
(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rome was cool! Nice weather, good food, lovely sites cool


As for the trading card games... we just passed by there Sunday and played in a fun 2HG side event. This was just a part of one of the 3 huge rooms where public events were held:


Hopefully next time we'll actually be playing in the main competition, along with some of you guys tongue

It's been a bit too silent for my taste around here for a while but I'll be catching up, I promise smile

Users page and trading

The first of the couple of small changes: the users page has been cleaned up a bit - now it's filterable, sortable, and generally more usable. Secondly, the trading opportunities section on your profile page is a bit better now, you can see all the users you can trade anything with, in a paginated listing.


The bad news for the wow players... the delay continues for the Scourgewar cards. The problem is the UDE official card reference sheets have not been updated to contain these cards. They're usually prompt in updating them, but they seem to be getting sloppier.

I have asked on the official forums about their availability, I'll wait a couple more days to see if they'll post them. If not... I'll sadly have to import them either from wowtcgdb or manually (both scenarios are bad... as I have written the importer for the official document format; Zack, I might drop you an email if it comes to that, and I'd need the images / text).

Other than that... I'm back in the country, and you'll hopefully see some cool new features soon! tongue



(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry, I kind of knew this was going to happen... I was abroad for the last week. Depending on how hectic things are this afternoon, the new cards will be imported either this evening or tomorrow around noon.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

@collection value : I think I'll add that for all decks. It'll take a little while though, there's some issues and discussions regarding the card prices right now.

TheShaman wrote:

I didn't actually put two and two together until now, but if you can link the tradelist to the inventory so that cards that are put in the tradelist automatically show up in the inventory, wouldn't it be nearly as easy to make multiple sub-inventories? As previously stated, this would be so that I can have my collection sorted by box here, as it is in the real world.

Yep, I'm thinking about this issue as well.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

wowaddict wrote:

I'd like it to contain numbers up to the amount in my inventory so that i can choose how many.  That way i don't have to do it repeatedly to add a specific number.

This can get tricky when you have 10 cards of one type... the menu gets reaaly large.
I'll think about a solution though

Kargha wrote:

As an add-on to this, perhaps add something like "Keep playset" and it adds everything over a playset to the tradelist?

Yep, this feature is coming soon smile


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well if I'm adding it for decks, it's really easy to add it to the others as well. Not so sure if that would be ok though...

What do you guys think? Would that be useful and relevant?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, this is also on the todo list. Coming soon smile

Yes, there are problems with the split cards. They are only present once in the system. (Crime / Punishment is present only as Punishment). So for now, you can add them manually like that. But yes, it's not a good solution and it will be addressed soon.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, problems with special characters. Fixed now.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

All right... popular demand brings you color sorting! Enjoy smile


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well I have avoided doing this as I wasn't sure how to implement it best (it's debateable how the order should be when taking into account the multi colored and hybrid cards).

But as I already received a couple of requests for it, I've added it to the TODO list.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

slx wrote:

Adding a card to tradelist and inventory directly through tradelist as a tradeable card.

You can already sort of do this. Go to your tradelist, then click on Import. On that page there's an autocompleted dropdown like quick add, but it also has a 'Also add to Inventory' checkbox.

When I use the trade > All in the inventory section, the system carries over only 1 instead of all.

Yep, sorry about that. Should be fixed now.

The system looks for people with cards for trade on the ones you are missing and recommends you contact them.

This is also sort-of implemented, but not quite as you'd like it smile
Let's say you have a bunch of cards in your inventory. Then you build a deck, by either adding cards one by one, or using the import page. Some of those cards - the ones that you do NOT have in your inventory - will have a warning icon. Now you can select all the cards, and from the Card actions menu, click Wish missing. It has now added those missing cards to your wishlist, and you will see on your profile page a list of people who own some of those cards.

Also a extra feature would be the price calculator. How much your deck costs. Some people may just in the end see like "oh, my deck costs 100 bucks (I need to stop this addiction), but the few cards i'm missing only add up to like $15, might be just easier if i bought these cards instead of trying to trade."

Yep, this is on the TODO list, it's coming soon.

Thanks for your feedback!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, I knew about it when I imported the cards but then when I implemented the tooltips and the new card links I forgot big_smile

I changed it so that now the warlock one is called Death Coil and the death knight one is called Death Coil (Death Knight). The bug is gone, and now it's much clearer also when you use autocompleted inputs (like Quick add).


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, fixed along with the new folder stuff.

Yep, it's on the todo list.


(2 replies, posted in Announcements)

Finally, you can organize your decks. Also check out the context menu in your inventory, it'll now be much nicer and usable after you create a folder structure.

To move decks into folders and folders into one another just drag and drop. You cannot order them right now, they're just sorted alphabetically by default.

The wish missing button has been removed from the Tools menu, it's now in each card's context menu (you only see it for the cards that you are actually missing - the ones with the red exclamation mark). If you want to wish missing for all cards in your deck, just select them all with the checkbox and select wish missing from the Card actions dropdown.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

First round is on me! cool


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

wowaddict wrote:

Hi,  I need to be able to sort by card "series" then by "card number".

I could add a column named "Collector's number" and when you click on it's header it would sort the cards by edition and then collectors number. Would that make sense?

wowaddict wrote:

Also, I can't easily see what cards of a series I'm missing so I need to be able to specify that I have "0" of a certain card so that I can see that I'm missing it in the list.  If this makes any sense.

For this, I could add a column in the full cards listing representing the number of cards you have in your inventory. You could maybe even edit that, and it would directly change your inventory count.

wowaddict wrote:

Also direct entry by card number would be nice.

Not so sure about this one... I'll think about it.

Thanks for your input.


(2 replies, posted in Announcements)


I've implemented tooltips for cards, so that when we discuss them in the forum, you can quickly see the card's attributes (as suggested by Angela). There are now card buttons on the 'new post' page, that you can just click, write the name of a card between the tags and.. voila! it's automatically a link with a tooltip, like this: Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, Bloodbraid Elf, Spectral Tiger, Clan Moulder's Elite.

Even better, you can use them on your own sites and forums, as described here: http://deckbox.org/help/tooltips

Applying trades

Trades also got some improvements: until now, finishing a trade had no effect on your sets - the cards you sent were not removed from your inventory and  tradelist; the cards you received were not removed from your wishlist. I've fixed that now, so after finishing a trade, you will have the option to Apply it to your sets.

Planechase fixes

Also, thanks to TheShaman for his bug reports on the Plane cards - now you can see them when adding them in your decks, as the last category listed. Celestine Reef was not in the database because gatherer did not list it either - so I've manually added it now.

Wish missing

There's a new options in your decks' Tools menu wink - it will automatically add all the cards you don't have (i.e. those marked with the red exclamation mark) to your wishlist.

Next up... super duper deck improvements: folders, total value, formats, description and other goodies. Stay tuned!


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, I've seen the errors.

The problem was that the UN-sets have card types that are not in conformity with with the mtg card types. So there was a problem in the deck view - the code tried to categorize the card by type but the card did not have a correct type.

Should be fixed now, thanks for the bug report.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

TheShaman wrote:

Vampire Nocturnus' price is listed as "check" with a hypertext that links you to his page on bidwiket. Not sure why, or if it is even a bug.

Yep, this is a small bug (but actually it's more their problem than mine), will be fixed soon.

TheShaman wrote:

Also, if it is something simple enough, I would like to see the total cost of the deck when the price column is in view. I know I can calculate it myself, but it would be nice if the 'system' would take the price of a card, multiply by how many are in the decklist, then total all of those products and display it.

This is also coming soon.

As for the sub-inventory set idea... I understand it and see how it can be useful but i'll have to think about it a bit... it's tricky to implement in a simple and straightforward way.


(0 replies, posted in Announcements)

Finally, here is the first version of trade interface!

It brings a couple of additions to your profile page. One is 'Will send' which represents your willingness to trade cards by mail (set by default to 'Local Only'), and the other is your bio - where you can fill in a description text for yourself that will be shown on your profile (I, for one, have used it to specify some conditions for trading).

Please read the rules and guidelines I have added on the help page here.

Adding cards to a trade is (for now) only possible by using the autocompleted input on the trade page. (the input only searches for cards in your - or your trade partner's - tradelist).

Do not hesitate to open trades with people, they can be easily canceled if one of the parties involved is not interested, or you cannot reach a consensus (I do not mean open trades for no reason of course - that's abuse and will be sanctioned). Although right now canceled trades appear in the trade history page, there will soon be an option to hide them so they do not clutter the history listing.

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and feedback, as always (be it positive or negative)

P.S. And here's the first trade ever on deckbox tongue http://deckbox.org/trades/1

Wow, you do have a lot of decks smile

Yes, I decided I'll implement folder structures for decks (I toyed with the idea of labels or tags - as gmail has them, but folders is simple and straightforward). And I'll switch the ordering to 'name' when that's done too.


(1 replies, posted in Announcements)

It's October 2, so Zendikar is officially in standard. I've updated the db to show that: mtg standard format. I'm going to miss Lorwyn sad

P.S. There's also some minor chages to Legacy, as explained by Wizards here


(1 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yep, Zendikar is here! Actually, it's here since yersterday already, but I've been busy until now (sleeping and playing at the prerelease events tongue).

Now the new cards are imported, so go ahead and build some cool new standard decks!

Format filters are not changed yet, as Wizards say the official date that ZEN enters standard is 2 October. Also the planes cards in Planechase look horrible, I know, and I'll fix them as soon as I can (first I need to roll out the trade interface)

P.S Speaking of the trade interface... really sorry as it seems the release is way later than my estimates... but it's coming.
Here's just a teaser, more coming sometime in the next few days (yep, you'll be able to chat on the trade page smile )

Trade teaser