(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok, As some one who loves mill decks I will start with one huge disclaimer:Mill decks are hardly going to be super competitive. You might win a few games here and there but if is very little chance that you will win a FNM with a mill deck

Beyond that, I would say you need 3 Ashiok main deck. You are running no creatures so you will want something to kinda protect yourself with by stealing the opponents creatures. It is also a free mill 3 per turn so that's nice. You also have only 4 ways to get around Demonic Pacts lose the game ability so I am not sure what this card does for you except to lose the game turn 8 if played turn 4. I also think you need to move up to 26 lands minimum with this kind of control deck.

Do you have a win condition outside of Mill? Mill is usually better as a secondary win condition as you try to play the average control match. Counter spells and wrath effects and get into the grindy game where you have the time to wear them out.

Send to Sleep would be better off as more counterspells or being turned into lands

I am not sure what else there is to say.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yup, just saw his account was suspended. Ignore me lol.


Just want to point out, this is the exact thing that we want to avoid. Only 6 completed trades with 2 positive and 2 negative feed back (the other two have not had feedback left yet). Even though he was caught early-ish, how many of his current in work trades is he scamming people on? By limiting the number of people that you can start a trade with if you have a lower then 15 positive feed back (This is an arbitrary number that I made up) then this might never have happened.

I do for sure see he pros and the cons for this sort of system but I never want to see anyone get scammed and their cards stolen. Without the BRT forum, it is a little harder for people to keep track of who might be scamming or not, so we need t system in place to protect users.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dirkmer wrote:


Looks like this guy went on a mass scam spree.  Luckily my trade was small in value but others werent so lucky.  The address he game me to send to is:

james chartier
406 king st
laurel, de, 19956
United States

Ignore. I'm blind

rfioren wrote:

1. I liked the bad trader forums - it was a way to see if anyone I was trading with had issues in the past or issues that hadn't yet shown up in negative feedback.

  • I think that it would be helpful if you were able to tell if a trader or potential trader had any "open" support/dispute cases against them, even if I couldn't see them. In the current setup, this is probably the first early warning flag that something is going on. As a rule, I would never send first/the same time if someone had any negatives or any open issues.

  • I also think that new traders (<10 feedback) shouldn't be able to trade above a certain value or have more than X open trades until they reach sufficient feedback. Both times the traders had "100% feedback", but only 2-3 pieces of feedback.

TL:DR We can't stop scammers, but we really should do more to empower traders to know what someone's been up to, and to slow their ability to scam a lot of people in a short period of time.

So these are points I totally agree with. I have seen it too often where someone with like 2 feedback is starting 10+ trades and offering the same cards in a lot of them. I think it can keep the potential of scamming down.

I also like the idea of flagging someone who has a current open dispute. I used to look at the forum dispute page every time I started  a trade to see if someone had a potential of ripping me off. Well though out post I think.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Here is my list. This isn't complete yet. Just wondering if there are too many spells versus creatures to make use of Atartka's Command (yes I know 8 of those spells produce Goblins). I am also unsure about the Exquisite Firecraft.
It seems good. I am just not sure on it compared to Stoke the Flames. I do like the Exquisite Firecraft not being able to be countered since there are alot of counter spells in my meta. I figured this might be a little slower then basic RDW that is out right now but be able to punch through the midrange decks a little better.



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Well I am sure there is something in the FAQ about this but I would take pictures and show the trader and see if you can get compensation or to just undo the trade completely. Baring that there is not much to be done but give neutral or negative feedback


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

2 Guides down, just need to more

SinkingStar wrote:

Hello everyone! I'm new-ish, and you might be seeing more of me around here. big_smile
Not sure if previously mentioned, but where is Vintage Masters?

Wasnt Vintage Masters an MTGO thing only? I dont think this site tracks MTGO stuff.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

20-25% or higher or $$ higher. I think that is an important distinction.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hi, I am looking for 4x Goblin Guides. Almost anything on my TL is open. I would rather do all 4 in one trade. Thanks!

So the biggest question is what do you play? Are you a casual only player? Are you wanting to be competitive soon? What format do you play if you are playing? These questions will really guide you in the process of what you shold do with the card.

as for how long it took me to find a lottery pull..... Well even though I was not actively seeking the cards, in the MM 15 box I bought, in the same pack was a Tarmogoyf and right behind it was a foil Vendilion Clique. I still have the goyf but I traded the Clique as soon as possible.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You dont have to worry about burn really. They would have to waste 2 cards to just to deal with your one creature, so you are still kinda ahead. Kill spells will always be a problem so unless you are going to run any number of Gods Willing, Center Soul, Valorous Stance, Ajani's Presence or Feat of Resistance (damn, there is actually alot). Though with out seeing full spoilers it is hard to tell if Renowed is going to be good or not.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

One trade down. Would like to finish soon for a EDH tournament smile


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

austinarcher10 wrote:

Are you trying to make this standard? If so some of your cards are going to fall out in less than a month. I personally would only have 2 dragon tempest, as it is redundant to have four in there it just creates a dead draw at that point. Might also take out the murderous cuts (you don't have a lot to delve off of) and add the self inflicted wound (or at least sb them as you will probably play a lot of abzan decks. Also You might want to add in wooded foothills as well as the bloodstained mires to make sure you hit your mana base and then your deck in doing so.

To be fair, Dragon Tempest is not a dead drop. The haste is redundant but each Tempest will trigger for the ETB trigger. So it can bet pretty insane

austinarcher10 wrote:

Are you trying to make this standard? If so some of your cards are going to fall out in less than a month

Also no cards rotate in a month. Nothing will rotate until Battle for Zendikar. Check http://whatsinstandard.com/ to get a good look at when things rotate.

austinarcher10 wrote:

Might also take out the murderous cuts (you don't have a lot to delve off of) and add the self inflicted wound (or at least sb them as you will probably play a lot of abzan decks.

having Self-Inflicted wounds in is a total meta call. We dont know what his meta is at all. Also, I think the Cuts need to stay. Even if he doestn get the full delve (which is kinda doubtful) it is still an unconditional removal. Plus if you are suggesting to add more fetches, you are helping with more delve sources as it is.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just looking to finish off an EDH deck. Looking for:

  • Avenger of Zendikar

  • Blatant Thievery

  • Elvish Mystic ( FNM Promo preferred)

  • Library of Leng

  • Misty Rainforest

  • Multani, Maro-Sorcerer

  • Plasm Capture

  • Overbeing of Myth

  • Slippery Karst

  • Spy Network

  • Venser, Shaper Savant

I am hoping to get most of these in as few trades as possible. I have my TL up


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump. I still have the whole thing. Willing to trade it off in pieces.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ookamirozu wrote:

Yea, that makes sense. This deck is more of an idea between me and another guy on a page on FB, since I don't really deckbuild well on my own. What would come out for the extra mana? Assuming you're suggesting bumping it to 24-26. What removal besides Draconic Roar? And yea, that's true. I just like the idea of Tempest & Whisperer & Whip in my Mardu Dragons build that I'm currently trying to acquire all the cards for atm, that maybe it could fly here. What about any of the sieges or other planeswalkers MB/SB and Commands? Or are there better cards than that?

25 Lands is where a deck like this wants to be sitting at. It is what is ran in most Dragon based decks currently. Some more removal would include the already mentioned Draconic Roar. Murderous Cut is a good one also. You already have Foul-Tongue Invocation so that is great i think. I think 2 Kolaghan's Command is good also. Garruk is good in S/B and Elspeth is okay in the S/B also. I think Outpost Siege is good S/B against control decks.

Ookamirozu wrote:

You said you disliked Deathmist in this deck, so that opens up 2 slots. Mana? How do you feel about the fetchlands in this? Y/N? And I'm thinking of putting Haven of the Spirit Dragon in my Mardu build too, or maybe not? That's a different story; what about Crucible of Fire or anything like that? Necessary or SB? Should I put in more force-fight cards for Foe-Razer Regent's ability? Or take him out altogether? Surrak is indeed useless if Tempest is already on the field. Maybe throw in a Whip or two as well? Y/N to any of these random thoughts?

Fetchlands are always great as it allows you to get what the colors you need when you need them so always a yes. Haven of the Spirit Dragon is great in any dragon based deck so I would say keep it in. Crucible of Fire is another win-more card as your dragons are already huge and smash for a lot so there is no need for just a little more damage. I say Foe-Razer is no longer needed if you are increasing your removal. A Whip could be cool as a 2-of in this deck.

If you want to see a kinda reference, this is my Mardu Dragons build: https://deckbox.org/sets/995849


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ookamirozu wrote:

WEll, theres also 4 slots left so fill with Caryatids? Or more mana? switch Atarka with her world render counterpart? Was trying to fill mana gap with 2/3 rop creatures for some board presence. SB Garruk. what else? Also, whisperers ferocious ability + tempest....

Both. You want more mana AND some Caryatids/Mystics. More mana since if your board gets wiped, you wont be screwed with casting your spells, but you want mana producers so you can power out your dragons faster potentially.

I do understand what you mean with the synergy between Dragon Whisperer and Tempest, but there is such a thing called being too win-more. The idea is cool, but if you have the capability to trigger Ferocious you will already have a over whelming board presence that you can just attack for the win so adding one more dragon wont do much. Does that make sense?

I also think you need more removal and interactive spells for the deck. Why are you not running Draconic Roar? That card is so insane.

I would leave the Dragonlord Atarka in but maybe swith the Dragonlord Kolaghan for Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury. I think that will give you a repeat able use for any extra mana you may have as well as buffing your dragons.


(16 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hi, so a few huge thing: You can not run as bug of creatures as you are with the current mana base.

  • You have way too few lands to do anything with this deck. You will either need to up the lands or add mana dorks.

  • Having Dragon Tempest and Surrak is kinda redundant. You only need one of these ( and I would say just do the Dragon Tempest).

  • Garruk is a a great card, but he is not what you want in your main deck. He is used mainly for a S/B card against control decks that use lots of their own Planeswalkers.

  • You have I think some creatures that dont add to your over all plan. Deathmist Raptor is a great card, it is just not for this deck. Same with Dragon Whisperer

  • The number of Dragonlords you have is also way too high. You shouldnt have to have that many.

  • I do agree that the mana base does need help with some of the pain lands.

So if we address these five things, the deck will work out a lot smoother.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What stuff specifically are you looking for for Burn? I have an almost complete Legacy Burn Deck.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sorry, I am not seeing anything that really interests me.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey all. I have a pretty much complete Legacy burn I am hoping to get rid of. Contents include:

3x Price of Progress
3x Fireblast (2x Duel Deck, 1x Visions)
3x Monastery Swiftspear
4x Flame Rift
4x Lightning Bolt (4x M10)
4x Lava Spike
4x Chain Lightning (2x Italian, 2x English
4x Goblin Guide
4x Eidolon of the Great Revels
4x Rift Bolt (3x MM, 1x Time Spiral)

I would prefer to trade this as a whole but I will piece it out for the right offers.