacVicar (wombatula)
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
13 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
26-Mar-2015 07:10
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Long time player, decided me and my friends communal collection is too gigantic so managing trades from it for stuff my playgroup wants.

Almost always interested in Charms, Signets, ravnica Karoo lands (Golgari Rot Farm, Boros Garrison, etc), and any other multicolour enablers that don't break the bank.

Trading mostly within Canada, standard common sense best practices like proper packaging etc. Not breaking out the bubble wrap unless its a big money trade. NOT INTERESTED IN NON-ENGLISH, SIGNED, ALTERED, OR DAMAGED CARDS.


I have a ridiculous amount of commons, uncommons from Kamigawa to current that I can't be bothered to list, if you are looking for playsets or tribal EDH sets for any block since Kamigawa (Especially Kamigawa, Lorwyn, RtR) feel free to ask and I will see what I got.

Trade and wish list is a work in progress, managing a 6 person trade pool is like herding cats.

Only interested in trades, not buying or selling sorry.


Currently trying to completely foil out my Sharuum deck:

Always interested in getting any foils I am missing!
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