Should be fixed now, thanks for the report!


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Both Laura and I read that wrong, your are right. Re-reading it now, I think Simon expressed himself correctly, we just did not pay attention enough smile

Fixing this would take a bit of effort though sad. The thing is... this "card details" feature is complex to solve, ui-wise, and even the solution I have come up with for the tradelist is sort of a compromise (that you have to check the 'for trade' box in the details window). Extending this for decks can prove to be a bit of challenge.

But I understand the requirement, and have taken note of it. Will think.


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Well, internationalization is a quite complex and time-consuming task, which I thought I would leave for later.

There would probably need to be a coordinator for each language, paid translators, etc etc.

I know it's important for non-english speakers, and that it would be cool, but it has to wait a bit smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Smallish bug, will fix when we get home after work! I'll reply tonight again with a confirmation, so you can go ahead and delete it big_smile

Yes, the expansion problem was raised by a few people already, and I think I'll have to get down to fixing it already tongue

Initially when I coded the feature I did not think that people would want to set the expansion for cards that were only ever printed in one.... but it seems some people do.

I'll think on it.

Thanks for your kind words and feedback. Keep it coming! smile


(1 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

Thanks. Fixed now: Icy Blast Amulet


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, this is not yet possible, there are no filters for specific card properties like that.

There will be in the future, as it's definitely good to have.

Yep, enhanced export functionality has been a frequently requested feature, and we'll try to implement it soon!

You are right, this is not possible right now.

What I did in cases like this was to click on the card, and then on the card page you have the "Users having this card" section, showing people sorted by proximity to you. That mostly worked for me because I, and my friends have set their location to the same city, so I would see them as the first results (as we were all part of the same community).

But I can see your point. I will probably modify that listing on the card page so that you can tell it somehow that you want to show people from your friends list only, or something similar. How does that sound?

Will do


(16 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Wow, looking at the post dates I realize this has been postponed too much big_smile.

Now that we're back from a nice 2 week holiday in Greece, I'll start working through the todo list, I promise tongue.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Very sorry for the problems. The server where deckbox is hosted has been restarted by the hosting company and some background scripts did not start properly, hence email sending problems sad

It should be fixed now!

Not yet, but this is coming really soon!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Interesting ideas, I've noted them and will mull over them a bit.

@being able to add cards to wishlist - While looking at your decks, inventory, tradelist, or card database you should see some count columns in the listing - those represent the number of that card that you have in your inventory, tradelist and wishlist respectively. If you mouseover the column headers a tooltip will appear clarifying this.

Those columns you can edit on the fly, by just clicking on them, editing the number, and pressing enter.

The only place where you don't see these are when looking at other people's decks. In those cases, if you click on the card name, it will take you to the card page - and there you also have these counts, and you can edit the number of cards you wish.

Regarding point no. 4 - I'm not sure I get what you mean by filtering on inventory screen. There are filters for all the sets - inventory, tradelist, wishlist, and full card listing - the Search and Filter button on the top right of the set page.

You can also open this filter box quickly by pressing the key 'f' - just a quick undocumented keyboard shortcut smile

Yep, the 'latest decks modified by friends section' is scheduled to be scraped soon.

We're making a 'Recent Activity' section, like on the community page, but probably paginated, so you can see older stuff as well. That will include decks modified, comments, etc.

I'll think about how to implement this 'watch decks i commented on (or not)'  thing... it's a good thing to have.

P.S. If you comment on someone's deck and a user replies to your comment, you should get an email notification. But of course, just if he replies, not if he posts in a different comment "thread" on that deck. But I can see how this might not be sufficient for some cases.


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

WordPress plugin updated to version 2.0! Now supporting deck tags, that generate nice deck listings.

More details on the official page: … -tooltips/

The first version of the WoW plugin is here: … -tooltips/. It too will be upgraded to support deck listings soon.

Entropy wrote:

Look at the bright side, your site is becoming the official card reference in a parsable format. smile

Hehe, that is nice indeed smile

Entropy wrote:

Also, according to the rulebook, zone restrictions (i.e. "Battlefield Only") are a Keyword, so they should be included with that, but the Zone "preferences" (Kingdom.) is a "zone specific effect".

Duly noted, thanks.

You're right, this is a problem. I was negligent in importing the spoilers (the fact that FFG does not have any sort of official card reference in any kind of parse-able format does not help either smile ).

I'll separate the keywords and traits, as you propose. Zone restrictions seem a bit trickier, I'll leave them aside for now.

I'll post again here if I have questions about the cards when I start fixing this stuff (next week I think).

Thanks for the insightful explanation.


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

All righty:

Everybody click on Follow! tongue

P.S. I have contacted the owner of the deckbox account on twitter about a week ago, but he is inactive and not responding sad

Later edit: fixed link


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Yay! Thank you.

Tooltips are up for the latest set:

Also, the power on Watchstone of Athel Tamarha is fixed.

Have fun deckbuilding!

I've changed it so that now traits are sorted alphabetically in the select dropdown.

Also Cavalry is fixed (it started from a typo in a spoiler file, some cards were tagged with the trait Calvary instead of Cavalry smile )


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Finished trades were properly sorted, but not pending trades. Little slip-up.

Fixed now.


(15 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Emperors_Teeth wrote:

I know it's also not on the gatherer... but any chance of the 'DeckMasters' box set being added?

I'll try, but I'm not promising any deadlines. The problem is that I only wrote a parser for the gatherer page, and now I would have to redo it all over again for pages, just for this set.

But consider it on the todo list.


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

I'm also crossposting here my question from facebook:

I wanted to set up a twitter account also so I'd announce changes and misc information on there as well, but the deckbox account is taken by someone else (, although it seems inactive.

Any suggestions for a different account name? smile I've heard until now deckb0x, deckbox_org and deckboxx. smile


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

Continuing the social features of the site, we're happy to finally announce the much - awaited capability to comment on decks. So go ahead and venture your opinions! Users will be notified by email when a new comment is made on one of their decks, and commenters will be notified as well when other people reply to their comments.

Laura gets all the credit for this feature as well. big_smile

Many other small fixes have been deployed too. Magic the Gathering M11 cards are now marked as standard legal.

Feedback and bug reports are welcome as always.

Also, be sure to become a fan of our new Facebook page!