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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name User Color Format Updated 
Estrid, PRECON victorggp Commander 0 2 0 14-Mar-2025 18:56
Interessanti dmpdtr Other 0 3 1 12-Mar-2025 21:05
_Jon_Needs CoffeeRobot Other 0 3 0 12-Mar-2025 19:28
Exalted BBP Legacy 0 2 0 11-Mar-2025 23:46
Budget Galea Aura v3 Sasha Commander 0 2 0 10-Mar-2025 23:41
Rafiq EDH Rusty   Commander 0 38 2 09-Mar-2025 23:28
Galea (Voltron) EDH Codename256 Commander 0 2 0 09-Mar-2025 05:52
Exalted Babadook  Legacy 0 3 0 08-Mar-2025 06:47
Mr. Foxglove Sleet Commander 0 6 0 08-Mar-2025 04:19
Rafiq Natsudmc Commander 0 2 0 07-Mar-2025 22:42
Progenitus piggypig Commander 0 3 0 07-Mar-2025 17:08
Snap for Idiots CoffeeRobot Commander 0 2 0 07-Mar-2025 12:56
Tuvasa the Sunlit jsweeyu  Commander 0 5 0 06-Mar-2025 16:53
trade binder dlederle Other 0 2 0 05-Mar-2025 02:32
Budget Galea Aura v2 Sasha Commander 0 2 0 04-Mar-2025 23:47
W/U/G Galea, Aura Boggles Alex i Gerard Torres  Commander 0 3 0 04-Mar-2025 22:51
tuvASSa quesofitz Vintage 0 3 0 04-Mar-2025 22:05
Galea, Kindler of Hope tyler410 Commander 0 4 0 01-Mar-2025 20:14
Galadriel eclips941  Commander 0 3 0 01-Mar-2025 03:52
Rafiq of the Many dork_warrior  Commander 0 4 0 27-Feb-2025 22:50
Galea Paulo   Commander 0 3 0 24-Feb-2025 17:32
Galea, Kindler of Hope DoubledLoki Commander 0 3 0 24-Feb-2025 06:21
3 - Rafiq FunkeOS Commander 0 3 0 24-Feb-2025 01:37
Bant Rafiq Voltron Ryan Hallows Commander 0 3 0 24-Feb-2025 00:18
GWU Rafiq Charon7 Commander 0 2 0 23-Feb-2025 00:01
Promethious Loktor Commander 0 2 0 20-Feb-2025 22:26
Updated Tuvasa the Sunlit jsweeyu  Commander 0 2 0 20-Feb-2025 20:40
Cube ftkrotec Cube 0 2 0 19-Feb-2025 14:13
EDH Estrid Enchantments Maciek Szlązak Commander 0 2 0 18-Feb-2025 22:15
Auracular Spectacular (Kestia) Steven Dahdah  Commander 0 4 0 16-Feb-2025 19:06
aragorn niteman12b Commander 0 2 1 15-Feb-2025 17:19
Rafiq EDH James   Commander 0 2 0 15-Feb-2025 02:08
5-colour EDH Nick Chow Commander 0 2 0 13-Feb-2025 11:50
Dylen's Amareth Commander Sugnim91  Commander 0 5 0 12-Feb-2025 19:49
Commander - Rafiq of the Many (Bracket 3) Blake Jenkins  Commander 0 6 0 12-Feb-2025 01:01
Rare Box E-F Eric Landes  Other 0 3 0 09-Feb-2025 23:10
Bulk Multicolor Rares sleepis4daweak  Other 0 2 0 05-Feb-2025 19:17
Junk Rare Cube jtp1285  Cube 0 5 0 04-Feb-2025 03:45
Estrid Auras Atlys  Commander 0 2 0 02-Feb-2025 03:56
Rafiq Voltron Dan Edinger  Commander 0 2 0 01-Feb-2025 23:42
Rafiq Exalted Dan Edinger  Commander 0 2 0 01-Feb-2025 23:26
Rafiq Chris Jones Commander 0 4 0 29-Jan-2025 21:24
Rafiq of the Many EDH: Budget Reborn! Hatto Commander 0 2 0 28-Jan-2025 19:20
Rafiq Sloppy_j Commander 0 2 0 26-Jan-2025 00:06
Commander Cube zurth3enchanter Cube 0 2 0 25-Jan-2025 01:17
Aura of Courage Elfje Commander 0 5 0 24-Jan-2025 10:23
C15 Estrid ENCH G W BU Paul Sharkey  Commander 0 2 0 24-Jan-2025 04:54
5 Progenitus dave_kish Commander 1 2 0 20-Jan-2025 21:07
[Adaptive Enchantments] tvirus Commander 0 2 0 20-Jan-2025 04:27
Mr. Foxglove and the Big Boys Alex A  Commander 0 5 0 17-Jan-2025 23:59
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