I can confirm unchecking that option works. Thanks outofstep big_smile

Thanks for the extension link, that's pretty sweet

Bump, also, goodmorning deck box...It's snowing beautifully here and I am stuck at work without a window sad

Hey all I see he has become quite popular, I have a legends copy that I am looking to trade. Just start a discussion.

Thanks for your time big_smile

High priorities:
Foil swords
A combo trade for fetches (obviously I would owe you value)
Flagged items on my wishlist

Lower Priorities:
Anything else on my tradelist


(1 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Don't trade this guy anything!!! He will only use it to make me and all the other guys at the store cry!!!

Also he eats babies, hates fun, and is a generally disagreeable individual

...I'm kidding, he is a cool dude, trade him some jank. But seriously his decks make me cry sometimes...sometimes.

Oh yeah, btw I have a sword of war and peace to trade if you want =P

Still looking for both the card and some feedback big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Honestly depends on which fetch (they are all in decks, but I might be willing to haggle)


(3 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Figured I would ask you guys as well. Anyone here have a Volrath's Stronghold for trade? I'm willing to trade pretty much anything that isn't in a deck.


I'll throw up what I'm after in discussion smile

Goodmorning Deckbox!

IF any of you ever look at these bumps. would you do me the favor of critiquing my new Mono Black infect EDH deck? Also a a note, everyone in my playgroup has agreed to not use Blightsteel Colossus so that is not available to me, all of us had one and every game turned into who could cheat him out first, or get him back from the yard first.

Title says it all, I'm hunting for a stronghold...still.

Start a discussion if by some miracle you have one.


(1 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

I'm possibly interested, I'll start a conversation.

Also I've noticed recently (see: since the implementation of this rule) that those trying to keep the please civil can at least remind those posting of the rule and most people will relax. This forum really is a cool place with chill people, if you try just a wee bit not to see everything as a personal attack then much of the forum noise becomes just that...noise. That way you can have awesome conversations with cool people who love magic just as much as you do.

(...ok, maybe not as much as you do...we get it, you like cards) tongue

But in all seriousness if people are not looking to take offense then the forum is a much cleaner place.

Is anybody listening?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yup, that is completely true. Gotta love the fact that most people, no matter what you say or do, have zero patience.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

To anyone who experiences snow annually yes it is.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

That happened here in Northern Virginia in 2011. It was a perfect storm. All businesses and the government shut down two hours early and as traffic ground to a halt with every one on the road at once we had 3 inches of snow fall in an hour (plus continual snowfall through the night) Plows could not plow and thus cars were left abandoned all through the evening.

I was out in that and saw the writing on the wall, was lucky enough to be near a parking garage. Just pulled in and called it a night. (I have a two days worth of rations, a book, and a sleeping bag in my car at all times) So while everyone else was getting into accidents I left my car in the garage, chilled in the local stores that were still open and hug out with a police officer that was pushing cars up a hill and directing traffic. Pretty cool night.

Mattssacre wrote:

How is it harassing when we make an offer?  Everyone's entitled to their opinion.  He doesn't have to accept our offer.

It is harassment because everything that was said was in sarcasm, meant to make the OP think that he is unreasonable. Let the actual trade responses sort that out. I've seen more than one thread change its idea of value because of the lack of offers.

Also, to OP:

I would say that since the guy trading a Xenagos is probably moving out of G/R you may have a hard time trading a G/R Walker to them. And with your valuation differences I would be open to different trades if you are serious about getting a response. Such specificity makes for a lonely trade roster. Been there myself.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah I know, I've lived in New York (upstate) and for anyone to take any snowfall seriously it needed to be at least 18 inches. But I have also lived in Georgia and I know that the counties there do not own plows nor do the locals have plows to attach to their trucks. So normally what happens is that they have to call a northern state (usually Pennsylvania or New York) to send plows down to help out...but that is only if the snow doesn't melt first, which it normally does. The crazy thing this year is that it has just stayed so bloody cold, so the snow isn't melting as fast and there are lots of accidents because people are not used to it.

Its just all screwy


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm just putting this up as a PSA, but for anyone trading with anyone in the American South right now be aware that your trades will be slow to travel, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and North Carolina have had and are currently being hit with snow. Also the storm is projected to hit Virginia, Maryland and swing up as far as NYC.

I know normally that everyone is like yeah whatever snow, it's winter that happens. That is very true. But this is snow in places that are not really prepared for it. Thus, and I'm just saying here, make double sure you add tracking to your trades and realize that things will be SLOW over the next couple days (maybe week, because its gonna be cold so no melting)

Anyway, I'll get off my soap box, happy trading!

roll ps- if anyone has a Volrath's Stronghold for trade I would love you forever if you started a discussion with me big_smile

Is anybody out there?

Still looking for a stronghold


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

And we are done here! Thanks everyone!

I can trade two coursers, would you be willing to involve kiora in that trade?


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got two of three, just one more!