(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have no clue what Soul Sisters is, but I have a couple cards on your tradelist, so I sent a trade your way. big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

How much do you value them at compared to their English counterparts?


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I still have a bunch of cards up for grabs, that I'd love to trade away!

HikingStick wrote:

I was thinking of the Hexproof abililty of either of those artifacts.  Not too concerned about the added bonus or haste, but the damage mod wouldn't hurt.

I know you were looking at the Hexproof, which is why I said, "Something to more permanently protect your sublimes once they're out on the field is probably a good thing." wink

I was just comparing the two beyond that fact, to see if either had a leg up on the other besides the Hexproof.  The one big thing that Swiftfoot Boots has for it is that it has such a low equip cost, which can be great in most circumstances.

HikingStick wrote:

Perhaps Ring of Kalonia to grant trample, too?

Most people will tell you that the rings are too slow, and that you should find another way to go about doing it.  For example, moving into Naya territory and running Rancor instead.  I'm not really an overly competitive player though, so I think the ring is a good addition smile

HikingStick wrote:

Perhaps an artifact or two? Mask of Avacyn or Swiftfoot Boots?

Something to more permanently protect your sublimes once they're out on the field is probably a good thing.

I'm not sure how much use you'll get out of haste, because you probably don't want to be attacking with your bigger creatures most of the time and putting them at jeopardy.  I'd, personally, probably go with the Mask, but that's just me.

Hellrider kind of contradicts the deck a bit, assuming you plan to make heavy use of Exalted.

I think that mana might be better used making sure that one creature you attack with definitely gets through, and maybe some removal.

Faith's Shield
Spare from Evil
and other such things can help you to get through their army, and protect your guys in a pinch.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

imsully2 wrote:

First off you shouldn't have things that you need to sac in order to benefit from, like Alchemist's Apprentice. Another thing is that if you have things like Archaeomancer then you give them away with Switcheroo, your opponent will get the same benefit.

No, they won't..... They say when they "enter the battlefield".  Switcheroo doesn't make them re-enter the battlefield, it just makes them switch control.  The only way they can get the benefit is if they are able to flicker the creature.

Is there any specific reason for not having things that I need to sac to get a benefit?  It's a body that I can use to either give away (without too much benefit for them), use to block or sac to the demon.  And if I find that I don't need it for any of those things any longer then I can get a card out of it.  It's not like the sac effect is the only thing that I can benefit from.

I agree that there are a couple one-ofs, but they all have at least some purpose.  What would you actually suggest having more/less of?  And is there any reason that I really need to limit black to removal and not humans?  I think that most of the black humans I have a very good in the context of the deck.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Here's the deck.

The general idea is obviously to hold a lot of control, while partially establishing a bit of board state with tribal humans.
The main reason for the humans is two fold:

  1. Ravenous Demon - Get him out, transform him, and keep him going.

  2. Ravenous Demon - Get him out, transform him, and then give him away with Switcheroo cool

After giving him away, the idea is obviously to keep him from attacking by either keeping him tapped out until they run out of humans or until I can destroy them all with various other means, therefore leaving him there to do 9 damage to them each turn or for them to waste a removal spell on.

Additionally, most of the humans are relatively weak, besides some of their ETB effects, so giving them away in exchange for bigger and better creatures is always a good deal.  Plus, a bunch of them die straightout under the opponent's control if I can pull out a Curse of Death's Hold.


I've never really played any type of control deck before, so any ideas/hints would be much appreciated.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I've been doing a lot of trading lately, and I have to say that Deckbox is just really great at handling all of this information and process in a very great way.
But doing all of that trading has given me a lot of ideas about how possibly to improve the process as well.

I apologize in advance for my long windedness.

Duplicate Trade Alert
When opening my packs for M13, I ended up with three Yeva, Nature's Heralds and a whole bunch of additional cards.  I didn't really need a lot of the cards, so I obviously went to trade them away.  The problem arose when I got a bunch of different offers, for a lot of different cards, and the offers switched all around a lot, and all of this happened in the same day.  It got really hard to keep track of which cards I had already agreed to trade and which ones I still had available.  The only real solution was to open up the dozen or so trades each in their own tab and manually go through each one to verify whether or not a single card was being traded or not.

It would be great if, when you are trading more than one of the same card at the same time or if you're trading more than on your tradelist in different trades, that you would be alerted to that fact, just in case.  Very similar to how you are warned that a card isn't in your tradelist:
But instead, a warning saying something like, "Another current trade also contains this card".

And the same also goes for cards that you are trading for.  If you have a lot of trades going on, then sometimes it is hard to remember exactly what you're getting from each trade.  I recently got an extra Corpse Harvester that I didn't mean to trade for, because I forgot that I had already traded for one.  Warning me, in a similar fashion, that I'm trading for more of that card than I originally wanted to, would be a breath of fresh air.

Trades Involving Each Card
This example kind of goes hand-in-hand with the last one.  It would be great when looking at an individual card's page, if it would list all of your current trades that the card is involved in.  That way you can just jump straight to the trades, rather than trying to dig through all of the trades on the trade page, trying to find the right one.

Saving Final Trade Value
On a trade page, there is the little note that "The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different".

I think it would be pretty easy to save off the overall trade values when both people Accept the trade.  Then, later on, you could come back to the trade, see both the original and new/updated values and compare.

This one is erring more on the difficult end of the spectrum, but I figured I would throw it out there anyway.

Sometimes I come back to a trade and the other person has rearranged everything, removed things, added things, whatever.  It would be nice if you would store the differences between the last two proposals, for easy viewing, so I can see exactly what they changed.  That way I don't have to go back and dig through their Tradelist/Inventory again to figure out which cards I wanted.

Again, this site is amazing, and I appreciate the effort that goes into it.  And let me know if you ever need a hand.

I will be sending a trade as well.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

qemqemqem wrote:

It would also be nice if there was a way to add my entire wishlist to the list of cards I own, or all checked cards.

For adding all of the cards in your wishlist, there is a relatively easy solution:

Wishlist > View > Print
Inventory > Add Cards > Multiple

But I agree, it would be really awesome to possibly have a way to better do it en masse, without doing the whole thing.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated the first post.  Got quite a few trades, but still have tons of cards up for grabs (including Tamiyo and a few other big cards)!

I also sent you a trade.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a Tamiyo and a Devastation Tide.  Feel free to send me a trade request whenever you get your tradelist updated.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I went to Pre-releases, Releases and Drafts, as well as opening random boosters and Fat Packs.  Sadly, I haven't really gotten what I've wanted.  Got lots of great cards, just too many of some and not enough of the others.  Trying to trade off a bunch of the extras that I don't intend on using.

So, here are a bunch of my haves...

  • Krenko, Mob Boss

  • Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis x2 (1 foil)

  • Serra Avatar x2

  • Shimian Specter (foil)

  • Lots more....

Other standard stuff

  • Angel of Jubilation (foil)

  • Phantasmal Image

  • Hero of Bladehold

  • Koth of the Hammer (Duel Deck Foil)

  • Falkenrath Aristocrat

  • Sun Titan

  • Slayer's Stronghold (foil)

  • Divine Deflection (foil)

  • Thunderous Wrath (foil)

  • And tons more....


  • Toxin Sliver x2

  • Debtors' Knell x2

  • Ichorid

  • Null Rod

  • Mother of Runes

  • Mishra's Factory

  • Maelstrom Nexus

  • And tons more...

And tons of other stuff, both Standard and not.  Check out my Tradelist for more.

The list goes on and on.  You can see my point, when you notice that I got two-to-four of almost every M13 legendary (and that's after trading away a few), none of which I really intend to use.
So please, take them off my hands!  Feel free to send me a trade, even if you don't have anything in my wishlist; I can usually find something to even it out.

Edit: Updated 7/27


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent you a trade.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Sadly I have a move, a TON of work, and a conference to get through first.  My guess would be either mid-late August or early September.  sad

You should give it a try on Cockatrice.  I haven't had much time to go out and test my deck ideas either, so I started using that program to give them a go whenever I had a bit of free time.

Let me know if you ever plan to get online.  That goes for anybody; I think it would be a great idea to help test each other's decks.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Someone over at tappedout gave me a priceless idea.  Rather than Balefire Dragon, Elderscale Wurm pairs with Curse of the Nightly Hunt and Mask of Avacyn for a hexproof creature that prevents all the damage done to me.  Him being a 7/7 (or 8/9 when equipped) trample doesn't hurt either.

Very nice!  When do you think you'll get around to testing it out?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

dirkmer wrote:

everyone wants these right now. i was forced to buy foils from starcity games because regular ones are out of stock everywhere.

I have one that I might be willing to part with, but if they are that scarce then maybe I should value it much higher..... tongue


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Asuran wrote:

Yeah i forgot to post them, what version is your reya dawnbringer from? I'm looking for the invasion version

I'm not entirely sure actually.  I have a few of them, from a couple different sets.  I'll have to look when I get home.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

mowechido wrote:

Maybe I'm just missing it over and over again, but is there a way to add cards (magic) from your inventory to your trade list in one step? I added most my cards to my inventory first so if I add a card to tradelist it add's one to my inventory messing up my inventory count. Any help would be appreciated.

In your inventory, if you look at the three columns on the left-hand side, they are, from left to right, # in Inventory, # in Tradelist and # in Wishlist.


By clicking on any of these numbers, you can edit them.  So, for example, if you want to add a card to the tradelist, you can click on the tradelist column for that card and type in the number of them that you want to add to your tradelist.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Asuran wrote:

Only the avatar and avenger have tobe m13, the rest can be from any set.

You didn't list any avatar or avenger.  So, I'm assuming that you mean Serra Avatar and Avenger?
If that is the case, I have a couple M13 Avatars and an Avenger, feel free to send me a trade if that's what you're looking for.


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

imsully2 wrote:

Soul of the Harvest?

Yep, that was my thought exactly.  I'm just not sure how to best fit it in.......

Seriously, this deck is going to be amazing big_smile

Edit: Eh, take another look.  I put them both in, just because.  Not sure what I think yet.


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

imsully2 wrote:

Hey, with the release of M13 I think there are a few cards worth looking into for this deck, Omniscience and door to nothingness, they're very odd cards but I think that they actually work really well with the build that you have, the color + mana restrictions are what make these cards not too great but you should be able to solve both of these problems with the repositories.

I think to make Omniscience work I might want to have some serious card draw going on as well, otherwise I'm just going to be top decking.  But Door to Nothingness was actually one of the original reasons for creating the deck, so I'll definitely have to add one in there if I ever actually get the deck going.  *Adds to Wishlist*

The only couple things I can think of are......

You only have 4 creatures total in your whole deck that are really suitable targets for your three Roaring Primadoxes, which might be a bit overkill if you aren't going to make huge use out of it.

If you're going to be forcing them to attack, you might want more fog effects, otherwise they're going to dump one or two semi-big creatures and you'll have nothing to guard yourself besides a couple of weenies.  I would actually suggest running Blunt the Assault, if you have the mana available, because that can really turn the tides in your favor with the life gain, or even Terrifying Presence, because you can prevent all the damage from their creatures while simultaneously taking one of their creatures out.