(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It does work, but I was to the search and not to the topic... fixed it


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Check out this discussion on the matter



I sort by color, then by rarity and inside rarity by edition (from newest to oldest, if they are reprints I put them to the newest print available). I use this sort because most of the times u are interested in the rares and uncommons smile


(15 replies, posted in Evenimente)

funny stuff smile

pacata ca au zis ca nu o sa mai printeze carti cu infect sad

LootPinata wrote:

Can our tradelist numbers be included in the decklist display, similar to how the wishlist numbers are?

I believe that adding the "tradelist number" next to the inventory/wishlist number would be a great idea.. and adding them to the column filter (so we can hide them) would be even better smile


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

when enterin cards to your inventory there are 3 tabs, simple card add, an import list and the third (a little raibow colored circle) to add cards with some properties. I don't know if you can somehow set these properties when importing from a list (second tab).
And for already added cards, go to inventory, and next to the card's name there is a little pinkish circle to its left with a triangle in it, press that and there you have the option to Edit Card Details


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

dar atentie, poti sa platesti mana/viata si sa activezi abilitatea si atunci daca pana la urma nu o sa poti sa faci nimic (de ex ca raspuns la equiptment)


(8 replies, posted in Taverna)

eu o sa fiu online pe la 5:40 pt un draft (poate si mai incolo)


(8 replies, posted in Taverna)

Tinand cont ca maine o sa fie draftul, are cineva chef de niste practice-drafts?
(pe tappedout)?


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

rezumat superb...desi a durat ceva timp sa citesc tot... a meritat


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

Link ? (ca sunt lenes tongue )


(25 replies, posted in Taverna)

Tu ai citit deja cartea sau de unde stii din astea?


(30 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Daca este ceva cu care putem sa te ajutam sa primim inapoi nivelul potrivit, te rog sa ne anunti.

There some request in the past as well to implement some system to track the cards you lent to others
but until now it was not implemented... hope that it will be soon smile


(23 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Poate nu ai inteles bine (desi eu sunt un CFB fan myself, dar tre sa le dau dreptate) incat de mai multi ani baietii (si zic aici la plural din cauza ca acum putem sa fim siguri ca informatia era raspandita) primeau cartile (toate!!!) din setul care era sa apare cu mult inainte tuturor = aveau mai mult timp la dispozitie sa se pregateasca la orice eveniment (si multe evenimente PRO magic sunt foarte aprope de aparitia unui set nou), deci aveau un avantaj pretios, si de ce nu, si considerabil in ceea ce inseamna informatie, testare, etc etc.

Iar cu partea financiara... hm.. who knows, poate au profitat de aceasta informatie si au facut niste preorders avantajoase, poate nu.

ps.... da la inceput si eu zicea ca exista sansa ca Matignon sa nu fie "asa de vina"... se pare ca sansa era 0. (dar de vina aici este Wotc in primul rand... nu e frumos sa dai nici un fel de avantaj la nici un jucator)

Sau mai simplu te uiti pe deckbox.org sau pe gatherer si vezi ce zice, in ce format este legal tongue

Fiecare carte in parte trebuie verificat daca este legal in standard sau nu...atat smile


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Spoook wrote:

As dori un sword of feast and famine....pretty pls smile

chiar nu are nimeni un sword de imprumutat pt azi sad ?


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Nimic, daca aduce Silviu tempered steel, atunci se pare ca o sa am destule

As dori un sword of feast and famine....pretty pls smile


(117 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Zgarbas wrote:

Dar acum o intrebare buna, la launch party...cum facem cu oamenii care comanda aceleasi seturi?

Oricum, Heavenly Inferno pentru mine.

am inteles ca sunt mai multe posibile commandanti in fiecare set, deci ne putem intelege


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

daca se poate atunci as dori si eu un Tempered Steel de la tine
si unu de la Silviu smile ca sa nu vina inkmothuri cu mana goala tongue


(18 replies, posted in Administrativ)

Felicitari pt amandoi pt aceasta realizare. Cu siguranta este bine venit, plus acum articolele o sa arata si mai frumos.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

un sun am eu


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

oricate sunt bine venite smile


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

are cineva oricate Inkmoth Nexus-uri pt maine?