The cards I'm after look like this.

I played this game forever ago, and I wanted to see if anyone would be willing to trade some Star Wars CCG cards they aren't using anymore for some Magic cards?  Let me know, because I really want to play this game again.  I'll add value if you have preconstructed decks.  Start a chat here, or open a trade proposal if you have said cards and are willing to trade them. 

Thanks for your time!


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

morningstar1978 wrote:

just noticed dr posted right above me...he was there for that Warstorm Surge game big_smile

we won't speak of having Conspiracy out, naming Dragons, and then dropping Eldrazi...

It's still better than that damned Niv-Mizzet deck of yours.  tongue


(19 replies, posted in Announcements)

apyrexia wrote:
LootPinata wrote:

I know otherwise.

Registered mail is as you say, but if you want tracking for anything larger, you have to send it as a small parcel and ask for it. Don't skip out and try to put stamps on yourself; take the package and address to a real person in a real post office and have them weigh/measure everything and give you the rates with tracking. The cheapest I've seen is about $16 to the US.

Yeah, that's a lot for a small trade, but I am of the opinion that aggressively pursuing scammers for small trades is it's own protection. If I'm shipping you $10 worth of cards and you rip me off, I'm only out $10 but you'll be prevented from ever trading on the site again, which doesn't seem worth it. On the other hand, if I'm sending you $100 worth of cards, it's totally in my best interest to pay for tracking.

Thank you for your reply. $16 seems reasonable for trades of considerable value. I still agree with rfioren about trusting long time members with flawless reputation.

I don't know how well it works from the other direction, but I just mailed a small bubble mailer with DC to Canada for about $5 right from the post office.


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Zooligan wrote:

Where's the best place to get the penny sleeves and rigid top loaders for a good price?  eBay?  What search terms do you use?

This is a pretty good deal for 100 top loaders and penny sleeves


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

imsully2 wrote:

Well if you don't like long games you probably shouldn't play EDH, especially not in a group...

Your best bet to make games short would be to make a red deck, Goblins if you want a chance to win or anything else if you're ok with losing pretty much every time since red is quite bad in EDH.

Krenko, Mob Boss is a great general for this type of deck.  Aggro as fuck, and completely capable of winning games.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Not really.  The only time a misprint is usually worth more is if you can see the name of another card in it.  These are what brings in money. especially the miscut dragon in the bottom left.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got it done.  Thanks people!

Bumping!  FYI, I will trade at a 30% premium for legacy/eternal.

for the signature thing, do the following without the "§"'s.

[§url=the url that you're linking]What you want the link to say[§/url]

will yield something like this:

What you want the link to say


Here's the cream of my haves:
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Bonfire of the Damned
Snapcaster Mage
4x Thragtusks
Sphinx's Revelation
3x Overgrown Tomb
2x Blood Crypt
3x Woodland Cemetery

Here is the stuff I really want:
Academy Rector
Sword of Light and Shadow
Sword of Fire and Ice
Sensei's Diving Top
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
Karn Liberated
Idyllic Tutor
Imperious Perfect
**Myr Matrix** <--I really want this, as it's the last card I need for my Jor Kadeen EDH deck.

I prefer to keep my trading to North America, but I'll go across the pond for a good enough trade.  I realize I'm offering newer stuff for older stuff, and I'm completely willing to take the value of rotating standard cards into consideration when trading for the old staple stuff.  Either way, I hope we can do some trading!


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

thegreekcuddler wrote:

damn wish I never sold these at the store I had 2 of em O_O

I say the same thing every day about Spinx's Revelation.  sad


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade offer sent.

iamsolipsism wrote:

I'll trade eternal for standard if the deal is right.

Notables are Iona, Linvala(difficult to part with),  DvD Akroma, Verdant, Feast and Famine, Body and Mind, PTitan, Griselbrand, Armada Wurm, Mystic Gate, Sublime.

I'm already in a trade with you, and I just made an offer with a snapcaster.

Dakkon4444 wrote:

hey guys. Im really curious as to why Linvala is such a good card. I dont play modern, so maybe thats why i dont see it right away

She is amazing in EDH... she shuts down a lot of combos.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I can do that.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

One of my LGS's does both comics and games.  A lot of gamers tend to read comics and vice-versa.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade offer sent!

Hey, I proposed a trade based on your wishlist.  Let me know what you think!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I just sent an offer.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm within the US, and I want one of your Heavenly Inferno decks.  Unfortunately, my Resto Angel is already involved in a trade... but I'm hoping we can work something out.  I also do have more shocklands than are listed in my trade binder.  Let me know if you see anything.

EDIT:  Also, maybe you accept cash money?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Also rumors of his Modern unbanning.  I don't know the truthfulness of that, but hey, it is what it is.


(67 replies, posted in Announcements)

I just wanted to chime in.  I'm new here, and have only recently delved into the world of online trading.  This site (even before updates) is better than anything else I've found, and these updates seem really awesome. 

Big kudos for being able to distinguish between expansions, as I do like to hunt for specific versions/artwork of certain cards (also, it's a factor in value).  So big thanks to everyone who works to make this place what it is.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

So trade me them.  I know you're not using them, so let me.  I've got a bunch of standard/modern/legacy stuff.  C'mon, you know you want to.

I'm interested in a Bonfire of the Damned.  Let me know if I have anything you need.