(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm with you.  I really want to make the deck work, it seems like "something" should be there.  abrupt decay, dreadbore, rakdos return, thoughtseize, hero's downfall, stormbreath, xenagos, vraska, sylvan, reaper, chandra.... Just so many good cards.  I have been thinking about it for a while. 

The only viable option i see is to take the RBW midrange and remove the white and find a way to put the green in.  being 3 color devotion is out of the question, you're missing the life gain that RBW has in the form of baron and obzedat though.

Chances are you're playing gates to stabilize the manabase, we could play saurli gate keepers (green 2/4) gain 7 if you have two gates.  instead of ramp, you might be able to do, gate creeper to help with that activation.  Yougotta have the life gain, with shocks, RTB, thoughtseize and just normal combat damage.  Whip is not enough alone.

But if you do that, wouldn't it be better to just go Br or Bg and get on the devotion train with Gary?

I think our best course of action is to hang on to our reapers and xenagos and hope we get more "stuff" with the next set in February, unfortunately.

You need to go back to the drawing board a little bit.  I'm not sure what you mean by "tuned" but your deck looks really inconsistent.

Here's some issues right off the top.

Land - way too few, even the most aggressive decks don't run less than 20 lands. You're deck tops out at 4 and has serious activated abilities to invest in.  You need a minimum of 23-24 lands.

8 Forest - 3
4 Overgrown Tomb
5 Swamp +4
+2 Golgari Guildgate
+4 Mutavault

Creatures - Deathrite shaman is not a standard card.  I know it's standard legal, but it's performance in the format is very lack luster.  You're counting on grisly/commune to get stuff in your yard to exile, but you also want to scavenge? these strategies are kind of counter productive.

I think this deck is more of an aggro deck.  You should really be looking at things like Experiment one and lotleth troll. A set of elvish mystics is okay to ramp to a 3 drop on turn 2, if you're playing dregmangler or something, or even corpse jack on turn 3.

Despite how it looks Jarad doesn't play well with scavenge and other exile mechanics from the yard.  You basically make him weaker every time you scavenge something unless you scavenge on to him.  You're better off just making bigger creatures with lotleth/exp 1/varolz. 

Slitherhead is just too weak.  The only reason you want it is to scavenge it and that means it does nothing for you on the board. 

You may or may not have enough devotion to turn on nylea. I don't know if the buff she provides enough reason to play her even at a 1 of.

Desecration demon.  Not really the right deck for desecration demon, he belongs in a control/midrange deck.

Honestly I think I'd cut all the ramp, unless you go big golgari aggro, kalonian, mystcutter.  Then maybe something like reaper of the wilds or desecration demon would also make more sense.  I thin your one drops want to be some combination of exp 1, tormented hero, rakdos cackler.

4 Deathrite Shaman
2 Elvish Mystic
4 Slitherhead
4 Scavenging Ooze
2 Sylvan Caryatid
3 Varolz, the Scar-Striped
4 Corpsejack Menace
2 Desecration Demon
2 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
1 Nylea, God of the Hunt

Spells - run grisly or commune not both.  (hint, grisly is the right answer in this deck). Drown in filth isn't what you  need here.

Abrupt decay hero's downfall, those are the cards you need to be running for removal.

The bow is unnecessary.  It's very flexible, but does a lot more work in a control or devotion shell.

4 Grisly Salvage
1 Bow of Nylea
4 Commune with the Gods
3 Doom Blade
3 Drown in Filth

Please try to keep in mind that I'm pointing these things out to help keep the deck consistent and on a plan. Like it or not you're on an aggro plan.  You're trying to kill people with aggressively costed creatures that can get in damage early but have enough resilience to stay in for the long game.  Scavenging ooze, varolze, corpse jack, are all aggro cards.  You could go "big" with these cards and do something like mystcutter hydra or kalonian hydra.  That chagnes the curve of the deck a little. But these counter doubling interactions are just cute and generally not considered consistent enough for really well rounded decks.

Right, i think at least devour flesh, if not copies of far/away.  in today's world far/away is a pseudo board wipe and that's something the deck is missing.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more card draw?  I could see where perhaps 2x Divination or even Opportunity, if you find the games go that long, could prove useful.

I'd also want more than just the poor chimera and one Aetherling in my creature base... I'm thinking Prognostic Sphinx perhaps?

Lastly I'm thinking I'd probably have Anger of the Gods in the sideboard in place of something else only to slide in vs aggro.  There's no reason to risk killing your own chimeras if you don't need to.

I was thinking about this and I wonder if he could use whip and go Grixxis.  It'd give him access to more removal and whipping a chimera with a full yard could be deadly.  Also, it'd give him access to some needed lifegain.  Potential list below for consideration.

what's a better burn spell than rakdos's return?

Creatures - 8

2 Pack Rat
4 Spellheart Chimera
1 Prognostic Sphynx
1 Aetherling

Sorcery - 5
3 Divination
2 Rakdos Return

Instants - 20

3 Essence Scatter
3 Lightning Strike
3 Dissolve
3 Far // Away
4 Steam Augury
2 Hero's downfall
2 Dread Bore

Enchants - 2
2 Whip of Erebos

Lands - 25

3 Island
2 Rakdos Guildgate
2 Izzet Guildgate
2 Mountain
4 Steam Vents
4 Blood Crypt
4 Watery Grave
4 Temple of Deceit

Alternately I think you could go with a few more creatures and the thoughtseize package and play it like a midrange deck if you wanted to go fewer counters.

Deck list looks nice.  If you could I'd take out the ultimate price or side them at least.  Get you another downfall, erebos, far/away, and another whip in there.

You don't have any devour flesh and I think that's a mistake too.  IDK what your group plays but your kind of dead to blood baron. 

Also, I've been thinking of thrull parasite on the side.  It helps with cards that add counters like assemble the legion and even planeswalkers.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Very format dependant.  There are several modern and legacy decks that don't play (or very few) colored cards.  Affinity for instance.  It plays the artifact lands and the Inkmoth/Blinkmoth Nexus.  It only plays 1 basic to combat Path of Exile.

I think there might be potential for the inclusion of clone in something like the mono black deck splash blue for nightviel, ashiok, far/away.  It can also copy an activated god on the opponent side. 

Here's the thing though.  It should only be 1 of card, or maybe... maybe a 2 of.  You really want it to function as a 5th copy of Gary or nightveil for extra devotion. 

Testing could be worth it, it can be whipped just like anything else.  The only thing is, it only helps if you're board is already developed (in which case you're probably winning or at least stable), or if you're opponents board presents a threat.  It could coppy an opposing blood baron which would be nice.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Keep in mind that Gum is talking about EDH here too.  Some of the concepts are the same but it's not the same as a 60 card constructed deck.  It's not feasable in a 60 card deck to include some of the cards mentioned.  You have to have a plan and stick to it and execute it as consistently as possible.

EDH is a horse of a different color.  While there is strateby and you do include synergistic cards it's quite likely that you will never see a given card in a matchup.  There's a strategy to it, but it's not the same.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ramping is creatures or cards that provide additional mana by actually tapping for mana, or putting additional lands in play.  IE: Elvish Mystic, Farseak, Sylvan Carytid, arbor elf. 

if you're as casual as you say my advice wouldn't help much.  Just build your decks play them out and see what works.  Just try to evaluate your cards honestly.  Just because you "love" a card doesn't mean it's a good card to be playing.

Ask yourself these questions.

Are there cards that do what I'm trying to do or similar, for cheaper?
How often did I win/lose a game after I played said card?
Where your opponents able to answer your card?
Does the card stand on it's own?  IE: if it's the only card on the board can I win the game?
Is there a different card that would just be better instead?
How many cards does it take to support this card? Are those cards worth playing by themselves?


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

If you're going to push forward with the card, I think it needs to go in some sort of Jund (Red black Green) ramp/ undying deck.  You want a few removal cards like doomblade and a way to ramp these out and some draw to try to get to your cards.  Black is going to get you undying creatures, removal and draw.  Red gets you warstorm and access to more removal.  Green is your ramp color, it has a few more undying creatures too.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

well, here's some issues with the card.

It's slow - at 5 CMC you're playing it against other 5 drops.  Look at the other 5 drops available.  Things like obzedat ghost council, storm breath dragon, etc... this are big creatures that affect the board and you're 5 drop does nothing unless one of your creatures dies. 

SOOO, in order for this heavily invested card to function you need to lose position on the board.  That's 2 strikes already.  1)high cmc, for no impact, and 2) loss of board presence to function.

It's difficult to interact with - lots of the ways to bring creatures quickly in and out of play are token based.  Some of them are undying, but you get 2 shots with those and not much else.  This card doesn't work off tokens.

You're combo piece is even slower than the card that helps enable it.

To enable this card you need the following.

1. Ramp - to get this card on the field earlier.
2. A creature or spell that enables you to repeatedly cast non token creatures, recur them from the graveyard, or put them into play somehow.
3.  Stop your opponent from winning.  In the time you takes you to set up this combo your opponent is basically playing by themselves playing creature after creature or developing a way to control your board. 
4. Lets not forget just outright enchant hate. You need to be able to combat this, and there just aren't a lot of ways outside of counter spells or granting your permanents indestructibility.

You're options for these are limited and will make the deck more complicated and fragile just to get some kind of janky combo to work.

Take mine and everyone Else's word for it.  This is a bad card.  don't play it don't think about it in constructed.  It "might" be playable in some EDH strategies.  For that matter warstorm surge isn't that great either.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Tempo in magic refers to the natural rhythm at which you play spells.  1 mana, 1 drop, 2 mana, 2 drop... etc.   There are ways to increase tempo with ramp (mana dorks, fetching extra lands), or "cheating" cards out into play without casting them etc.  Drawing additional cards is a kind of tempo too.

There are also ways to decrease your opponents tempo.  Cards like azorius charm are tempo cards. they put an attacking creature back on top of your opponents library.  This makes them sink additional mana into the same creature and limits the new draws they get it essentially sets them back a turn.

Decks that build around this strategy, seek to stall/control the game and slow it down to a point that they can manipulate the board and just generally take over. Tempo decks are just a kind of control deck really, but it's not usually permission/denial based with counters.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

USPS is your best bet, but you're still looking to pay $10+ ish, as long as it's not international.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yeah, jace memory adept is awesome and I have 3 for trade... wink  tongue


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Primer on the UR delver list in modern.  Just food for thought.

http://www.reddit.com/r/spikes/comments … er_primer/


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

I run a mono U Devotion that doesnt run Jace and I find it runs quite well. The big musts IMO are:
Master of the waves

The rest is down to preference and feel.

Heres my list

Some extra card draw in the side can help but its mostly just about learning what you need in your mulligans. (2 lands that generate U, 2 turn 1/2 drops, and a bomb ideally) I havent entered any major tournys with it obviously but its come in first in 3 Tournys at different local stores. One of which it was piloted by someone who hadnt seen it until 10 mins before the tourney started.

You can totally make the list without Jace, but I think you're missing out on all the advantages that he can provide.  Jace is great against agro and generating card advantage in grinding matchups.  he can steal games if you're able to -2 him more than once.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

the duel deck won't drop the price of jace that much if at all, and you're also talking about a few months for now we have another set released at about that time and more people will be looking for jace so the demand will go up too.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You can jam other cards in but they won't be jace. 

IDK what you're inventory looks like if you have/could trade for ashiok, but you might be able to splash black for him or even neighbor specter if it's not already in your build.

You would need something similar that created card advantage and provided a threat.  Neither of those is as flexible as jace IMO in the deck, but it could work. 

You have to understand that the mono blue that came out of the pro-tour was developed and highly tested by the SCG team which is a group of high level players with a proven track record.


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You can, but every card you get away from the build you're cutting the power level down.  jace does a lot in the deck, from card advantage to letting the deck play a more midrange game against aggro and increasing your devotion.

looking at your inventory, you have a few really good cards.  I think my suggestion would be to trade some of the cards you have to get closer to the deck you want to play. 

This red green aggro/ramp deck was top 8 at the pro tour and is a good deck to shoot for.  That being said however, i would try to figure out your local meta a little and tweak it some for that.  If you have more control maybe a maindeck miscutter hydra would be better. 

60 cards
9  Forest
2  Mountain
4  Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
4  Stomping Ground
4  Temple of Abandon
23 lands

3  Arbor Colossus
4  Burning-Tree Emissary
4  Elvish Mystic
2  Nylea, God of the Hunt
4  Polukranos, World Eater
3  Scavenging Ooze
4  Sylvan Caryatid
4  Voyaging Satyr
28 creatures

3  Domri Rade
4  Garruk, Caller of Beasts
2  Xenagos, the Reveler
9 planeswalkers

2  Burning Earth
2  Chandra, Pyromaster
1  Destructive Revelry
1  Mistcutter Hydra
3  Mizzium Mortars
2  Nylea's Disciple
1  Sylvan Primordial
2  Wasteland Viper
1  Xenagos, the Reveler
15 sideboard cards

There's a couple reason's why I suggest doing this. 

1. You've been out of the game a while.  It doesn't mean your a noob, but you probably don't have your thumb on the pulse of the game anymore and this would be a way to get into the game and mix it up, without having to do hours and hours of play testing on your own brews.

2. Your current red green build just flat out lacks the power you'd need to be decent at some FNMs or game days.  Your area may be different, but I would expect my play group to be at least 1/3rd tier one, 1/3rd tier 2, and 1/3rd pile of random cards (IE: your deck). 

3.  It's competitive.  You can weed out most of the last 1/3rd of the decks by just playing better cards than they have access too.  This will get you up to playing the tier 1-2 decks where you'll see more interesting interactions and learn more. 

I'm not saying you need to go out and spend $400, but you're deck needs a more consistent plan, you've got one of just about everything you could find in your deck, and the cards don't synergize well.  Use Makihito Mihara's deck as  template and work off it.

are you looking to do any FNMs or events or just play casually?

I opened a trade with you on deck box for some BS cards.  You can make offers and counter offers, and if you create a wish list and click on the card name you can see a list of people who have the card for trade.

You also need to decide what cards you want to keep and which are for trade and make a "trade list"

Use deck box and try to trade for cards to make your deck better.  You have a few things worth trading.

turn/burn is a fantastic card.  It kills some of the most powerful creatures around.  Paying 5 to kill an obzedat is an okay investment.  I think we're looking at the cards from different perspectives.  Name another card that cost 5 that's instant that can kill an obzedat by itself?

and IKD about the shocks.  Steam vents are the cheapest shocks and he's got a couple value cards that could be traded for some.

Far/away is still a great card, if he wants to splash black to support it I could get behind that, but his mana base is pretty shoddy.  He needs the shocks temples, etc...