Yes I found this most helpful, thanks Kei!

Got some awesome offers coming at me, thanks and please keep them coming big_smile

List updated smile

Still need these, was at my LGS and got a bit but not enough

NEED THESE CARDS...oh my god I want this deck to be done so bad...soooooo bad

I got a tarn, check out my list here

Got me an extra chandra...anyone want it?

Weekend bump, got the trinket mage at fnm last night as well as a gate to Phyrexia...pretty beast. Unfortunately, still need this list lol.

Looking solidly for this list right now, all other wishlist needs are secondary to this list. Thanks everyone for your interest and offers so far.

Figured I would post up the list of necessary cards here after my excellent advice yesterday from you gents, I might as well see if you can help me procure some of these darlings =P

Fountain Watch
Hanna's Custody

Ok guys, for the big stuff on my list I have a scalding tarn and a verdant catacombs up for grabs, come and get them!

The list has shrunk to about half the original, thanks so much guys, keep those trades coming!

The list she is getting smaller, keep the trades coming please!

Still looking for a massive list, I'm way too excited for this deck not to trade big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Started a conversation

Trade list updated!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

BasedJeleren wrote:

Or do what my friend did and use rain of gore to lose all your Oloro-running friends! Hahaha

That sounds fun but I'm gonna stick with esper...but that is definitely going into Jund!

Also thansk for all the suggestions guys, I have a solid base now, make sure to check out my trade thread. Thanks for your help, you can shut'er down Paul, thanks!

Alright got one trade, keep them coming please!

A new EDH deck, YAY! Need just a few cards roll

If you gentlemen and ladies could help me out I would appreciate it big_smile

Fountain Watch
Hanna's Custody


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Helios52 wrote:

Knowledge Exploitation and Grinning Totem are always fun. As is Memory Plunder. They definintly fit in nicely with the "whats yours is mine" theme. Plus playing someone ELSES Wrath at instant speed for 4 mana is never bad lol.

I also suggest Telemin Performance is def fun to both mill and steal a creature smile

EDIT: I forgot about Head Games. Play it and fill your oppenants hand with stuff you want/can caste and laugh hysterically as you play the other persons hand lol

Whoa dang that is some craziness...might have to throw in one or two of those!


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Ethersworn Canonist
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
Arcane Denial
Spell Crumple
Expedition Map
Sensei's Divining Top
Rhystic Study
Heliod, God of the Sun
Academy Ruins
Indomitable Archangel
Merieke Ri Berit
Guardian Beast
Leonin Abunas
Lodestone Golem
Spectral Guardian
Fountain Watch
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
Transmute Artifact
Yawgmoth's Will
Everflowing Chalice
Hanna's Custody
Animate Dead
Trinket Mage

Ok...and crazy, this is all just for this deck. I have some of these cards but they are in other decks.

THANKS SO MUCH, can't say it enough big_smile


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

I'm getting a list together now, might take me a couple minutes, stay tuned...thanks for the help!


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Alright guys, now here is the big one...I need most of these cards, I will be adding them to my wishlist but I am offloading two sphinx's revs. I just wanted to offer the trade here before I go posting it up on reddit's forum. I can't thank you enough for your help and if you guys need them you have first dibs.


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

Indomitable archangel, Hanna's custody, fountain watch, spectral guardian and leonin abunas are the best ones I know of.

Also, if you're not running things like exsanguinate or debt to the deathless, I wouldn't worry about infinite mana. I it's not going to auto win the game it's just going to eat up valuable card slots with combo pieces to amount basically to nothing. I would run more counters than combo pieces for infinite mana cause things like return to dust, final judgment and other artifact RFG cards can ruin your day if for some reason you don't have any shroud/hexproof things out with the forge or equipments that are protecting the triplets.

Other ramp artifacts that go good would be chromatic lantern, coalition relic, signets, mana crypt (if you have it or can get it since it's expensive), along with sol ring, mana vault, grim monolith, basalt monolith, thran dynamo, worn power stone, dream stone hedron, darksteel ingot, cold steel heart and ever flowing chalice. Although, personally, I would try to stick to more things that add colored mana, even the key runes could be useful.

Looks great, thanks for the help!

Gee I'm glad I posted here, no one in the Reddit trade thread was interested at all, normally they are most helpful...but it is normally you guys Helios, Unstable, Paul, and a couple others anyways =P


(26 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Thanks gumgod, those are all great idea's!

It is a casual EDH deck but I play pretty hard, I normally find ways to get the bombs I want smile