Database is up to date:

War of the Elements and Twilight of the Dragons are up for World of Warcraft:
The Eclipse of Hope and Fiery Dawn are up for Warhammer:Invasion: … ;f=4322.21

Let us know if there are any problems, typos or whatnot.

inzeos wrote:

Nice, hopefully the database move will fix some of the site availability issues that have been happening as of late.

Sorry to hear this. What kind of availability issues have you experienced?


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

inzeos wrote:

Actually you may screw up your own inventory if you do it that way.
The edit card details section is to specify specifics to the cards you already have in your inventory.

Nope, when you are in the wishlist and you change editions for cards, you are doing it for the wishlist only. So you are basically specifying what edition you want the card to be from.

The tradelist behaves differently, maybe that is why it may be confusing. The tradelist is meant to represent a subset of your inventory. That is why card details (edition etc) are shared between them.

But again, the wishlist is independent of your other sets, so card details specified there are just for those cards.

preypacer wrote:

1) a way to show only non-creature artifacts

This is possible with this filter:!48Q3JlYXR1cmU* . This works because the Subtype filter actually searches in the card's entire type line. smile

preypacer wrote:

2) a way to show any card with multiple colors

Do you mean you want to see all the cards that have more than one color, whatever its colors are? Or some exact colors? If the latter, then you can do that with the color filter. If the former, then sadly right now it's not possible.

A temporary solution, which probably is not what you want, and a bad solution, but i'm still going to mention smile is something like … .1&s=a. By saying the card should have some color you get rid of the colorless ones, and by sorting by color you get the multicolored ones before the monocolored ones.

Just a quick status update.

Busy busy couple of weeks at the dayjob, working weekends and stuff, but my schedule is back to normal now. Cryptozoic updated their OCR, and I also have the data for the Warhammer new cards, and will finish importing them during the next 2 days.

There will probably be a small downtime on saturday as it appears we have to move deckbox to another server. It should go smooth, but if I break things and the website is down at some point don't worry, we're coming back asap. smile

I'll try to finish up everything before saturday evening.

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Thank you for your email zack, will try to see if it's all I need there tonight. If not, I'll convert it to a xls and put it up online to be filled up.

Thanks theophanya and supitza for your emails and volunteering.

I'll post back tonight.

Hello everyone,

As discussed in the topic in announcements (, now there are 2 sets out that are not present in any Official Card Reference Document. Also it does not appear that Cryptozoic is willing to give us that document too soon.

I understand that some of you guys would like to contribute this card data so that i can add it to the deckbox database. I have created a spreadsheet template with a number of columns here: linky.

The process I think will be the following: people who yould like to contribute, please email me at, and you will receive write access on that document.

To get accurate data we will need people to:

  • Input card information

  • Verify the card information others have inputted

For the latter requirement I have added a column to the left of everything else named "V". A person that inputs data will leave this column empty, and the person who afterward reads and checks if the row is correct will mark the cell with a green background.

How does this sound? I'll gladly take any suggestions you might have.

Yep, we will import both at the same time. If Cryptozoic does not release a document with this new set, then I will create a spreadsheet and collect some emails of people who would like to help out.

Stand by for more information closer to the set realease.


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Fixed set name, Bladewind cost, Grombrindal's name. Thanks everybody for reporting.

theophanya wrote:

Please do WOW's War of the Elements!

I understand your frustration and I'm really sorry for this delay, but the official publishers of the game did not put out any card reference document. In the spirit of full disclosure, I'm trying to offer a bit of an explanation and disclaimer information in the following paragraphs.

In the very beginning I have got the data from, but that was unreliable so I turned to official channels.

It is really difficult to import data that is from a 3rd party website, that gets it from user submissions, and inputs it manually. There are errors, glitches and problems that crash a parsing script if I'm just empirically parsing html. It takes hours and hours of just messing with stuff to get everything right, each time a new expansion is put out. Then people submit bugs about this parsed data, because inevitably there are errors.

Changing a card's class after I have imported it into the database is not as easy as 3 clicks. Also manual insertion of everything is really time consuming. Information about a single card is distributed in 14 tables. Changing or manually inputting things into that schema would involve a mini administrative application written specifically for that job. Mini administrative application that I did not want to have to write.

At this point in the story came cryptozoic which gave us official card reference documents which are organized and structured to a certain degree. It's not a xls, it's a pdf, and it's not easily parseable either, as my script that gets the info out of it has 600 lines of ruby code full of if conditionals and empirical regex matchings, but hey... at least it's an oficial document that looks identical with each edition (well... almost identical).

Now after 3 editions it seems they are not even bothering to do that even, as it has been a couple of months or 3 since the new edition, and they gave us nothing.

I might have to go back to for information, as they seem to now have a csv file with that edition, but alas, for that I need to write a new script. I don't really expect anything to change in the following week, but anyway... we shall make a decision this weekend, and we'll try to have the cards up one way or another. Maybe the best way would be to create a spreadsheet online that people can contribute info into on set releases. A wiki type of spreadsheet on google docs or something along those lines....

Sorry for the long winded programmer babble, I also just vented a little bit of my own frustration with them smile


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Looks like some javascript files are not loaded for some reason... not really sure what is happening there. Clearing browser cache and refreshing does not help?


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kargha suggested you maybe disabled your javascript because the dropdown with username and password is actually present in the page, only javascript is used to display it. Really weird that it does not show for you.

I'm not really sure how to debug this problem...

One quick thing you might try would be in Chrome, to enable View -> Developer -> Javascript Console. Then with it open click on login, see if you get any error messages or warning in that console, and send them to us.

P.S. Being logged in on the forum and not on the website is possible and normal sometimes (even if it should not really happen often, and is mostly a side effect of an error -  like in your case).

Again we have updates to the database with the newest shiniest sets for MtG and WH:I:

M12 and Signs of the Stars respectively.

Happy deckbuilding!

P.S. Prices for MtG coming up the next couple of days. As always, let us know if something is not correct. (I know I promised fixes for a couple of WH:I cards, the split MtG cards, and Timeshifted ones. They're coming up shortly, we did not forget tongue).


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The new cards will be up this evening.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is an old problem, sadly that keeps coming back. Aether Spellbomb's correct name, is Æther Spellbomb. There are a number of cards with this special character. I have fixed the problem once by renaming all of the ones containing Æ to Ae, so that people easily search for them.

Of course it came back to bite us when we were not paying attention, because when we import new cards into the database from gatherer, we did again imported them with the special character in, thus yielding 2 separate pages Aether Spellbomb and Æther Spellbomb.

I will try fixing this again, and also fix the importer so that it does not happen in the future soon(ish). Sorry for the problems caused.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

inzeos wrote:

Oops my bad. Any chance of seeing a price filter?

Well there are not really many situations in which one would like to filter by price i think. In my experience sorting by price already gets you to see the cards in descending order of value.

Do you want to see a listing of cards more expensive than 10$ but sorted by another criteria?

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(0 replies, posted in Trondheim Magic)

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(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Fixed issue with Legend cards not showing properly in decks, and also Und Dokbar and DescendAnt of Indraugnir issues.

daniello_s wrote:

I did put Kairos (Legend) to my deck but it doesn't appear in any window? Where is it then (deck card count suggest it is there smile)

This should be fixed now, thanks for reporting.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This was a caching issue that should now be fixed. Thanks for reporting.

I understand why this could be a problem for some people. We will probably add an empty option to the dropdowns, but we will keep the selection as it is now, pointing at a default selected value. The point of the advanced insert was also to help people insert extended information with default values.

I can see why this would be a good idea, but the Magic definition of color as present in the comprehensive rules does not account for the phyrexian mana. Colors are clearly stated as red, blue, green, black, white and colorless. I would rather stick to this definition, one single set does not justify a new filter.

For now, selecting New Phyrexia as the edition, and your target color should reduce the options to less than one page anyway. If phyrexian mana becomes a larger theme we might address it another way in the future, just not with the color filter.