(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello again,

It's rather difficult to add the Sentinel card to your MTG collection, as it doesn't show up in the list of selections when you type it in. There are too many other cards called "***** Sentinel" that the plain old Sentinel from Antiquities/Chronicles doesn't show up in the list. The only way I've managed to add them to my collection is through the Import Multiple Cards function.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

That makes sense, better to play it safe than risk messing up something that already works.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Want to start of by saying what a wonderful site this it. It's making a huge difference in cataloguing my collection, saving me a heap of time. I've even learnt how to tell the difference between Unlimited and Revised so I could enter the cards in properly! So thanks for making this site, cheers. big_smile

Would it be possible to add special MTG promo and token cards which aren't currently on the site? I've got a couple of promos which don't appear to be from any set in particular, and some token which aren't on the site (Marit Lage for example).

Also, another somewhat related idea. On the properties drop down box when you add a card, would it be possible to have another option where you can type a few quick words about the card. Say it had been signed by the artist, or was a special promo card.

Neither are real problems, and even then, they're rare circumstances.

At the moment you can differentiate between different editions of the same card, if you enter them into your collection using the advanced card options. You can still change it later too though, if you enter them quickly. There are only two real problems with the current set up: only being given the rough value of the most recent printing of a card, and only keeping track of the latest card you've added, rather than each individual card with the same name.

Overall though, it works extremely well, and is saving me so much time to catalogue my colection. Still going to take me a good week or so, but it's not the motnhs it would have taken if I had to make my own spreadsheet and enter everythign in from scratch!