(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not sure about this new Archenemy variant. It seems to me that it's all part of the big money making scheme from Wizards, the same scheme that included mythic rares, Planechase, Duel of the Planeswalkers. The concept is interesting, but that's all I can say about it. I think I will rather play EDH than this, but that's me smile

sebi wrote:

Shock în loc de Lightning Bolt ?? Why?

Pentru ca e mult mai ieftin smile


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Trickster wrote:

Litle tiny bug (I think?)... I could confirm my participation for an event by a community that I don't belong to. Is that the way it should be, or does the community administrator have the option to allow or deny people from outside the community the right to announce participation?

Why wouldn't you be allowed to participate in other communities' events? I mean if you go to Timisoara and attend the Deckmaster Convention, you being a member of the Gameflux community... that would mean you confirm your participation for an event of the Deckmaster community.

Indeed, I could add the possibility for the admin to kick out a participant. I will think about that, thanks for the feedback smile


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

missao wrote:

Ba, sunt mai multi Sculptori, 3 la Gabi si 1 la Mihai.

ah, ok then, 4 Baneslayer Angel, 4 Jace, the mind sculptor, 2 Gideon Jura. Much much better tongue. All I'm saying ca nu are nimeni toate cartile ca sa faca un UW Control, sau Planeswalkers Control, sau Bantu. Se pot face cam un singur deck din toate astea, daca punem cap la cap toate cartile pe care le avem. De'aia zic ca sper sa ne descurcam si cu alte improvizatii home made big_smile


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

Si anu tecut o venit o echipa si noi ne-am clasat chiar bine printre ei. Asa ca nu inteleg teama asta de competitie.

Avem 4 Baneslayer Angel si 3 Jace, the mind sculptor. Nu stiu daca vom putea ca si anul trecut, sa le-o facem figura cu deckuri home-made.


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

singerete wrote:

FNM foil-ul lunii Iunie se pare ca o sa fie Elvish Visionary.

Link la poza aveti aici, desi astea-s carti MTGO, dar ma gandesc ca se pastreaza artwork-ul.

Voi updata continuu primul post cu FNM-urile care vor tot aparea.

Doamne, ce urat ii Deathless Angel-ul ala.

Edit: Ah, de fapt asa e si in art worku original, ala e numa full art. Nu observasem pana acum ca seamana cu o femeie gravida. Nu imi inspira deloc un inger indestructibil

singerete wrote:

Se pare ca Planeswalkerii nu vor fi inclusi in deck-uri sad

Cat de lame


(6 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Spoook wrote:

Faptul ca nu o sa fie prin rotatie definita cartile care fac parte din formatul respectiv dezavantajeaza (zic eu) jucatorii noi

Pai tocmai, ca se vrea a fi un format mai usor si pentru jucatorii noi, mai bine spus mai ieftin. Pentru ca pana acum, daca vroiai sa intri intr-un 'eternal format' trebuia sa dai 'jde sute de dolari pe Force of Will si alte prostii. Asa probabil ca o sa trebuiasca sa da mai putini bani ca sa intri in eternal formatul asta (daca baneaza Tarmogoyf tongue).In orice format vrei sa intri ca si jucator nou trebuie sa iti iei carti. Ideea e sa joci cu mult mai multe carti decat se joaca in standard.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Too bad a Land doesn't have a mana cost. Otherwise, nice card big_smile


(0 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hi all,

After the communities and their small event management, event standings and decks were just the next step. So here they are, now, as a community administrator, you can edit the standings for each finished event in your community. Along with standings, you can also specify what deck each player played with.

Right now, these event decks don't appear in a separate 'Winning decks', they are listed in the Decks section like all the others. But don't worry, a special section for them is coming, as well, as the very much requested possibility to comment on these decks and rate them.

As an example, check out our Pre-Release event: http://deckbox.org/communities/gameflux/events/3. No, I wasn't there, in case you're wondering tongue, I was busy working on this new cool feature.


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

striker wrote:

Eu nu am inteles nimic din ultimul tau post viky, da tu un exemplu concret.

Din cate am inteles eu, eu pot sa zic asa:

Sunt o elfa verde, ma cheama Nissa Revane, Arwen, or whatever, vin din tinutul Joraga de unde am plecat catre eye of ugin ca sa il opresc pe nu stiu cine sa elibereze eldrazi. Pe drum m-am intalnit cu un vampir chipes (Sorin), cu care intr-o seara la foc, am facut un copil negru-verzui, sub numele de Pulse Tracker.

Stiu sa culeg flori, sa fac de mancare si sa chem din horn toata hoarda de elfi ai padurilor inconjuratoare. Suntem multi, verzi si fiorosi!.


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

sebi wrote:

Oare cum de Birds of Paradise rămâne la 5$, deși s-a printat în fiecare core set?

Inainte de Noble Hierarch era 9-10 si probabil ca o sa mai creasca dupa ce iese Noble Hierarch din standard.

vikirosen wrote:

De ce sunt 2 verzi si nu este niciuna alba?

Pentru ca verdele ii cea mai tare culoare tongue

vikirosen wrote:

Oare continutul va fi acelasi ca si cel din joc? Nu-mi vine sa cred ca cel verde o sa contina 2 Troll Ascetic.

Sunt doua verzi wink

singerete wrote:

Au sosit si Duel Deck-urile asteptate de unii dintre noi.

Pretul este de 85 lei cu reducere semnificativa fata de pretul pietei (107lei).

De asemenea FNM_urile Bloodbraid Elf au ajuns, asa ca maine castigatorii le vor primi.

YES! In sfarsit am si eu Bloodbraid Elf ! Mi-a mai venit unu dintr-un booster castigat la FNM big_smile.
Si Marius, sa stii ca neg ca ar semana cu mine!


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

vikirosen wrote:

Mi-au venit si mie:

Lightning Bolt (foil)
2 x Bituminous Blast
Celestial Purge
Mana Tithe

dar cred ca cel mai fain e ala oversized, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn wink

Dai Harmonize-ul?

UnderFlow wrote:

first of all let me say that you did a great job with the community feature. I'd like to make the following suggestions to further enhance it:

  • Allow more options for the format of events, especially "casual" and "other" (for non-Magic games).

  • Add the field "location to events. (our group meets at different locations)

  • Members that are not sure, if they attend an event, are counted towards confirmed participants. I find this to be confusing.

- UnderFlow

I finally added the 'other' format for events and the 'casual' event type. The thing with the number of confirmed participants was fixed a couple of days ago.


(25 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

Eventual un fel de paralela intre cele 2...

Cred ca oricum un articol Breaking the Card iese mare daca e facut bine (Victor ne-a aratat ca poate cu ultimul articol din aceasta coloana) si cred ca o paralela ar lua prea mult spatiu si timp. Mi se pare mai fain sa se axeze pe o singura carte care sa fie analizata si dusa la extrem.

UnderFlow wrote:

first of all let me say that you did a great job with the community feature.

Thanks, I appreciate it!

UnderFlow wrote:

[*]Allow more options for the format of events, especially "casual" and "other" (for non-Magic games).[/*]

There are different format options depending on the game that you select for the event. When you create the event, the game selection in the right, the options being Magic the Gathering, World of Warcraft and Warhammer Invasion. But I will add, nevertheless, the casual and other options because they make sense smile.

UnderFlow wrote:

[*]Add the field "location to events. (our group meets at different locations)[/*]

There is a location field. When you create the event, the location field is in the right, below the game selector. You can select the city, region and town of the event, as well as edit the address of the location where the event will be held.

UnderFlow wrote:

[*]Members that are not sure, if they attend an event, are counted towards confirmed participants. I find this to be confusing.[/*]

Yes, you are not the first that tells me this. I will correct it smile


(25 replies, posted in GameFlux)

sebi wrote:

Recunosc, eu am votat Beastmaster Ascension, deși nu am postat tongue

Si eu. Te mai miri? smile


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Trickster wrote:
sebi wrote:

this does not feel like green to me, plus haste on green is not nice smile

Its ok, green, red and black always had haste, and white, green and black always had graveyard recursion for creatures... just in different amounts and at different rarities.

But really... the card feels like the new bloodbraid... or a fat bloodghast. First mythic I actually want to open in a booster tongue.

... and give to Laura, of course


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Only if Dan borrows me his Baneslayer Angel tongue.

Anyways, i fixed the calendar issue too. Thanks for all the help, Trickster!


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hi all,

I'm a MtG event organizer in my home town, Cluj, and I've been looking for a software tool that would help me with my events. As opposed to the DCI Reporter, I was looking for a more complex integration between events, users and decks. This tool would have to be able to offer me event management (planning, standings, invitations, decks), the possibility to easily access other people's decks and changes and to be able to talk with them on an integrated forum.

Well, I didn't find that tool so on a beer with Sebi, we decided that I would make one here, on Deckbox big_smile.

Yes, Deckbox communities are here. They are not complete yet, they are more of a social tool for now, allowing multiple Deckbox users to share activities, browse events and see trading opportunities in their area.

Future developments include event standings, decks from events with the possibility to comment/vote on them, statistics per community. I am, of course, open to suggestions, so the TODO list can be expanded on your demand wink.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Aaaand I'm pround to present the card that I love most of this set...

So card draw is back for green! YES! Instant version of Greater Good, with no discard and life gain. Just bonkers... I love it!

Happy Easter everybody!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy big_smile:D:D


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i knew the timmy in mihai would jump of joy at the sight of this dude