I posted to your other thread some general tips. 

There's lots of literature on the deck and how it should sideboard.

In general mono black is a very good deck.  The caveat is it's only very good in the hands of a good player.  An inexperienced or bad player will notice the deck under performs markedly so.

Owen Turtenwald with channel fireball has been piloting the decks in the big tournaments I suggest you read his articles.

Some general play advice for the deck though.  It's a 1-1 grind.  You need to appropriately answer all your opponents threats with the 1-1 removal you have at your disposal. If you answer a threat with the wrong card, it could definitely come back to haunt you later. It's a constant check on what's on the board/hand to see if you can maintain the currently state and only using your removal when it's appropriate.  At some point during the game you will be able to turn a corner and take over the match by using underworld connections to bury them in card advantage or desecration demon/pack rat for board advantage. 

Also, don't be afraid to go all in on pack rat, it's a strong play in the format and mutavault synergies with it very well.  Against some decks though before you can take over with pack rat you'll get extremely low on life/resources so it can be unnerving at first, but you'll have to get a feel for when it's right to go all in.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Zarek is barely a bolt on a stick... as a 4 drop he doesn't deal with any other relevant 4 drops and he comes down a turn late for the "ramp" aspect to work out... he really needed to be a 3 mana walker, he'd see tons of play then.  If he was 3 cost he could enable a sweeper on turn 4 and tick up.  At 4, he's just bolt and fog for turn.  I think he actually makes the most sense in some kind of aggro deck? that might be able to make use of inspired?  He's defiantly not a control card.

Divination sees play in control because it can dig 2 cards deep for a verdict on turn 4 if you need a sweeper.  That's why it's in UW. There's a 4 mana instant that draws 2 from RTR called inspiration, and it's _not_ played for exactly this reason. 

Dreadbore is fine for what he's trying to do in this deck.  It's basically a BR control deck that uses blue for draw power.  It taps out each turn playing some kind of sweeper or 1-1 removal like mono black and grinds out the game until it takes over.  It's got way too many 4 drops though.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

that's a deck too...

um, idk, I never liked ral zerik, he's a 4 mana lightning strike with some wonky other abilities that don't pan out in the real world.  Chandra is just red jace in this deck which is fine. this might be a better meta deck for you though since it appears to represent more board control. 4 slot seems clogged though


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

downfall is definitely worth it.  The others I'd have to try out.  I think they'll make mono black's 75, but a 3 color deck wouldn't want to run all of them.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Drown in sorry isn't as good as anger really it only does -2.  The other one does -3, and to mobs with the same name,  so it's a little better agains agro/GR.  idk... though have to test.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I think I agree with most of your points at the bottom... Seems like you're kind of vulnerable to planes walkers too. 

Try the elixir see how it feels?  I think you'll like it.


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd like to say, i really like the "idea" of grixis, but, idk if it can work... that being said.

The deck looks like it has what it needs, wipes for aggro, ways to interact with gods and blood baron,  I think you're a little soft to control, but you said that's not a factor in your meta.

UW has 12 cards that draw for it, you're lacking a couple, and izzet charm doen'st really draw it cycles your hand. 

I might be worried about running out of steam.  I think if anything you're lacking in that department with this deck, but I'm not sure what there is in those colors to boost your draw power.  Read the Bones perhaps?  it hurts you more but it digs 4 cards.  Also, an opportunity or 2 would be the worst thing, or even steam augury.

I would also play an elixir and maybe one of the side, it's 5 life, which you'll need in the deck, and it can recycle cards your discarding with izzet charm and augury if you choose to play it. you are hurting yourself a lot with thoughtseize and the shocks... 

I might look into alternate forms of life gain... idk what that would be though. Aggro or burn might be able to get there against you just because of the lack of life gain.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Magic is an onion, yo... it has layers man... so deep... so very deep... life and stuff...

You're going too deep for me.  I just want to talk about magic strategy and gaming tongue


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

The obsession is because life is not concrete where as cards disappearing are. you can see the progress you're making as you're milling out an opponent and its satisfying to think that you're destroying all your opponent's good cards effortlessly.

With life you have to be able to conceptualize their life as a value and understand how its diminishing.

At this point, diminishing life totals for games is not abstract, it's the norm.  I really don't follow this line of reasoning at all and it certainly doesn't make the deck any more effective because cards are physical things and life totals are just representations/concepts.

Scores in sports games are just concepts too, but I bet the broncos felt pretty bad last night tongue 

Milling has not, will not and will never be the most effective way to end a game. _period_  There's just no arguing the point.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

*facepalm*  Why do newer players always try mill? tongue

Nothing against you specifically, but it's a recurring theme on here I've noticed. You'll find out through play and experience that it's easier to deal 20 damage than it is to mill 53 cards to win.   Nice you were able to put something together though.

I will say this for you though.  It's probably one of the most coherent and thought out mill decks by a new player I've seen in a while.  I would make a couple small changes, if you have them some essence scatters, over the negates. You're more likely to have trouble dealing with creatures without real board wipes.  You should really find some detention sphere's (or more o rings) and supreme verdicts when you can, or other board wipes.

Timber wrote:

There is so much good spot removal in Standard should you consider Brave the Elements or counterspells to protect your Voltron guys? 

I'd hate to see you play Hero, aura him up, and then get Hero's Downfall'd.

This is why GW aura's is a better idea if you want to try, that, some naturally hexproof creatures in those colors and the new big guy that gives everyone hexproof.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

No, you got "guild" packs in RTR and all the guilds where released in different sets so there wasn't a lot of cross over.  Except for a card or two...

With the limited format being 2 theros - 1 BTG for draft and 4 theros - 2 BTG for sealed (except the prerelease) it makes me think it'd be a mix of cards. 

I'm totally just guessing though, it could be all BTG  cards in the seeded pack, but for some reason I doubt it .


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I bet the seeded pack does have theros in it, at least commons/uncommons

SomeMTGnoob wrote:

How much do you think that will run me?
Control sounds quite nice.

Sphinx's revs are $20, supreme verdict is $5, Jace, AoT is $20, detention sphere is $3, azorius charm is like $.25 commons and uncommons. 

Those cards are currently in standard, but there are older options.  Keep in mind these are just suggestions to give you ideas.  If you're not going to go to FNMS and play seriously I wouldn't drop a bunch of cash on cards.

Standard - http://www.mtgtop8.com/archetype?a=9&meta=52
Modern - http://www.mtgtop8.com/archetype?a=181&meta=51
Legacy - http://www.mtgtop8.com/archetype?a=242&meta=39
Commander - http://www.mtgtop8.com/archetype?a=243&meta=70

white and blue together are usually about control.  White carries some of the best board wipes around and blue had great tempo/permission cards.   

I'd say you're looking to make a deck where you control the game then play something big to win? 

It should contain some things from your collection like

TNN, jace, gideon, propaganda, strategic planning, control magic, ponder, wash out, dissolve,  augur of bolas, arcane denial, faerie conclave, blue sun zenith, dismiss.... you see the pattern.

You need to control the board with efficient removal/control and board wipes then stick something big to seal the deal.  other cards to consider picking up would be supreme verdict, sphinx's revelation, detention sphere, think twice, aetherling, terminus, etc etc...


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

first glance say's it's pretty bad, but without any more detail you won't get much more help than that.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Eliterawr wrote:

idk i like the idea of mill but its so hard to mill in tournment lol

Save yourself the agony of defeat and don't play mill tongue

If you're not an experienced player, i would even suggest shying away from mono black, it's a powerful deck in the hands of a great player, mediocre in the hands of an average player and so on.  It's extremely punishing for play mistakes and produces grindy matchups.  IDK if the new cards from BTG will change that, but just letting you know buyer beware.

Make a white blue commander deck?  None of the cards are particularly powerful.  Almost none of them will help you in standard.  Only a handful are useful in modern/legacy. 

The TNN is by far the best card, but it's only 1 card. 

Given that, you should probably decide what format you play, how you play it and how seriously you want to take it and start looking up deck lists and see how much of one you can fill out.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

When I hear someone is going to play tome scour maindeck it makes me question their sanity.

In order for this plan to work you still have to assume you're opponent will do nothing in order for you to win. Splashing blue is fine in mono black, i tried it to some success, with ashiok, dimir charm and things like gainsay on the side. 

I can even see splashing for a single phenax when he's legal, but the traumatize and tome scours are still bad... ashiok is enough mill if you want that, along with phenax.  I would still only suggest that plan if control is heavy in your meta.  If not then you just lose out hard to an aggro shell.

60 card deck, draw 7 to start, and you have to do "53 points" of mill damage to their deck... That's if they don't have additional draw cards to help you out or some way to get value off their graveyard.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I could potentially trade for a couple jace, AoT, if you're willing.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So, you have them but are unwilling to move them from another deck to use them temporarily in another for an FNM?  does not compute tongue

You must write your decklists in stone tablets. tongue


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Welll.... off hand I'm not a fan of the deck, I see what you're trying to do and it seems good on paper, but execution with these cards leaves a lot to be desired.  cipher is only about 1/4th of a card better than an enchant when it comes to getting 2 for oned.  You get some dumpy effect that doesn't do a lot and then you "enchant" a creature with it.  Then a lot of times it just gets removed.  You lose the investment in mana for the creature and the cipher (because all the cipher cards are over costed).

Dimir charm is very good in the format and you're including zero, devour flesh stops a lot of cards you'd have trouble interacting with like blood baron.

Counter spells aren't terrible, but you're not going to be holding mana open to play them while you drop your cipher cards and your creatures.  The plays are working against each other in that way.

I have some questions for you, looking at your inventory, you have 3 muta vaults, a hero's downfall, erebos, nykthos, temple of silence, lifebane zombie, whip of erebos, none of which are in your deck lists? each and everyone of of these cards is better than any 2 cards you currently have in the deck, minus the temples.  You're hedging towards monoblack which is a much stronger deck.  I can't understand why you wouldn't just try that instead.

it's amazing how many time's i have to answer that question for new players.  Wizards really need to do a better job of advertising how their formats work.

edit: also, still think RW is the way to go, boros reckoner, fanatic of mogis, speaking of upcoming cards. mogis himself isn't really what you want to do in this kind of deck.  Giving your opponent a choice is never good for agro.