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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 Aegis of Honor
# 2 Ancestral Tribute
# 3 Angelic Wall
# 4 Animal Boneyard
# 5 Auramancer
# 6 Aven Archer
# 7 Aven Cloudchaser
# 8 Aven Flock
# 9 Aven Shrine
# 10 Balancing Act
# 11 Beloved Chaplain
# 12 Blessed Orator
# 13 Cantivore
# 14 Cease-Fire
# 15 Confessor
# 16 Dedicated Martyr
# 17 Delaying Shield
# 18 Devoted Caretaker
# 19 Divine Sacrament
# 20 Dogged Hunter
# 21 Earnest Fellowship
# 22 Embolden
# 23 Gallantry
# 24 Graceful Antelope
# 25 Hallowed Healer
# 26 Karmic Justice
# 27 Kirtar's Desire
# 28 Kirtar's Wrath
# 29 Lieutenant Kirtar
# 30 Life Burst
# 31 Luminous Guardian
# 32 Master Apothecary
# 33 Mystic Crusader
# 34 Mystic Penitent
# 35 Mystic Visionary
# 36 Mystic Zealot
# 37 Nomad Decoy
# 38 Patrol Hound
# 39 Pianna, Nomad Captain
# 40 Pilgrim of Justice
# 41 Pilgrim of Virtue
# 42 Ray of Distortion
# 43 Resilient Wanderer
# 44 Sacred Rites
# 45 Second Thoughts
# 46 Shelter
# 47 Soulcatcher
# 48 Sphere of Duty
# 49 Sphere of Grace
# 50 Sphere of Law
# 51 Sphere of Reason
# 52 Sphere of Truth
# 53 Spiritualize
# 54 Tattoo Ward
# 55 Testament of Faith
# 56 Tireless Tribe
# 57 Wayward Angel
# 58 Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor
# 59 Aboshan's Desire
# 60 Aether Burst
# 61 Amugaba
# 62 Aura Graft
# 63 Aven Fisher
# 64 Aven Smokeweaver
# 65 Aven Windreader
# 66 Balshan Beguiler
# 67 Balshan Griffin
# 68 Bamboozle
# 69 Battle of Wits
# 70 Careful Study
# 71 Cephalid Broker
# 72 Cephalid Looter
# 73 Cephalid Retainer
# 74 Cephalid Scout
# 75 Cephalid Shrine
# 76 Chamber of Manipulation
# 77 Cognivore
# 78 Concentrate
# 79 Cultural Exchange
# 80 Deluge
# 81 Dematerialize
# 82 Divert
# 83 Dreamwinder
# 84 Escape Artist
# 85 Extract
# 86 Fervent Denial
# 87 Immobilizing Ink
# 88 Laquatus's Creativity
# 89 Patron Wizard
# 90 Pedantic Learning
# 91 Peek
# 92 Persuasion
# 93 Phantom Whelp
# 94 Predict
# 95 Psionic Gift
# 96 Pulsating Illusion
# 97 Puppeteer
# 98 Repel
# 99 Rites of Refusal
# 100 Scrivener
# 101 Shifty Doppelganger
# 102 Standstill
# 103 Syncopate
# 104 Think Tank
# 105 Thought Devourer
# 106 Thought Eater
# 107 Thought Nibbler
# 108 Time Stretch
# 109 Touch of Invisibility
# 110 Traumatize
# 111 Treetop Sentinel
# 112 Unifying Theory
# 113 Upheaval
# 114 Words of Wisdom
# 115 Afflict
# 116 Bloodcurdler
# 117 Braids, Cabal Minion
# 118 Buried Alive
# 119 Cabal Inquisitor
# 120 Cabal Patriarch
# 121 Cabal Shrine
# 122 Caustic Tar
# 123 Childhood Horror
# 124 Coffin Purge
# 125 Crypt Creeper
# 126 Cursed Monstrosity
# 127 Decaying Soil
# 128 Decompose
# 129 Diabolic Tutor
# 130 Dirty Wererat
# 131 Dusk Imp
# 132 Entomb
# 133 Execute
# 134 Face of Fear
# 135 Famished Ghoul
# 136 Filthy Cur
# 137 Fledgling Imp
# 138 Frightcrawler
# 139 Ghastly Demise
# 140 Gravedigger
# 141 Gravestorm
# 142 Haunting Echoes
# 143 Hint of Insanity
# 144 Infected Vermin
# 145 Innocent Blood
# 146 Last Rites
# 147 Malevolent Awakening
# 148 Mind Burst
# 149 Mindslicer
# 150 Morbid Hunger
# 151 Morgue Theft
# 152 Mortivore
# 153 Nefarious Lich
# 154 Overeager Apprentice
# 155 Painbringer
# 156 Patriarch's Desire
# 157 Repentant Vampire
# 158 Rotting Giant
# 159 Sadistic Hypnotist
# 160 Screams of the Damned
# 161 Skeletal Scrying
# 162 Skull Fracture
# 163 Stalking Bloodsucker
# 164 Tainted Pact
# 165 Tombfire
# 166 Traveling Plague
# 167 Whispering Shade
# 168 Zombie Assassin
# 169 Zombie Cannibal
# 170 Zombie Infestation
# 171 Zombify
# 172 Acceptable Losses
# 173 Anarchist
# 174 Ashen Firebeast
# 175 Barbarian Lunatic
# 176 Bash to Bits
# 177 Battle Strain
# 178 Blazing Salvo
# 179 Bomb Squad
# 180 Burning Sands
# 181 Chainflinger
# 182 Chance Encounter
# 183 Demolish
# 184 Demoralize
# 185 Dwarven Grunt
# 186 Dwarven Recruiter
# 187 Dwarven Shrine
# 188 Dwarven Strike Force
# 189 Earth Rift
# 190 Ember Beast
# 191 Engulfing Flames
# 192 Epicenter
# 193 Firebolt
# 194 Flame Burst
# 195 Frenetic Ogre
# 196 Halberdier
# 197 Impulsive Maneuvers
# 198 Kamahl, Pit Fighter
# 199 Kamahl's Desire
# 200 Lava Blister
# 201 Liquid Fire
# 202 Mad Dog
# 203 Magma Vein
# 204 Magnivore
# 205 Mine Layer
# 206 Minotaur Explorer
# 207 Molten Influence
# 208 Mudhole
# 209 Need for Speed
# 210 Obstinate Familiar
# 211 Pardic Firecat
# 212 Pardic Miner
# 213 Pardic Swordsmith
# 214 Price of Glory
# 215 Reckless Charge
# 216 Recoup
# 217 Rites of Initiation
# 218 Savage Firecat
# 219 Scorching Missile
# 220 Seize the Day
# 221 Shower of Coals
# 222 Spark Mage
# 223 Steam Vines
# 224 Thermal Blast
# 225 Tremble
# 226 Volcanic Spray
# 227 Volley of Boulders
# 228 Whipkeeper
# 229 Bearscape
# 230 Beast Attack
# 231 Call of the Herd
# 232 Cartographer
# 233 Chatter of the Squirrel
# 234 Chlorophant
# 235 Crashing Centaur
# 236 Deep Reconnaissance
# 237 Diligent Farmhand
# 238 Druid Lyrist
# 239 Druid's Call
# 240 Elephant Ambush
# 241 Gorilla Titan
# 242 Ground Seal
# 243 Holistic Wisdom
# 244 Howling Gale
# 245 Ivy Elemental
# 246 Krosan Archer
# 247 Krosan Avenger
# 248 Krosan Beast
# 249 Leaf Dancer
# 250 Metamorphic Wurm
# 251 Moment's Peace
# 252 Muscle Burst
# 253 Nantuko Disciple
# 254 Nantuko Elder
# 255 Nantuko Mentor
# 256 Nantuko Shrine
# 257 New Frontiers
# 258 Nimble Mongoose
# 259 Nut Collector
# 260 Overrun
# 261 Piper's Melody
# 262 Primal Frenzy
# 263 Rabid Elephant
# 264 Refresh
# 265 Rites of Spring
# 266 Roar of the Wurm
# 267 Seton, Krosan Protector
# 268 Seton's Desire
# 269 Simplify
# 270 Skyshooter
# 271 Spellbane Centaur
# 272 Springing Tiger
# 273 Squirrel Mob
# 274 Squirrel Nest
# 275 Still Life
# 276 Stone-Tongue Basilisk
# 277 Sylvan Might
# 278 Terravore
# 279 Twigwalker
# 280 Verdant Succession
# 281 Vivify
# 282 Werebear
# 283 Wild Mongrel
# 284 Woodland Druid
# 285 Zoologist
# 286 Atogatog
# 287 Decimate
# 288 Iridescent Angel
# 289 Lithatog
# 290 Mystic Enforcer
# 291 Phantatog
# 292 Psychatog
# 293 Sarcatog
# 294 Shadowmage Infiltrator
# 295 Thaumatog
# 296 Vampiric Dragon
# 297 Catalyst Stone
# 298 Charmed Pendant
# 299 Darkwater Egg
# 300 Junk Golem
# 301 Limestone Golem
# 302 Millikin
# 303 Mirari
# 304 Mossfire Egg
# 305 Otarian Juggernaut
# 306 Patchwork Gnomes
# 307 Sandstone Deadfall
# 308 Shadowblood Egg
# 309 Skycloud Egg
# 310 Steamclaw
# 311 Sungrass Egg
# 312 Abandoned Outpost
# 313 Barbarian Ring
# 314 Bog Wreckage
# 315 Cabal Pit
# 316 Centaur Garden
# 317 Cephalid Coliseum
# 318 Crystal Quarry
# 319 Darkwater Catacombs
# 320 Deserted Temple
# 321 Mossfire Valley
# 322 Nomad Stadium
# 323 Petrified Field
# 324 Ravaged Highlands
# 325 Seafloor Debris
# 326 Shadowblood Ridge
# 327 Skycloud Expanse
# 328 Sungrass Prairie
# 329 Tarnished Citadel
# 330 Timberland Ruins
# 331 Plains
# 332 Plains
# 333 Plains
# 334 Plains
# 335 Island
# 336 Island
# 337 Island
# 338 Island
# 339 Swamp
# 340 Swamp
# 341 Swamp
# 342 Swamp
# 343 Mountain
# 344 Mountain
# 345 Mountain
# 346 Mountain
# 347 Forest
# 348 Forest
# 349 Forest
# 350 Forest