Through up a conversation, depends on a couple things.

DTrain wrote:

Any chance you would be willing to trade your foil Buried Ruin?  I don't have any of those filters from your wishlist available, but I just thought I would ask since it's a pretty cheap card.  I'd be willing to give a bit of additional value in your favor if we could work something out.

Sorry, in a deck I'm trying to foil out

BrendanPachas wrote:

Am I that transparent?

Only to your lovers =P


BrendanPachas wrote:


OH YEAH, WELL I DON'T!!!'s ok honey, I know you miss me

Sorry only interested in english cards, and yes I am open to inventory for the marsh flats big_smile

Ashling the Pilgrim  foil only
Ashling, the Extinguisher  foil or normal
Mystic Gate

Hope you guys can find some things you like, I'm going to be adding more to my tradelist.

Thanks for your time!

*EDIT*---Down to the last three!

Ashling the Pilgrim  foil only
Ashling, the Extinguisher  foil or normal
Mystic Gate

Hope you guys can find some things you like, I'm going to be adding more to my tradelist.

Thanks for your time!

*EDIT*---down to the last me out guys!

Helios52 wrote:

Honestly tho I dont see them following in the same pattern as Goyf or Bob because of availbility of printing. Goyf was a rare that from a poorly opened set (Futuresight) that got made into a mythic of a highly wanted and limited printed set (Modern Masters). Which means that unless they decide to make make Fetchlands mythic rare (which would be insane but I wont put anything past WoTC) they should in theory be easier to pull than a Goyf in a set. Also WoTC likes to print things in complete cycles so if they reprinted the Zen fetches, it would only make sense that they the ONS would get thrown in there as well. So in theory, as long they dont get reprinted en mass in a limited print run set like MM2 (Althought Ive heard rumblings of them in Conspiracy) we should see a reprint sooner rather than later once the shocks rotate out of standard.

Very interesting, honestly I would like to see the price to go down so I can pick up some more. I run two penta color decks and about 5 tri color decks that could use fetches. But I'm not willing to buy them at this price, and I'm not trading away my first born to get them either. That said I picked up a marsh flats the other day for standard stuff and already recouped the space in value because it has gone up so much. So I'm enjoying the price rise and hating it at the same time lol.

All that to say, I hope you are right.

Helios52 wrote:

I voted for 0 namely cause Im exactly in the same boat as you with regards to the level of play of LGS and me only playing more EDH than Modern most of the time anyway. I have one foil of each Zen Fetch for EDH and for the time being I can live with just jamming those in a modern deck if it really needs color fixing.

Personally, I would look to sell and get what you can for them. Obviously not for pennies but with Modern taking off and Fetches being the finicial gateway to get into the format for some decks, its only matter of WHEN they will get reprinted rather than IF. So for me, Im perfectly happy running my Mono Blue Merfolf deck in modern until they get reprinted and I can get them cheaper.

I don't play modern at all, so I value them at what they were, pre modern spike, I'm not going crazy to get any though I do love trading them for things I need at their inflated prices.

Helios I do wonder at the reprint, you are correct, it is not a matter of if but when. But I see the fetches reacting the same way goyf did. I quick dip and then an overall increase in price. They have become staples, and like goyf or confidant, a reprint will mean that demand will increase now that there are more available, thus driving the already increasing price higher. I would not be surprised to see 110 or even 120 scalding tarns after their reprint (though probably not much more, I mean the original duals are that high)

Just my 2 cents.

*edit* also I voted for the yaht, I bought one of each when marsh flats was 23 and tarn was 50 (to give you the spread) but it is my policy to never buy a card worth more than 50 dollars. I will only trade for those. Real life has too much to offer to spend it all on cards...heresy I know.

*edit again* Oh lord I just remember I broke my rule so hard core when I spent 100 bucks on a foil MM Sword of Light and shadow...I love swords so so much. YEah I know I'm a hypocrite, sorry couldn't help it...shiny sword.

Like the above post I am here to vouch for the awesomeness that is his work.

I was the one who got the Eidolon of Countless far the coolest life counter at my LGS...already have offers for trades of it, but it's mine baby!:D

Oh and by the way the pictures don't do his work justice, it is way cooler looking when you are holding it and can see every angle. When it is sitting right next to your deck it sure pulls some eyes.


...and that is all =P


What I have:

Everything on my tradelist under five bucks is for sale
x2 Innistrad Booster boxes
x1 Planeschase Auras
x1 Case of Commander 2014
x1 Sorin v Tibalt
x1 Heros v Monsters

Here's the deal:
Buying cards from .01-.99 value (get 100% extra value)
Buying cards from 1.00 - 1.99 (get 50% extra value)
Buying anything 2 bucks and above, selling at tcg low

(disclaimer on *extra value* it can only be applied to other cards of that pricing tier)

If you are buying any of the sealed items as well as cards you get free shipping.
If you are buying an Innistrad box, you get free shipping
If you are buying just cards .01-10.00 is 1.93 shipping (I ship bubble mailer and tracking for everything I send, 1.93 is my actual cost)
If you are buying over 10 dollars in cards then free shipping

I have hundreds of commons and uncommons from tons of sets, if you are looking for filler cards I will send you 125 cards (you will get at least 5 rares) for 10 bucks shipped. Hey gambling is fun!

Thanks for your time guys. If you are looking for prices of the sealed items start a discussion, but everything is negotiable.

Hey all, title says it all, start a discussion if interested.


and screw it for shipping, I'll deal with it.

Pitch35 wrote:

And would you be willing to take a combination of cash and trade value?

Adding money from this to pretty much anything else I can scrounge and save for a ring for my girlfriend big_smile, so trying to go all cash here.

I also have all 5 commander sets unopened and a planeschase auras if anyone is interested.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

cobra777 wrote:
ANDNA wrote:

This makes me sad. Are you sure you can't find other ways to pay rent? Selling a foil deck is like killing a unicorn.

Turns out magic cards are more marketable than my body wink

I laughed a little...then thought about's so true, and sad.

Shipping is flat rate medium USPS box (12.50) unless you guys can find me a better option. If I can do it for less than I will.

And I'm thinking 160 for the box.

Also yes they are still available

Hey Everyone I have two Innistrad boxes to sell, if you are seriously interested start a conversation.

Thanks for your time!

I'm just looking to move them, so everything is up for discussion.

Discussion started


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a few of these things, I'll start a discussion

Lasts updated. Also GOODMORNING!

Also folks if you are looking to trade some shocks, I'm always looking for lands for my ever growing color needs in EDH

Looking to swap some cards on my tradelist for some cards on my wishlist. Ok maybe inventory too, but that depends on what you're offering:P

Fetches, swords, shocks and tops always have priority but I'm just looking to trade, even if it's small peanuts open up a discussion!

Thanks for your time smile

Interesting things for trade:
Archangel of Thune
Courser of Kruphix x4
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir FTV
Progenitus FTV
Mycosynth Lattice

and many more!

If you are interested in inventory, just throw up a discussion and we can figure out if it is gonna work out or not, but it never hurts to ask