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Pai asta-i un fel de Premium Deck, doar pentru cei mai impatimiti. Nu-i entry level product.
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Pentru împătimiţii EDH-ului, cei de la Wizards vor scoate în viitorul apropiat un fel de expansion dedicat formatului.
Acest pachet va conţine următoarele:
+ 18 premium foil cards
+ 10 oversized premium foil cards
+ 120 UltraPRO foil card sleeves
+ 20 double-sided Battle Marks (+ and –)
+ A life counter that goes up to 99
Nu-i rău deloc.
Printre cărţile foil (regular size) avem spoiluit momentan: Sylvan Library
Iar dintre cele oversized Azusa, Lost but seeking şi The Mimeoplasm
Iar zarul de EDH care va putea afişa viaţa până la 99 arată aşa:
On-sale date: Nov. 2, 2012
MSRP: $74.99 (adică la noi puteţi calcula în loc de $ în Euro)
Mda, nu cred intradevar sa fie vreo problema astea 100 de puncte. Daca joci le faci usor.
Au bagat si Achievements astia acum: detalii aici Casutele alea din bannerele cu lvl-ul vostru de magician... acolo isi vor gasi locul achievementurile.
Nu-i rau deloc
Pe langa promo-urile de GDay, locul I va primi si un playmat ca cel de mai sus. E cool zic eu
Precomenzile au fost trimise.
Asadar, nu mai acceptam cereri de precomanda pentru acest produs.
În variantă paper sau pentru MTGO aveți nevoie de acele cărți?
Personal am doar 2 Falkenrath Aristocrat din lista aceea, dar sunt sigur că putem face rost și de restul cărților (mai puțin Bonfire, din ăla există în CJ doar o bucată).
Mai mult ca sigur pentru MTGO au nevoie.
Eu personal nu am nici una din cartile dorite
Intradevar daca e sa fie asa, e crima.
Navigând pe internet am dat peste un rezumat al gildelor din Ravnica și ce s-a întâmplat cu ele, așa că there u have it.
The Guild Leaders
In Ravnica Block, each Guild had a Guild leader and a Guild Champion, each of which was its own legendary creature. At the Comic-Con panel, Wizards unveiled art for the new, and returning, Guild leaders stating that they would be receiving new Mythic rare cards. As of yet there is no word on whether the Guild Champions will be making a return. Let's take a look at what came before and what is on the horizon.
Previously The Azorius Senate, representing UW, was led by Grand Arbiter Augustin IV . The Azorius are the lawmakers in Ravnica and are obsessed with keeping the status quo. The Champion of the Guild was Isperia the Inscrutable , who in the story was a Sphinx that the Grand Arbiter consulted with.
In the Return to Ravnica, we find that there is a new leader of the guild.
Yes, that is one massive Sphinx that you probably don't want to mess with. Mark Rosewater indicated that this character is called Azorius like the Guild. This thing is going to be big!
In Ravnica Block, The Izzet League, representing UR, were a group of slightly unhinged scientists in charge of the beneficial technologies and magics of Ravnica. The leader of The Izzet League was Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind a dragon with unmatched intellect but also a great arrogance and temper. The champion of the Guild were the husband and wife pairning Tibor and Lumia .
Upon returning to Ravnica we find that Niv-Mizzet is still very much the leader of his Guild.
The Cult of Rakdos is based around their demonic leader, Rakdos the Defiler . The members of the cult are both hedonistic and sadistic, gaining pleasure out of the pain and killing of others. The Champion of Rakdos was Lyzolda, the Blood Witch who was in charge of the Cult's sacrificial ceremonies.
The Cult of Rakdos lives on in Ravnica and the demon who gives the Guild its name lives on:
The BG Guild, The Golgari Swarm, is a sect based around the life cycle, emphasizing death as a crucial part of regrowth. Back in the original Ravnica, The Golgari Swarm was led by the trio of Gorgons, the Sisters of Stone Death , Lydya, Lexya and Ludmillia. However, their rule was contested by Savra, Queen of the Golgari .
The new leader of the Golgari Swarm in the return to Ravnica is:
Jarad, a dark elf of the Golgari, skilled in the art of necromancy. He is the brother of Savra who was killed in the original Ravnica story after she successfully dethroned the Sisters of Stone Death. Jarad then took the role of Guildmaster but was killed by Lyzolda, the Blood Witch of the Rakdos Guild, however, he managed to successfully reanimate himself in a rare feat of necromancy.
The Selesnya Conclave, the GW Guild, is an order whose members are dedicated to keeping life in balance. They suppress individuality in the belief that the good of the collective also trumps the good of the individual. The Conclave was led in Ravnica by the Chorus of the Conclave and their champion was a preacher named Tolsimir Wolfblood .
There is a new Guild leader for Selesnya:
This is Trostarni (spelling?), the triad dryad (as Rosewater called her) and the new leader of Selesnya. Mark Rosewater put a rather heavy emphasis on the Guild leader being three creatures in one. I'm assuming that might be because they have a sweet concept for the card. I guess Precursor Golem was one way of having three creatures in one but I imagine they've thought up something new for this card.
The Orzhov Syndicate, the BW Guild, are a corrupt religious guild. They were led by the Ghost Council of Orzhova , which is made up of the spirits of former leaders of Orzhov. The Champion of the Guild was Teysa, Orzhov Scion .
The Ghost Council return but they have some new members:
The Ghost Council return but they have some changes in membership.
House Dimir, the UB Guild, is a shadowy guild of spies and assassins. The Guild was led by the vampire Szadek, Lord of Secrets . The Champion of Dimir was Circu, Dimir Lobotomist , a mysterious character who apparently lobotomised people who found out too much about the Guild.
Szadek is apparently no longer around in Return to Ravnica and a new Guild leader has emerged:
Lazav (spelling?) is the new leader of House Dimir with Szadek now dead. Lazav is a shapeshifter which is rather interesting.
The Gruul Clans are a fractured Guild, originally the Guild of Savage Nature they ended up sidelined by the other Guilds. As a result to Guild fractured into clans all bent on destroying civilization. The strongest of the clans, Skargg, was led by the cyclops (Borborygmos). The Champion of Gruul is considered to be Ulasht, the Hate Seed . Although Ulasht isn't affiliated with the Gruul clans it is revered as a symbol of ultimate anarchy.
In Return to Ravnica we see that Borborgmos is back:
The Boros Legion, the RW Guild, are a militaristic guild who act as law enforcers in Ravnica. The Legion was led by the angel Razia, Boros Archangel . The Champion of Boros is a police officer in the Wojek League, the police force of Ravnica, named Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran .
Razia was killed in the Ravnica by Dimir Guild leader Szadek in an assault that led to most of the angels in Ravnica being killed. However, it looks as though angel are back to lead Boros:
Aurelia is the new angel in charge of the Boros Legion.
The Simic Combine, the UG Guild, was originally in charge of the natural ecosystems of Ravnica but they failed and as a result there are no areas in Ravnica left to nature. The Simic then turned their resources to creating new creatures that could survive in unnatural world of Ravnica. The guild was headed by Momir Vig, Simic Visionary and the Champion was Experiment Kraj , the culmination of Vig's experiments.
Things have changed quite considerably since we last saw the Simic Guild:
Prime Speaker Zegana (spelling?) is the new leader of the Simic. Interestingly there weren't any Merfolk in the original Ravnica but there are now. The rise of Merfolk in Ravnica is apparently a key point in the story of the Block. The revealing of Merfolk in the UG Guild has also led to speculation that this set might include Kiora Atua, a planeswalker whose appearance so far I believe has been limited to Duels of the Planeswalkers. She has always been UG affiliated in the game and is a Merfolk planeswalker so we might well see her first card printed in Ravnica Block.
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Mie mi se pare ca se misca mai greu ca vechiul UI. Dar posibil ca asta sa fie din cauza calcului pe care sunt. Si am mai sesizat unele mici bug-uri de adaugat carti in deck, de exemplu, prin dublu click pe carte. Unele carti le adauga asa, altele nu.
In schimb mi se pare mult mai complex si plin de filtre, ceea ce e un lucru bun. Inca nu m-am obisnuit cu vizualizarea collectiei care mi se pare haotica, nefiind impartita pe seturi cum era la interfata veche.
Se va putea parca descarca si clientul de beta, dar nu sunt sigur.
Se poate acum. Aici link: /sneakpeek
Și ca să nu vă trimit din nou la FB, iată ceva info noi despre setul de după RtR și nu numai.
The set to follow Return to Ravnica will be Gatecrash, as announced at the Magic Panel at San Diego Comic Con by Mark Rosewater.
Unlike Ravnica block, Gatecrash will also be a large set — both sets will contain 5 of the original 10 guilds. Return to Ravnica will include: Azorius, Rakdos, Selesnya, Golgari, and Izzet. While Gatecrash will contain: Simic, Dimir, Boros, Orzhov, and Gruul.
Both Return to Ravnica and Gatecrash will be drafted separately as standalone sets — until the release of the third set, “Sinker” (which contains all 10 guilds), when all 3 will be drafted together akin to a standard-sized block.
Also of note: At the prerelease for both sets, each player will choose a guild. One of the six packs in the sealed pool will be a special “guild booster”, and contain a guild-specific prerelease promo card — which, for the first time, you can now play with in the prerelease itself!
Incepand de Luni, 16 Iulie pana pe 21, practic o saptamana, cei la la Wizards lanseaza un Sneak Peak la versiunea noua de MTGO, cu un UI imbunatatit, tocmai pentru feedback-uri.
Sincer abia astept!
Facebookuiti pagina GameFlux pentru niste artwork-uri fascinante din Return to Ravnica
Exact asta-i chestia cu Sealed-ul ca te impinge in anumite culori in functie de card pool. Tu Benczi ai jucat Albastru probabil pentru ca aveai carti bune pentru asa ceva, si e si normal ca fiecare sa vada ce-i bun pe culoarea care a jucat-o.
Intradevar un counter in limited poate fi o surpriza neplacuta pentru oponent, dar eu sincer rar as juca asa ceva... eventual daca as prinde bombe cum spuneai si tu de Merfolk-ul ala, care chiar ca te "obliga" sa joci cat mai multe spell-uri.
La cat de nasol parea setul asta din punct de vedere al Standard-ului, pe atat de misto este limited-ul. Daca AVR-ul avea putin removal, acum este o tona, pe aproape toate culorile (poate excluzand albastru).
Exalted este intradevar puternic, reusind sa puna presiune in early game incat sa pui oponentul in corzi si sa-l ti acolo.
Rosul are removal destul, atat mass cat si spot, cum de altfel are si albul. Enchantment-urile sunt peste tot, asa ca un Destroy enchantment este mai mult ca folositor in orice joc. Eu de exemplu n-am avut noroc de asa ceva chiar daca am jucat Alb-Verde ca si culori de baza.
Sealed-ul ca si format intradevar e putin ciudat ca te forteaza sa intri pe anumite culori in functie de pool-ul de carti deschis, iar bombele sunt bombe. La draft cu siguranta este cu totul alta mancare de peste.
Pentru mine Captain of the Watch si Elixir of Immortality au fost MVP-urile eventului. De asemenea cum spuneai si ceilalti, inelele sunt dementiale si foarte puternice. Personal, cel verde si rosu mi se pare cele mai devastatoare, chiar daca nu reusesc sa umfle creaturile.
Alte carti care m-au incatat au fost ciclul de creaturi necomune care te pun sa joci pe culorile aliate. Arctic Aven si Prized Elephant mi se par cele mai tari.
Roaring Primadox poate face niste combouri nebune cu creaturi gen comes into play, iar combinat cu Garruk's Packleader este o nebunie.
Personal, sealed pool-ul de la Pre-ul asta a fost cel mai bun deschis de cand joc acest format. Nici macar o rara crap n-am avut, lucru de-a dreptul impresionant
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Ma Alex cum mi-ai furat cuvintele din gura. Exact asta eram si eu pornit sa spun, ca e un set jalnic, cu carti jalnice si cu cateva reprinturi care-l mai fac cat de cat atractiv.
Groaznic setul... nu credeam c-am sa ajung sa zic asta despre un set de Magic Probabil ca pentru incepatori sunt bune cartile ca pana la urma ii un Core Set... dar... nu reprint la Birds of Paradise, nuNoble Hierarch... fss... Arbor elf.
Ma bucur in schimb ca s-a reprintat Shimian Specter si Silklash Spider inca alte cateva carti.
De menționat că adaptarea textului este făcută tot de Lehel
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by singerete