
(0 replies, posted in Announcements)

One thing missing from the website is a bit of social integration smile.

After the events and communities, Laura has been working on a small Facebook application, that you can see here. For now it lists the latest decks for each game. If you connect your facebook profile to Deckbox (from the Edit Profile page on deckbox), the application also list you your own decks, and event standings.

On top of all that, there's now a facebook Like button on deck pages that you can use to show your friends what's cool wink

Happy networking!

P.S. As always, feedback and feature requests are encouraged!


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Thanks for your efforts.

French cards will be confusing, because some of them will be in one language, some in another language sad

I'd really like english if possible, if anyone has access to them and a scanner.

I'd do that myself if the game was sold here, but sadly - for now - it's not.


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)


Still looking forward to the fun week though.


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Trickster wrote:

Mie sincer imi plac sezoanele de spoilereala uneori mai mult ca seturile big_smile Pana sa stii toate cartile, cumva si alea proaste arata mai bine, le apreciezi art-ul mai mult, etc. etc. Dupa ce apare setul iti dai seama ca nu poti judeca valoarea unor carti in vid, si ca dragonii 6/6 de 7 mana is irelevanti cand oponentul are un baneslayer de 2 ture pe masa...

So true... smile


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

Ce-i trollshroud?

Nu e keyword oficial, doar așa, folosit de playeri - shroud numa pt opponents smile Adica cannot be targeted by spells or abilities your opponents control.


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

Alta carte care mi se pare extrem de utila si care sigur se va bucura de atentie este Cultivate.

Cultivate 2g
Sorcery     Common
Search your library for up to two basic land cards, reveal those cards, and put one onto the battlefield tapped and the other in your hand. Then shuffle your library.
All seeds share a common bond, calling to each other across infinity.

Kodama's Reach !!! Yaay

kreten wrote:

I have all heroes from Naxx. I may scan them for you, if needed.

Off the topic: Does Wrathgate got distributed in Romania?

Nope, sadly the wow community around here perished sad

Everybody's just playing MtG now

MasterMarf wrote:

The workbench is much needed. I'd just like to sign my name in as one who wants it, too. Hopefully with enough people, the workbench will get bumped up the to-do list. wink

It did get bumped up, also by my own need for it tongue


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

I think this is once again fixed. (Not thanks to Yahoo, who have a horrible, horrible customer support team - at least the one that deals with postmaster issues for small sites like deckbox smile I'm starting to believe their whole mail operation is just bad.)

Some mails may have been lost in the interim though - like trade notifications.

Please go to your profile and click on Trades to check the status of yours, emails notifying you of newly proposed ones may have been lost.



(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

silvermarmot wrote:

What is the ETA on the Mobile Interface and will it be iPhone/iPad friendly? yikes

It's high on the TODO list smile It will definitely be iPhone / IPad friendly (and touch devices in general).

As for collection value I would be interested in seeing that as well.

This is already implemented. If you view one of your sets (Inv / Wishlist / Tradelist), just click on View, then Show Value.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Sadly, it seems the problems with Yahoo mail have NOT been resolved. Email from deckbox to yahoo addresses is again NOT delivered AT ALL for the last 3 days.

I don't know what the problem is, I have emailed their postmasters again, but it will take at the very least another 2 days for anyone to respond.

In the mean time if you have a yahoo address linked to your account please change it to gmail or some other provider if you have any.

Thanks and sorry for the ongoing problems.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Regarding the vampire lord, an astute comment on mtgsalvation pointed out that this guy is actually the new Cemetery Reaper: 3 CMC lord for the black tribe that replaces zombies.

Which btw I'm not fond of, zombies will always be cooler than vampires in my book, but the truth is the majority of people would say otherwise smile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(novel)).


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd say the Archdruid is here to stay. He's a nice lord for the elves. Goblins hopefully keep Goblin Chieftain - also very nice and iconic for the tribe.

The newly spoiled vampire lord on the other hand... not so cool. His ability is not so immediate and strongly vampiric as these other guys imho. Not sure...

Captivating Vampire 1BB (Rare)
Creature - Vampire
Other Vampires you control get +1/+1.
Tap five untaped vampires you control : You gain control of target creature. It becomes vampire in addition to other types.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

More M11 official info:

http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/a … grss#69204

One thing that bothers me is their denial vis-a-vis Fireball. The first paragraph I agree completely with: the card is just very confusing.

The rules text makes you scratch your head and wince trying to comprehend the amount of mana you need to pay. You have to break out a notebook and sketch it down before one understands what the hell is going to happen. Then you show it to your opponent, take a deep breath and go through the calculations again, explaining it to him.

That's really not fun, not efficient, not anything.

Why don't they bury it already? They admit it's a problem, but they still don't want it out for some reason.

I'm close to deducing that they actually NEED a spell with the name Fireball, and they have no better wording for its effect. So they keep it in there, cause they can't make a different spell with the same name, and the world can simply not exist without a spell named Fireball.

Is that it?


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

And last but not least:

From http://www.planetmtg.de/infos/index.html

Trample Civilization Underfoot

2 Every Last Vestige Shall Rot
1 Evil Comes to Fruition
1 I Call on the Ancient Magics
1 I Delight in Your Convulsions
1 Into the Earthen Maw
1 Introductions Are in Order
1 May Civilization Collapse
2 Nature Demands an Offering
2 Nature Shields Its Own
1 Realms Befitting My Majesty
2 Roots of All Evil
1 The Very Soil Shall Shake
1 Your Fate is Thrice Sealed
1 Your Puny Minds Cannot Fathom
2 Your Will is Not Your Own

1 Leaf Gilder
2 Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 Shinen of Life's Roar
2 Wall of Roots
1 Watchwolf
1 Selesnya Guildmage
2 Fertilid
1 Hunting Moa
2 Yavimaya Dryad
1 Forgotten Ancient
1 Thelonite Hermit
2 Wickerbough Elder
1 Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
1 Verdeloth the Ancient
1 Pale Recluse
1 Krosan Tusker
1 Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
1 Feral Hydra

1 Fog
1 Rancor
1 Spider Umbra
1 Path to Exile
1 Gleeful Sabotage
1 Plummet
1 Heroes' Reunion
2 Oblivion Ring
1 Armadillo Cloak
1 Harmonize
1 Primal Command
1 Wax // Wane

10 Forest
5 Plains
1 Graypelt Refuge
1 Khalni Garden
1 Krosan Verge
1 Llanowar Reborn
1 Mosswort Bridge
1 Nantuko Monastery
1 Secluded Steppe
1 Tranquil Thicket
1 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

big_smile cool


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bring About the Undead Apocalypse


1 Festering Goblin
1 Dregscape Zombie
1 Reassembling Skeleton
1 Rakdos Guildmage
1 Bog Witch
1 Urborg Syphon-Mage
1 Cemetery Reaper
1 Avatar of Discord
2 Infectious Horror
1 Corpse Connoisseur
1 Shriekmaw
2 Twisted Abomination
1 Extractor Demon
1 Kaervek the Merciless
1 Avatar of Woe
1 Vampiric Dragon
1 Scion of Darkness
1 Artisan of Kozilek

1 Reanimate
2 Rakdos Signet
1 Zombie Infestation
2 Sign in Blood
2 Terminate
1 Infest
1 Makeshift Mannequin
1 Zombify
1 Inferno Trap
1 Torrent of Souls
1 Beacon of Unrest
1 Incremental Blight
1 Bituminous Blast

13 Swamp
7 Mountain
2 Barren Moor
2 Rakdos Carnarium


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Scorch the world with Dragonfire


1 Skirk Marauder
1 Taurean Mauler
1 Fierce Empath
2 Dragonspeaker Shaman
1 Skirk Commando
1 Battering Craghorn
2 Dragon Whelp
2 Furnace Whelp
1 Chameleon Colossus
1 Gathan Raiders
1 Ryusei, the Falling Star
1 Flameblast Dragon
1 Hellkite Charger
1 Two-Headed Dragon
1 Imperial Hellkite
1 Kilnmouth Dragon

2 Gruul Signet
1 Breath of Darigaaz
1 Dragon Breath
2 Dragon Fodder
1 Colossal Might
2 Seething Song
1 Volcanic Fallout
2 Branching Bolt
1 Fires of Yavimaya
1 Thran Dynamo
1 Chandra’s Outrage
1 Fireball
1 Savage Twister
LANDS (24)
17 Mountain
5 Forest
2 Kazandu Refuge

The Rares are :
Taurean Mauler
Chameleon Colossus
Ryusei, the Falling Star
Flameblast Dragon
Hellkite Charger
Two-Headed Dragon
Imperial Hellkite
Kilnmouth Dragon


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Trickster wrote:

Mnush, nu m-am uitat numai peste asta cu artefacte, si asta-i de extended... anyway, considerand ca-i un format casual, probabil ai dreptate... ceea ce complica si mai mult treburile... saracul archenemy nu stiu daca are vreo sansa, scheme cards and all tongue

Păi vorba ta... considerând că e un format casual, ar fi destul de aiurea să vină lumea cu deckuri de top din legacy numa' să-l rupă pe archenemy de unul singur smile


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Văd că avem mai multe informații despre event, postate de Sergiu (http://gameflux.ro/?p=1430). Abia aștept big_smile

Mai am și o întrebare: jucătorii care nu sunt Archenemy cu ce deckuri vor juca? Standard ?:)


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

First Archenemy deck - the artifact one - was spoiled, and it looks pretty great for multiplayer, lots of EDH goodies, and 7 rares!

Now... I'm not a great fan of these colors, but I can hardly wait to see the zombie decklist smile

Originally spoiled here: http://www.mananation.com/archenemy-ass … y-machine/

1 Metallurgeon
1 Ethersworn Shieldmage
1 Juggernaut
1 Lodestone Golem
1 Synod Centurion
1 Leonin Abunas
2 Sanctum Gargoyle
1 Master Transmuter
1 Architects of Will
1 Duplicant
1 Magister Sphinx
1 Memnarch
1 Sundering Titan
1 Everflowing Chalice
2 AEther Spellbomb
1 Synod Sanctum
1 Azorius Signet
1 Dimir Signet
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Sun Droplet
1 Batwing Brume
2 Agony Warp
1 Obelisk of Esper
1 Thunderstaff
1 Fieldmist Borderpost
1 Mistvein Borderpost
1 Unmake
1 Skullcage
1 Sorcerer's Strongbox
1 March of the Machine
1 Unbender Tine
1 Spin into Myth
1 Dreamstone Hedron
7 Plains
10 Island
5 Swamp
2 Terramorphic Expanse


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TheShaman wrote:

Strongbox is awfully funny and flavorful. Can't wait to put that in my artifact EDH with Rings of Brighthearth. Can you say Krark's Thumb deck?

Wow! That would indeed be cool! smile


(230 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)

Nope, no one scanned them yet sad


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For me, a very nice part of each new edition is the spoiler season. The tension... the speculation... the opportunity to evaluate cards that no one has played before (well... no one that can discuss them with the public anyway smile).

Well... who doesn't like the spoiler season?

And Wizards deliver: M11's spoiler season starts with some cards present in Archenemy decks that were spoiled at the PT San Juan.

Take THAT Leaf Arrow smile  And the Reassembling Skeleton... I LOVE him!



(25 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Eu am:
2 Nest Invader
1 Avenger of Zendikar