(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

yeah FNM i was mad lol
Mono-Red vs Mono-Blue
he manages to get nightveil out, swings takes  a fanatic ok w/e
my turn his turn swings again gets a legion loyalist again ok w/e
after my next turn hes down to 3 im tapped out and im at 4

anywho he swings with nightveil takes a mountain, casts fanatic against me for 5... omg i wanted to cry lol killed by my own fanatic ./fail


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

JIC= Just in Case

building Mono-red burn simple straight forward madcap unleash and spells (chandra for extra measure)

but in thinking of SB i cant think of anyway to deal with a god... or do i just blitz and hope to never see it>?

have the BTE's and a grip as well maybe more...

4x Stormbreath Dragon

no chandras



(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

play against this deck alot... /sigh i hate it lol think its this list - the call of the conclave... they run voices and its a pretty big threat game1, games 2-3 still a threat but can be exiled and move on but ive been wondering about maybe banisher priest?... even just as an extra lock down poluk/mirror....etc
i like this deck if i hadnt invested time and a bunch of trades into G/R and Mono-Blue id be playing this
the advent then next turn rootborn is just great , even if u pop the voice token ur in good shape... and fleecemane is a beast, lox is good especially if someone thoughtseizes it tongue

bighappyblocker wrote:

I will pull my cards back out in the next day or two and tell you what I have <3

np whenever just start up a trade smile

High Priority:
Flesh//blood x2
Stormbreath Dragon x1
Domri Rade x1-2
Mizzium Mortars x2
Boon Satyr x2
Xenagos, the Reveler x2

Lower Priority:
Chandra, Pyromaster x2
Garruk, Caller of Beasts x1

(TNN, Baleful strix, MoW... thinkthats a majority of whats gone from my tradelist think everything else is up for grabs)

interested in the pokemon 1st gen only though (basic/jungle only)
W: Cubone
Ninetales (holo or non)
Gyarados (holo)
Mewtwo (holo)
Nidoking (holo)
Raichu (holo)
Venusaur (holo)
Zapdos (holo or non)
Flareon (holo or non)
Jolteon (holo or non)
Scyther (holo)
Vaporeon (holo)
willing to trade magic cards for these cards or paypal depending on what ones and how much of the list u have also cond. is kinda big NM is perfered but LP is ok too smile)
*girlfriend has been bugging me to get these for her so what better time to see if anyone has em smile*


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

http://www.ebay.com/itm/ELEMENTAL-TOKEN … 485f197886

according to this approx. 1.80, sold 2 sets of them so i assume ppl would buy them at this.. but trade value maybe 1.50 ?


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

looking for help with rakdos for the new lands inc


psh fnm where i go theres like 5 G/W(good*)outta 20ish ppl & atleast 2-3 on monday w/ 11

title... but idk where to start lol, so much going on in standard atm thats where my main focus is but trying to pick up staples... i assume i should just start w/ lands?

tradelist is up


willing to add another 1-2 dollar card i have 2 chinese cyclonic rift NM, just would like english ones tongue

***still looking for 2 Mutavaults (not buying)***
4 Ghor-Clan Rampagers (perfer Promo)
and a few other things

or even foil snapcaster tongue
i started around m14 debut but now im starting to get into non standard cards omg lol
but now im starting to play in standard so im torn between trading for older cards or standard cards tongue



looking to sell/trade cards
currently only need mutavaults, open to non-standards
tradelist is updated with the mind seize decklist in case anyone was looking for anything else (i do have another baleful strix other than the 1 being traded)

tradelist is open, complete Mind seize deck is open for trade for mutavaults Start something up tongue
currently only looking for mutavault need 4


sry was gone yeah i understand tongue

if anyone is interested i just added a few small things
Foil Simic Guildgate (Gatecrash)
Chandra's Phoenix (M12)
Boros Charm (Gatecrash)
Burning-Tree Emissary

not really but if the price is right i will

title smile
Mid priority:
Full art Zen lands also interested in unhinged if the trade is right

low(er) priority wants:
Vraska, the Unseen
Domri Rade
Nightveil specter

have extra cards in tradelist also have bulk rares(mainly theros but some m14) if bulk is going out depending on quantity shipping must be included in pricing


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
