I can get you alters of anything My profile has details and some pictures. More will be forthcoming.
326 2013-03-04 09:26:30
Re: want: dark rituals and any alters and/or signed cards (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
327 2013-03-04 09:25:15
Re: Tradelist and Want list! (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Have Jitte and flats.
328 2013-03-01 15:05:06
Re: H: Thrags, Aristocrats, Huntmasters, Foil Bonfire+ W: Reckoner, list. (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Figure out what you want from them, then let me know. I have some stuff as well
329 2013-03-01 15:03:37
Re: Done. Thanks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Discussion started, Have speakers + more.
330 2013-02-28 18:28:24
Re: H:Planeswalkers+More W: U/W/R and Boros (20 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Propose one for the humans.
331 2013-02-28 15:06:03
Re: H: 4x Hellrider, 3x Thoughtseize W: Interest (Looking to dump these) (13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Interested in the thoughtseize's.
Look through
332 2013-02-28 14:54:12
Re: H:Planeswalkers+More W: U/W/R and Boros (20 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Sent you a pretty big trade
333 2013-02-26 22:23:51
Re: Looking for recommendations on MTG game stores in NW Atlanta (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Me and some friends play at supergames. We'll frequently go to Tower (we are going tomorrow to play modern) and Ravens nest as well.
Supergames is more competitive though. FNM is pretty basic, but any of the turny's will have quite a few tier 1's.
We havent tried gaming pit or titan yet.
334 2013-02-26 02:30:04
Re: Looking for hellriders/sacred foundry (9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Ive got a hellrider, foundaries, and other RDW/Boros/Rakdos stuff. Shoot me a trade
335 2013-02-25 15:10:48
Re: H: Standard/Modern W: Standard American (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Didn't even look first. Not really anything im interested in, no. Sorry
336 2013-02-25 15:07:33
Re: H: Standard/Modern W: Standard American (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I've got a decent chunk of what you need.
337 2013-02-25 15:06:29
Re: H: Domri Rade, Hinterland and others W: Wishlist (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Have resto's and verdict. As well as sulfur falls, clifftops, sacred foundaries, etc.
Shoot me a trade.
338 2013-02-25 05:44:04
Re: Battalion (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Got them all. Send me a trade.
339 2013-02-25 05:43:04
Re: H: Wishlist W: Tradelist (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I've got some stuff you need. Shoot me a trade
340 2013-02-25 05:41:33
Re: Want: Modern/Standard/EDH H:Lots (opened MM box) (27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Ive got champs and thalia. Send me a trade.
341 2013-02-21 18:04:36
Re: W: Lands H: Huntmaster Fells, Hellrider, Aurelia,etc (11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Seems reasonable.
Indestructable, unblockable, shroud, hexproof. All are things you want to throw on kaalia. She's a relatively inexpensive general to play and takes your deck from a slow ramp to throwing a thousand punches in no time flat.
342 2013-02-21 17:57:25
Re: W: Lands H: Huntmaster Fells, Hellrider, Aurelia,etc (11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'd recommend Kaalia, if you want to play dragons. I *love* my kaalia deck.
Make sure to get some equipment to protect her though, like darksteel plate or something.
343 2013-02-20 20:22:49
Re: W: Huntmaster, Borborygmos H: Tradelist (7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Jace v Chandra Counterspell + Cabal Coffers for a GTC Stomping Ground? It's more than fair going by SCG prices.
If I had the extra stomping ground I'd do that in a heartbeat. Lol.
344 2013-02-20 05:11:31
Re: W: Mono-Black Standard H: Standard (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Filling out your wishlist would be nice.
I have some of the stuff you need.
345 2013-02-20 04:52:25
Re: Opinions on extort assassin deck. (10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
This is a kitchen table type deck and he can run crypt ghast to accelerate it.
346 2013-02-20 03:00:03
Re: H: All of RUW Flash W: Legacy playables/Wishlist (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I am interested in your promo Spears
Start up something ?
347 2013-02-20 01:24:47
Re: [Standard][Opinions] Dimir Mill/Kill (14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Open up a trade with me. I've got all the C/UC stuff in standard in droves.
I can help you out
348 2013-02-20 01:23:16
Re: Opinions on extort assassin deck. (10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
White/black extort deck?
This seems like a no-brainer in my opinion.
Exquisite Blood + Vizkopa Guildmage
Activate the second ability.
Cast something. Extort. Win the game.
Infinite loop.
Works just as well in multiplayer too
349 2013-02-20 00:54:19
Re: [Standard] Vamps for Game Day [Opinions] [Tweaks] (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I ran vampires for a bit, and am running boros now.
Here's some things to consider.
First, consider what you'll be playing. I'm going to give you feedback assuming you're playing at a big enough card shop people will be running medium/good decks.
Vampiric Fury - Cool, especially since you're running tribal vampires. However. If you have board command enough that its hitting 2/3 things at once, you've probably got the game anyway. The *only* situation I see it being questionable on is if you face up against someone with a similar (as in aggro) build, and when the swings DO come, they come big. However, 4x Captains already gets you first strike. That's pretty much moneyshot right there. So, I'd say cut those.
Many people have different opinions about burn/removal. I use burn *primarily* for clearing the way for creatures, unless I am in a race. In which case I calculate the fastest damage possible and go that route (this would be vs a control deck, for instance, racing to kill before they can start wiping). I would recommend dropping searing spear to 3, and adding in 3 pillars of flame. You want these for cheap removal of annoying things, and to make sure undying stuff stays dead (zombies, reanimator decks, etc).
Cavern of Souls - You're running tribal vampires. If you have them, 4 of those bad boys.
Cut your lands to 22. You're running a fairly low curve, with not a lot of acceleration or draw.
Dreadbore - 3x in the sideboard. This is mostly for planeswalkers or really, really big creatures. You're probably screwed if you really have to remove something huge anyway. An exception to that, is consuming aberation. Make sure you sideboard the bores in if you go against someone running that for mill. Otherwise they very easily can swing at you with a 20+/20+.
Edit: If you do get an aberation dropped on you, kill it INSTANTLY. Don't wait. Every time they cast, it gets bigger and harder to kill. You can, however, nuke it before its trigger resolves (and thus grows). Say you play a kirk noble. They counterspell it. Trigger from the aberation hits the stack. In response to the trigger, you then spear it.
Sign in blood - 4x - You'll need draw. Doesn't matter what you're playing against. If you're against some crappy brew, youll probably have enough board power early on to win anyway, draw just gets you more burn, more land, more creatures, faster wins.
This depends *heavily* on your meta. My FNM is 4 rounds (since they don't do a cut to top 8, as we usually have ~150 people at FNM). What that means, is for my first 2 rounds, I'm playing anything any everything from tier 1, to starter decks. As such, I'll suggest what *I* would do for sideboard. Your mileage will vary.
3x Dreadbore - Superfriends decks / Planeswalkers / one-of very deadly creatures like Gisela
4x Volcanic Strength - Board this in for anything using red.
4x Flames of the Firebrand - Mana dorks. Anything that uses Arbor Elves or Avacyn Pilgrams to ramp up. Use this to nuke their board *and* them.
4x Traitorous Blood - Midrange decks. Turn that thragtusk against them and swing with it. If it does, Big deal, you get a free 3/3 out of it.
I copied the decklist into what I would suggest here:
Keep in mind, with double strike, counters go on instantly. Thats why theres 4 blademasters.
That means: Say you swing into the opponent with a blademaster. Double strike (which is the same as first strike) damage hits. +1 counter. Normal combat damage, +1 counter *again*. I have so many people ask why volcanic strength for mirror. Unblockable double strike. If they can't figure that out on the blademaster, they are beyond help. That's 7 damage the first time, 11 the second time. If you happen to pull out an heir on the second swing, its 12 damage the second time. Strongkirk captain, by comparison, is 13 damage on the second round.
Some other things: If you think you'll be facing hexproof, glaring spotlight and/or devour flesh are your only options. Remember though, bant enchantments only runs 8 hexproof guys, the other ones can be targeted just fine.
Hope this helps some!
350 2013-02-20 00:27:26
Re: Best Gaming Sleeves? (23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Might consider checking amazon