Topic: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Hey all,

I have seen a new influx of EDH players at my local stores and our dynamic has changed a bit, lots of people playing slight variations on Oloro Esper, so in response I want to use their deck against them. I want my Sen Triplets stealing stuff from them, but frankly I don't know how to run a good Sen Triplet deck...I have a lot of general staples but can I get some ideas for what specifics I migth want to throw in this?

Thanks all for your time and interest!
Amarus Cameron

(I posted this in the Reddit Forum but I figured you guys might have a bit of a more specific opinion since we are all EDH players here, looking to get a lot of ideas)

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

You can probably find a lot of what you're looking for in my Oloro deck tongue

Pretty much my idea is to constantly be wiping the board then use reanimation effects to bring back creatures. And also using stuff like Venser, Resto Angel, and Deadeye to make even more shenanigans

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Not a bad idea, I can use pieces from that but I need to find a way to make it my own...=/ just can't think of a way yet

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

I tried running Sen Triplets a couple of games and what happened was that everyone paniced at the idea if their stuff being used against them and it never even hit the board.  I might have gotten it in play once? But the idea is to play some repeatable bounce to make things on the board go back to their hand, look out for Homeward Path (be proactive and remove it from their libraries if you can, you do have access to black so Praetor's Grasp and Sadistic Sacrament are things that are available to you.  Celestial Dawn and Mycosynth Lattice both have the interesting wording of allowing you to spend mana as though it were mana of any color, which lets you bypass the rule of not being able to make mana outside of your colors.  You should probably build the deck so that it can defend it's self very well without playing things from the opponents. 

edit: You should build artifact heavy, so this may be a place to run Unwinding Clock as well.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-11-14 16:38:51)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

IMO, I would run a ton of artifact ramp to play triplets quickly, use darksteel forge and things that give artifacts shroud/hexproof to keep sen triplets alive. Then all the ramp you have will come in handy when you're stealing people's hands and using their cards against them. With the triplets deck I would mostly run artifacts and some esper bombs, aka sphinx of the steel wind, sharuum, magister sphinx, graveyard recursion, artifact tutoring, etc. an then use the other people's hand with all your artifact ramp to 1. Run the hand control game 2. Lock them out of board wipes 3. Make sure they don't have counter magic since all your on board things will potentially have indestructible and shroud.

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

gumgodMTG wrote:

I tried running Sen Triplets a couple of games and what happened was that everyone paniced at the idea if their stuff being used against them and it never even hit the board.  I might have gotten it in play once? But the idea is to play some repeatable bounce to make things on the board go back to their hand, look out for homeward path (be proactive and remove it from their libraries if you can, you do have access to black so Praetor's Grasp and Sadistic Sacrament are things that are available to you.  Celestial Dawn and Mycosynth Lattice both have the interesting wording of allowing you to spend mana as though it were mana of any color, which lets you bypass the rule of not being able to make mana outside of your colors.  You should probably build the deck so that it can defend it's self very well without playing things from the opponents.

I have all but celestial dawn, but I am worried about playing the lattice I don't want to give my opponents the ability to play any of their cards that they may have been locked out of because of not drawing into that color, this happens often enough I don't want to mana fix for them.

I like the grasp and sacrement idea so I will run those.

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

IMO, I would run a ton of artifact ramp to play triplets quickly, use darksteel forge and things that give artifacts shroud/hexproof to keep sen triplets alive. Then all the ramp you have will come in handy when you're stealing people's hands and using their cards against them. With the triplets deck I would mostly run artifacts and some esper bombs, aka sphinx of the steel wind, sharuum, magister sphinx, graveyard recursion, artifact tutoring, etc. an then use the other people's hand with all your artifact ramp to 1. Run the hand control game 2. Lock them out of board wipes 3. Make sure they don't have counter magic since all your on board things will potentially have indestructible and shroud.

I love artifacts, and I have some artifact ramp like sol ring, gilded lotus and I need another thran dynamo but can you suggest anymore? I have swiftfoot, greaves, and the forge but what other cards can i play that make my artifacts untouchable?

Thanks guys this is a great help!

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

AmarusCameron wrote:

I love artifacts, and I have some artifact ramp like sol ring, gilded lotus and I need another thran dynamo but can you suggest anymore? I have swiftfoot, greaves, and the forge but what other cards can i play that make my artifacts untouchable?
Thanks guys this is a great help!

Guardian Beast, but it's expensive now.  I blame EDH.  Also doesn't work for artifact creatures, just non-creatures.

As long as Guardian Beast is untapped, noncreature artifacts you control can't be enchanted, they're indestructible, and other players can't gain control of them. This effect doesn't remove Auras already attached to those artifacts.

As far as ramp goes, look into Basalt Monolith, Mana Vault and Grim Monolith.  These can be enchanted with Power Artifact to gain infinite mana (the vault has to untap during your upkeep), or they can be untaped with Voltaic Key or Unwinding Clock.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-11-14 16:49:20)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

gumgodMTG wrote:
AmarusCameron wrote:

I love artifacts, and I have some artifact ramp like sol ring, gilded lotus and I need another thran dynamo but can you suggest anymore? I have swiftfoot, greaves, and the forge but what other cards can i play that make my artifacts untouchable?
Thanks guys this is a great help!

Guardian Beast, but it's expensive now.  I blame EDH.  Also doesn't work for artifact creatures, just non-creatures.

As long as Guardian Beast is untapped, noncreature artifacts you control can't be enchanted, they're indestructible, and other players can't gain control of them. This effect doesn't remove Auras already attached to those artifacts.

Really cool card! I will do my best to grab it.

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Indomitable archangel, Hanna's custody, fountain watch, spectral guardian and leonin abunas are the best ones I know of.

Also, if you're not running things like exsanguinate or debt to the deathless, I wouldn't worry about infinite mana. I it's not going to auto win the game it's just going to eat up valuable card slots with combo pieces to amount basically to nothing. I would run more counters than combo pieces for infinite mana cause things like return to dust, final judgment and other artifact RFG cards can ruin your day if for some reason you don't have any shroud/hexproof things out with the forge or equipments that are protecting the triplets.

Other ramp artifacts that go good would be chromatic lantern, coalition relic, signets, mana crypt (if you have it or can get it since it's expensive), along with sol ring, mana vault, grim monolith, basalt monolith, thran dynamo, worn power stone, dream stone hedron, darksteel ingot, cold steel heart and ever flowing chalice. Although, personally, I would try to stick to more things that add colored mana, even the key runes could be useful.

Last edited by Themaddhatter2304 (2013-11-14 17:01:05)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Anything else you guys can suggest for artifact ramp? And then ways to protect them?

I will run maybe 5 counters, spell crumple, hinder, arcane denial, dissolve, dissipate?

Need a wurmcoil, lashwrithe...maybe some other mean artifact creatures.

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Run Desertion. Nothing beats the look on someone's face as you steal their commander or eldrazi.

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

I have one in my thassa control, I'll need to grab another.

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

AmarusCameron wrote:

Anything else you guys can suggest for artifact ramp? And then ways to protect them?

I will run maybe 5 counters, spell crumple, hinder, arcane denial, dissolve, dissipate?

Need a wurmcoil, lashwrithe...maybe some other mean artifact creatures.

Phyrexian Revoker can turn off a mana rock or a planeswalker.  Transmute Artifact* can tutor for you, Lodestone Golem or Ethersworn Canonist can keep your opponents from playing all of their spells.  (Their best defense is to empty their hands). Bribery* takes things right out of their library.  Yawgmoth's Will* can be useful, as can Lion's Eye Diamond*.

*Things with a * may be out of budget for a casual deck.

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Thanks gumgod, those are all great idea's!

It is a casual EDH deck but I play pretty hard, I normally find ways to get the bombs I want smile

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

I edited my above post so check it out.

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

I edited my above post so check it out.

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

Indomitable archangel, Hanna's custody, fountain watch, spectral guardian and leonin abunas are the best ones I know of.

Also, if you're not running things like exsanguinate or debt to the deathless, I wouldn't worry about infinite mana. I it's not going to auto win the game it's just going to eat up valuable card slots with combo pieces to amount basically to nothing. I would run more counters than combo pieces for infinite mana cause things like return to dust, final judgment and other artifact RFG cards can ruin your day if for some reason you don't have any shroud/hexproof things out with the forge or equipments that are protecting the triplets.

Other ramp artifacts that go good would be chromatic lantern, coalition relic, signets, mana crypt (if you have it or can get it since it's expensive), along with sol ring, mana vault, grim monolith, basalt monolith, thran dynamo, worn power stone, dream stone hedron, darksteel ingot, cold steel heart and ever flowing chalice. Although, personally, I would try to stick to more things that add colored mana, even the key runes could be useful.

Looks great, thanks for the help!

Gee I'm glad I posted here, no one in the Reddit trade thread was interested at all, normally they are most helpful...but it is normally you guys Helios, Unstable, Paul, and a couple others anyways =P

Last edited by AmarusCameron (2013-11-14 17:09:05)

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Alright guys, now here is the big one...I need most of these cards, I will be adding them to my wishlist but I am offloading two sphinx's revs. I just wanted to offer the trade here before I go posting it up on reddit's forum. I can't thank you enough for your help and if you guys need them you have first dibs.

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Another few things I would run... Font of mythos, howling mine, temple bell, otherworld atlas and the jace that lets everyone draw cards. Keeping your opponents hands full usually isn't a great idea, until you're playing all the cards they have with strict board control and an almost untouchable field. Also, I agree with an above post to use mycosynth lattice, cause it allows you to break the color barriers, so you triplets deck might troll other esper players pretty hard but it will be almost effect less against any other color combos, lattice with you're superior board position allows you to steal anyone's hand and play whatever you want. I would also run closer to 10 counters just to make sure you have them at the right time. Spell jack and desertion are auto includes in pretty much and blue deck.

Last edited by Themaddhatter2304 (2013-11-14 17:19:32)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Write a list of what all you needed on this forum cause I can't remember all the aforementioned cards and don't want decipher the posts of what you do and do not have lol.

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

I'm getting a list together now, might take me a couple minutes, stay tuned...thanks for the help!

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

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Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Edited my above post, seems I should just write 1000 new posts lol

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Knowledge Exploitation and Grinning Totem are always fun. As is Memory Plunder. They definintly fit in nicely with the "whats yours is mine" theme. Plus playing someone ELSES Wrath at instant speed for 4 mana is never bad lol.

I also suggest Telemin Performance is def fun to both mill and steal a creature smile

EDIT: I forgot about Head Games. Play it and fill your oppenants hand with stuff you want/can caste and laugh hysterically as you play the other persons hand lol

Last edited by Helios52 (2013-11-14 17:26:18)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

AmarusCameron wrote:

Thanks gumgod, those are all great idea's!

It is a casual EDH deck but I play pretty hard, I normally find ways to get the bombs I want smile

Well if you're willing to dump resources into it, then don't forget about Lotus Bloom, Mox Opal, Mox Diamond, and Mana Drain.  Some of the best ramp for an artifact deck.  smile  You could also include a Trinket Mage toolbox in the deck (Pithing Needle, Expedition Map, Skullclamp, artifact lands ect) 

If you want to really be mean and lock people out of playing their cards look at Contamination and Infernal Darkness

It seems like this would be a good deck for Jester's Mask and Jester's Cap too.

Also Trading Post, Academy Ruins and Buried Ruin will get your spent artifacts back to you. and Shimmer Myr could give your artifacts flash.  There are a lot of ways you can build around the triplets.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-11-14 17:25:54)

Re: Sen Triplets Esper, how do I do this?

Ethersworn Canonist
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
Arcane Denial
Spell Crumple
Expedition Map
Sensei's Divining Top
Rhystic Study
Heliod, God of the Sun
Academy Ruins
Indomitable Archangel
Merieke Ri Berit
Guardian Beast
Leonin Abunas
Lodestone Golem
Spectral Guardian
Fountain Watch
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
Transmute Artifact
Yawgmoth's Will
Everflowing Chalice
Hanna's Custody
Animate Dead
Trinket Mage

Ok...and crazy, this is all just for this deck. I have some of these cards but they are in other decks.

THANKS SO MUCH, can't say it enough big_smile

Last edited by AmarusCameron (2013-11-14 17:27:51)

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